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Posts posted by TinoG100

  1. 3 hours ago, Artek94 said:

    Can't imagine any, really.

    The final boss as if the final of finals? Probably any of Call of Duty endings from 6th. Basically "press F to kill the bad guy".


    I think i said that those kinds of "bosses" don't count

  2. I  did something similiar with bosses way back when, but i wanna do something like that again. In your opinion, what is the most disappointing final boss you've faced and why? (DISCLAIMER: You have to actually fight the boss, can't be a single button or a QTE-sequence, so no Lucien from Fable 2 or Rais or Sauron from Dying Light and Shadow of Mordor, respectively) 

    To me, the most disappointing one was... I would have to say Alduin from Skyrim. He has been told about the entire game as this World Eater, and when you finally go into Sovngarde to face him... he's kinda easy and disappointing. That, or the Destroyer from Borderlands. To put it simply, it just kinda sits there and just eats your bullets. Not very good boss design. Anyway, put your bosses in le comments ^^

  3. So it was said around at the start of the year that Mortal Kombat XL would NOT come to PC. Well, look at what i came contact with.  steam://install/471210  (that's MKXL Online Beta). You're welcome.

  4. What do you guys play when you get bored of Warframe? At the moment, i'm kinda bored since really nothing to do (waiting on SotR and War Within to change that) atm, so i've been playing around other games, like Alien: Isolation (around 13€ at the sale right now, wink wink), Rocket League and such. Just want to know what fellow Tenno do when not destroying clones, smashing robots and squishing... squishies :D

  5. So E3 2016 just happened, and while there were lots of games i want to play so badly (FFXV, Kingdom Hearts 2.8, Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Resident Evil VII, etc.), i'm gonna focus on the game that i've been waiting for a long time.

    What did you guys think of the trailer? I liked it a lot, even though it was just behind the scenes stuff, but at least it showed a lot of progress in the game's development. So what was your opinion on it? Liked it? Hated it? Tell me in le comments. Happy exploring/hunting, Pathfinders and Tenno ^^

    (For those who haven't seen the trailer, here it is)


  6. I couldn't decide which question i would choose, so i chose both: 1: What is the best boss (in any game, btw) that you've fought that could easily be the final boss?(Note: it can't be the final boss) And 2: What's the best boss that was easy, hard, etc. but still stuck to your mind and made you feel like "i want to fight that again"? (in other words, memorable). In my case, both are coming from the same game: Jetstream Sam, and Sundowner (both from Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance). Leave your answers and reasons why to the comment section.


    And to not cheat, my reason for Sam is that he's been pretty much taunting you for the whole game, and when you get to the badlands showdown, it is just plain awesome. He's semi fast, got a few tricks up his sleeve, and his boss theme is great too! (The Only Thing I've Known For Real). As for Sundowner, yea, he's extremely easy, he was kinda hyped for the entire game/Chapter 4, take your pick, but he was still extremely fun and can give you a challenge if you're not careful. And his theme is also good (Red Sun). But enough about my rambling, leave your stuff below, and let us commence!

  7. Decided to not type the full question in the title, so here it is: The last game you played (besides Warframe) is now the world you live in. How screwed are you on a scale of 0-10? I personally played Final Fantasy XIII on PC (i don't think it's a bad game) last and i think i'm quite screwed (8), because monsters, demon gods, Troy Baker and stuff. Leave answers on the comments and thx for reading ^^

  8. I've seen this thing several times on different forums, so why not bring it here? I'm talking about the "guess the song"-game. Basically how is this going to work is i/you type like a part of a verse or the chorus of a song here and we try to guess the song it belongs to (bonus points (not actual points tho) if you guess the artist.) The first member to guess the song right gets to choose the next song for us to guess. Let's begin with a chorus, shall we? 

    "What would you do if i told you i hate you? What would you do if your life's on the line? What would you say if i told you i hate you? I've got something that'll blow your mind, mind." Let's play a game, shall we? :D

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