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Posts posted by ChileanWarpig

  1. Can't really blame them though.  Kril, as well as the Grineer fire guy, are poorly implemented.  There's nothing that really indicates what you should shoot and when you should shoot it.  No dialogue.  No glowing part.  Nothing that clearly and visibly opens up (like with the ODA boss).  Nobody ever explains it to people either.


    Both those guys need a bit of a rework.

    Grineer fire guy? you mean SARGAS Motherhuggin' RUK?

    he HAS some glowing prats that cearly make the player think "oh, i gotta shoot that thing", being at first, that big shoulder thing, the front of his chest, and finally the back, but they have to be exposed, so you must be careful

    fighting Kril, on the other hand is confusing, i can't argue with that, it took me a lot of time to realise that i had to shoot the glowing orange thing on his back

    also, both SARGAS MOTHERHUGGIN' RUK and Lech Kril are REWORKED bosses:

    lech kril used to be a large, black/ blue butcher with a gorgon (grineer light machinegun) and a fragor(tenno hammer, i know, that doesn't make sense, like when the lancemen carried bratons instead of grakatas and the elite lancemen carried burstons instead of hinds)

    and ruk used to be a grey, and REALLY LARGE grineer bombard/napalm that also had a Gorgon

    EDITZ: also, why you hate PUGs? :C


  2. the last time i played dark sector and i saw a rhino, that rhino was me

    i never spammed roar so much

    besides, most people seems to think that only rhinos screw up things like that, i can bet my hands that if you tell them to stop, they stop, cuz most rhino players are either newbs (or nighmare mod farmers, like me), becouse rhino is the first warframe you encounter from a boss fight (jackal)

    seriously, lokis and vaubans are far worse, and i play both of them

    becouse if they f*** up, it's intencional


    OP was thanking PC player becouse we get thisng before so we can REPORT BUGS so they WON'T get to the PS4 version


    and all of the sudden, elitist *ssf*gg*ts get here to start a flamewar

    god, i'm starting to REGRET to have voted warframe in the MMO showdown JUST BECOUSE IT'S COMMUNITY

    you guys are worse than dota 2, lol and hat fortress 2 elitists



  4. When you make Prosecutor spawning ONLY on wave 5, guess what ? Everybody leaves.


    What is the problem making a Prosecutor spawn EVERY 5 waves ? Eberybody is just restarting the mission at wave 5, so it's the same boring weak waves again and again and again.


    Casta used to be one of the most brutal defense T3 defense mission of the game, now, not only it's much easier than before, but good luck getting anyone staying after wave 5.


    Please fix this.




    P.S : If anyone is seeing a problem with the idea of making Prosecutors spawn every 5 waves of this defense mission (instead of restarting again), please do tell, because I even after some intense reflexion, I don't see it.

    i have a solution:

    the more waves you stay, the more prosecutor appears, to the point that you get 1 or 2 prosecutors per wave

  5. Rhino+Soma+Galatine.



    Noob gear.

    noob =/= newb

    noob=lamer, guy with no skill even after playing a lot of time, and that whines constantly about stuff like broken gameplay of lag or difficulty while swearing and not giving proper feedback, also tends to call other people noobs

    newb= new guy who has no idea about how the game works, and therefore, he's not skilled and/or doesn't have advanced gear

  6. Dakkakdkadkkdkdadakkaka




    editz: needz moar dakka

  7. I beg to differ.


    I've Gone 39 minutes in T2 survival Solo with my Karak, Viral/Radiation and my Orthos Prime with just Corrosive. (Loki)




    Prolly could've stayed longer but I started losing track of the air eventually.

    you are loki

    regardless the weapon, a loki with a good invis-decoy build can stay forever in survival

  8. Before reading, be warned that this is in no way a rage post, a QQ post or whatever, just a very epic experience that got ruined

    now to the point

    i was playing warframe, i was so freakin' bored that i equipped excalibur, bought a braton, equipped dex furis (level 2 or so) and fang prime (no potato, level 7 or so) and got to the first mission on mercury just for the lulz and nostalgia and then


    i was so scared and yet so ansy (is that a word?) to fight them, and then they appeared

    radial blind

    slash dash

    radial javelin

    took one down, 2 to go, they were lvl 10 BTW

    when i was fleeing, becouse i got shields down, one of them (the one with hek) was just besides me, then i use radial blind to shoot him and then

    the game crashed


    that was my reaction, no rage or anything, just sad, 'cuz i only needed the reciever to craft brakk, and i was pretty damn sure that i could take them down

    and that short experience that could be called a battle, it was SO FREAKIN EPIC

    good thing that when i logged in the game, there was no signal of my excalibur having the grustrag bolt

    EDIT: imba moved to the proper section, just realized i put this on general discussion

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