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Posts posted by HappyPlecostomus

  1. SAME. I had to go to sleep after my first few rounds of archwing missions, I had major eye strain, and abit of headache. I turned my graphic settings to LOW to fix this. 

    Then few weeks back I get to play Warframe on my bro's 1080Ti CPU. Cool, turn graphic to HIGH and enjoy the game right? FREAKING WRONG. I played 1 hour of Orb Vallis and had the same issue again. It must have been the blurring effect around me when I bullet jump/archwing that caused my headache.

    So, all in all: 

    • Turn FoV to the highest
    • Turn off Screen Shake effect
  2. I use Limbo for almost every sortie missions solo except defection, assassination as a low MR player. it's a good start I guess lolol, as I know I will be a burden in pub no matter what frame I play. Still trying to find a good gun to be able to handle higher level mobs too. So in the mean time, Limbo all the way. I would say Limbo is the best solo frame. 

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  3. True. I played this one game that require 40 plates of a great meal to either get a not very decent in-game stats or get none at all. It was RNG as F, I swear rivens can't even beat that.

    Now that I have moved to playing this game, my wallet is very happy. I'm eagerly waiting for the 75% discount to buy all the skins and some decorative stuff for my orbiter that will contribute nothing to my damage lul.

    But we are still talking about businesses and profits. They still need to survive. I just choose to play the game that I can afford. I don't play Dota 2, but I heard people sell skins for above $1000! Good game for traders I guess. 

    Have a nice day OP!

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  4. 6 minutes ago, VanFanel1980mx said:

    Aside from very few transmutable mods none of the "end game" ones can be obtained that way and that includes corrupted mods, are you trying to make a case for transmutation because you just made my case for me, influencing transmutation via rarity or class would actually be cost effective.

    Hmm... I remember I've gotten Narrow Minded from transmuting my golden ones... Might be me imagining things or it isn't considered as "end game" for you. You do you. 

  5. 20 minutes ago, VanFanel1980mx said:

    Is not very cost effective, that's the thing, it would be tolerable if it didn't consume credits or you could influence the outcome further than just polarities which also consumes more resources.

    Cost effective huh, it's more like to stop players from getting the "end game" mods that easily. Imagine them being able to transmute with just 1k credits. Then I cant sell all those corrupted mods for 15p already. Then I will have no plats. Then I will be poor af. Then I will be crying at the corner. 

  6. 7 minutes ago, (PS4)Kakurine2 said:

    The bodies at best presently look to be begining puberty. Say ages 14 to 16 ish.

    Many of the npcs and even warframes themselves look more like 19 plus.

    Of course we all age differently.  Some people look older then they are.


    Tenno at 14 is taller than me irl damn I'm actaully jealous *Cries in Asian* 

  7. I think Rhino is a stepping stone for new players to be able to go places.  They use Rhino to kill dem bosses to obtain other frames. You don't expect them to one shot everything in higher level planets with that sweet Heat dagger? It's a great frame to give them chances to explore deeper into the content without getting shot down every 5 seconds. 


    Once they are ready, most will put Rhino at the back. If you don't mod your Rhino correctly, you will still get one shot by enemies as a Rhino WITH IRON SKIN ON. These players will learn that "Oh, this isn't working, my Rhino is kinda weak in sorties/arbitrations, let's try something new."


    It's still essential for them to learn how to mod their guns/frames properly, don't you think? So that's another way they pursue alternative paths to try and solve problem. Don't worry about it. 

  8. I remember getting matched to a host from China for a sortie assassination mission. I was stucked in the mission loading screen for a good 3-4minutes straight but surprisingly the game didnt kick me out. When it finally loaded, I was positioned 200m away from the extraction. 😅 Took me another 2 minute to walk there because I pressed 5. And you know what happened next. 

    Mission result? 0 kills, 0 damage dealth, 0 damage taken. The ping is so high the enemies couldn't hit me. Man, that was embarrassing. I'm sorry for the angry Tennos who thought that I was afking. 😞

  9. Even Limbo is in the list? I loved Limbo to bits. As a newb who can't kill sortie level enemies fast enough, he helped me get through sortie Rescue, Defense, Mobile Defense, Spy mission types without the need to have a really good gun that can 1 hit everything (MR is still at the low side, Hek ftw)

    Maybe the definition of "good frame" for some people is a frame that can kill everything in one hit?

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