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Posts posted by Hawk_of_the_Reborn

  1. Then don't buy weapons with plat. I have a one person dojo and I've only spent plat on cosmetics, but I don't mind clan weapons being available for purchase. I'm not going to buy them, but if someone does, good for them. I don't feel like the enjoyment I have in playing is invalidated by someone else being able to buy weapons. Besides, I have enough Warframe trophies nobody can buy already, as do you if you've been around long enough to play the events.

    Then what's the whole point of making ones own clan-tech weapon? It once meant that a person is in a clan and therefore has access to otherwise unobtainable weapons. 

    In the future, which looks like it'll happen again, now when/if I am using a clan-tech weapon..everybody is gonna automatically assume that I bought it with plat instead of earning this marvelous weapon through days and days of grinding and research.

  2. prime access and there is more then just weapons to a clan


    Another reason would be to, y'know, get them for free.

    And don't forget about Prime Access.

    Prime access only applies to Ember Prime, Sicarus Prime and Glaive Prime as well as an exclusive shiny syandana and Titan Prime. No other Prime weapon or weapons are in the bundle.

  3. also people who dont want to be part of a clan might want those items too. Why not give them a chance?

    Because it takes away the only virtual purpose of clans at the moment. As of now, there's no other real reason why anyone should be in a clan. 

    Also frankly, I think clan-tech weapons should be clan-exclusive for the very reason why Prime weapons and frames can only be obtained through the void.

  4. @Marthrym

    So you never go in with a team?

    You never have an Excal blind a huge group of enemies (maxed range is 59 meter radius so it'll cover most of even the biggest tiles)?

    You never have a Nyx casting chaos at the enemies (maxed range is 59 meters)?

    You never have a Vauban using vortex and bastille?

    You never have a Volt using energy shield?

    You never have a Loki using radial disarm (maxed range is 50 meters)?

    So you only ever used Frost and you only ever soloed it and are now disappointed that you cant solo to wave inifinity with frost alone?

    Now you actually have to have semi-decent players on your team in order to defend the objective....in a co-op game that is a GOOD thing.

    Also, even though a game can go up to wave 900 doesn't mean its ever meant to be reached. Its like TD games with infinite waves. Eventually you hit a point where it becomes 100% impossible to kill even a single enemy. So trying to bring up the argument "But it doesnt allow us to reach some arbitrarily high wave that the game was never balanced around and that DE even admitted was never in their plans for players to reach! So its a ruined ability and killed frost!" doesnt really work and means practically nothing.

    Also it makes it so that there is not ONE single dominate strategy in defense.

    Before it was "Frost or bust nothing else matters, even if you are playing with a team that can barely fight through venus". Now it requires actual team work and coordination.


    Sir. Have you even played with a Frost on your team during a mission that, without said team mate, would have been guaranteed failure even at an early wave on some end-game planets like Pluto?

    Yes, having a good team with good synergy is important; Co-op right? 

    But having a 'frame like Frost is ESSENTIAL for defense. Just think long and hard about that.

    I can't count how many times that I had barely scraped by in end-game missions because of Frost's butt-saving Snow Globe(before the nerf of course) Now with the nerf, I have to switch to Booben to help the team, otherwise we're all doomed to fail the mission otherwise. 

  5. I can definitely see 1, 2 and 4 being done and still being balanced and fair at all levels. I could even see removing the duration aspect entirely so that it only goes based off of health to make 4 more useful.

    5 would also be interesting and it would also suit frost and make him even better at defending. Also opens up unique tactical options.

    As to people who say it should never have been nerfed:

    In a team I was able to complete up to wave 50 in outer terminous with the simplest of macros and an easy build.

    I had a max efficiency build so snow glob would last 15 seconds, and cost 12.5 energy to cast. Everyone has energy syphon equipped.

    I sat Frost on the target and then set up the macro to hit 3 every 15 seconds.

    By wave 50 where I had been AFK the entire time, except to click continue, the pod was still at 100% health and we quit because we just got bored.

    That's how broken an infinite health snow globe was.

    It was impossible to lose as long as the 3 other people were semi-decent players.

    This is why Snow Globe was nerfed. 

    If you're gonna be on Warframe, actually play the (explitive) game instead of doing what you said you did. If you want to afk-farm, go play WoW or something :/

  6. Let me go into it a bit more before you rage post yelling "no!".


    I am the kind of person that wants to have everything in the game at once, at max rank. And since I joined in early November I missed a lot of the exclusives(Well, kind of all of them) and have no way of obtaining them, at all.

    Which makes me kind of really sad.


    Which brings me to my point, I would love to see the "exclusives" becoming non-exclusive, but obtainable permanently. Whether through the market or drops(stalker kind of enemies or mission rewards for example, perhaps invasions)


    I know a lot of you worked (very) hard to get those things(Brakk, primed chamber etc. and I understand your view, from what I read the Brakk was insane to obtain) or paid a lot(Skana prime etc.) but why should someone who joined in early 2013 be able to have everything in the game, yet someone from late 2013 be limited to what he can obtain?


    Even today exclusive items are being introduced(Prime Syandana) but why should someone who can't dish out ~120 euro not be able to get the same content in a F2P game as someone who can? I could understand if it was released under a platinum price in the market(Since plat is now obtainable without paying real-life through trade) but being limited to "rich" people is something I don't understand.



    My progress so far: http://imgur.com/a/yL77g

    Starting in order from the first exclusive items, to the best of my knowledge, I will plainly and simply state why you should stop whining and crying just because you can't have the special items that others have:

    1. Closed beta testers who got the Vandal weapons such as Lato Vandal and Braton Vandal earned this. They have been playing Warframe since before you even heard of this game, they deserve a piece of recognition for being those special few who got to help shape Warframe into the game it is today. Helping with bug fixes, balance issues and even gameplay tweaks was well rewarded to them by DE. 

    I missed out on this, I will never have any Vandal weapons because I do not deserve them.

    2. Those who had money, how they had said money is irrelevant, and managed to get the Founders package had spent up to $250 dollars for it. Some just wanted the shiny, others actually cared enough about this game and its future by helping support DE in another way. They deserve their special shiny because they participated in said event while it was active. If it wasn't for the previously mentioned people, Warframe might have been much more of a broken and unplayable game than it is now.

    low-quality and unplayable game today.

    I missed out on this, I will never have Excalibur Prime, Lato Prime or Skana Prime because I did not pay $250 for it. I do not deserve them.

    3. All of those players who were still around or had started playing early enough to participate in the much-talked-about 'Gradivus Dilemma' earned their flashy Strun Wraith's, Machete Wraith's and whatnot. They deserve their rewards for being a part of one of the largest parts of Warframe's lore or story(I think anyway) and therefore they have their shinies.

    I missed out on this, I will never have any of these Wraiths because I do not deserve them.

    DO, however, have the event badges for the hunt of Alad V and the Cicero Crisis, as well as their respective rewards such as the Wraith Twin Vipers for the Cicero Crisis and even one or two Orokin Reactors/Catalysts for the hunt of Alad V. 

    Why? Because I was able to participate in said events and therefore deserved them in-game. Therefore I will gladly wear my event badges and Wraith Twin Vipers to prove that I have actually been in those events. 

    Now about the Snipetron, I know little to nothing about so I will stay as a neutral party on this and make no comments about it.

    Your arguments about how DE is 'removing' content by rewarding other players with certain items/mods/weapons for playing certain events while giving nothing to other players who do not play these events is completely senseless. I know that you or other people can't play Warframe 24/7 because of whatever life-obligations you may have, but there is no reason to cry like a toddler just because you don't have a toy that the kid next to you does have.

    Seriously you almost sound like one of those kids in a supermarket or grocery store that cries just because you can't have a name-brand of cereal instead of some unknown generic brand.


  7. This is Vor's Prize to himself, Grineer domination.  He doesn't even have to offer anything, just watch the Corpus slowly kill themselves because their new project drops a new weapon.  The Grineer couldn't hope for something better, a whole bunch a ninja assassins hoping to have a bounty on their head to have an 'elite' assassin drone come and go for them to take their stuff.   The Corpus keeps on trying to come up with new technology, and the Tenno do their best to do genocide against the Corpus for their technology and materials.

    Wow...I never thought of that..

  8. My Soma ofc.


    Using that thing isn't even fun anymore.

    Soma is so @(*()$ broken even unranked and not potatoed, broken in a good way but makes it OP

    I don't even use my maxed out Soma anymore(but I like it for mid to high level missions) I've been using my Paris Prime and Dread bows more than anything else now

  9. well the corpus were destroying warframes and the tenno inside to make that tech :P....sooooo yeah its not exactly true that they had no ammount of blood on thier hands...


    the tenno are not evil, they are in the grey area where all they do is to survive.

    I have a feeling that in upcoming updates, that it's the Tenno who are the true villans here. ^As stated by both the Corpus sider and Grineer sider, what if both factions are just misunderstood and are 'good' in their own ways?

    Something to meditate on, fellow Tenno.

    What do we want, to slaughter either factions just because of our personal feelings about them or maintain balance and peace as we are supposedly meant to do...?

  10. Sinced Gravius.. i will support Grineer, till the last Corpus is dead, and they wiped from the map.


    Whoever plays with my people, and enjoys dissecting them, or hunt them, or torture them, right Valkyr?... will die. Sorry Corpus.. you failed hard.

    Yes, how can you think about siding with the very people that turned one of your own into what she is now; A tortured, pain-filled and hate-driven victim of the Corpus' need to 'assimilate' anything Orokin related.

    But then again...if you really think about it...how the Corpus consider US TENNO to be the betrayers...you think maybe we deserve this punishment?

  11. >Have not spent a single real-life penny on this game, yet I have 4 warframe slots and 13 weapon slots all from trades for platinum.

    >Potatoed my Braton. 

    >At rank 6 and have yet to unlock all planets and the respective nodes.

    >I will always think you're a newbie if I see you in an Excalibur or Loki and will treat you as such.

    >I hate it when others activate life support at any lower or higher than exactly at 60%

    >I only got Valkyr because she has the best &#! out of all the female warframes, and I love it when she screams.

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