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Posts posted by ChileanWarpig

  1. Xini doorways.


    someone was setting up penta rounds around the doorway in xini, just when the enemies were about to step on them, I switched teleported the penta user while standing on the penta rounds, long story short he bled out.

     you... MONSTER...

    if anyone dares to do that to me...


    and then ragequit

  2. stoopeed title is stoopeed

    that's what my grakata says every time i use it, i have crafted 3 times, and deleted it twice before getting it to 30, once before damage 2.0 when it was underpowered and in 11.5 when it was underrated, and now, that it seems that the grakata is much more useful than it has ever been, greater damage and status chance (20%) are the main reasons, and it has been refered as a "poor man's soma" (with the diference that the soma is puncture+slash, while the grakata is more impact)

    i have made some calculations in some warframe related apps, with a theorical buildthat has:

    the typical mods:


    split chamber

    the crit ones:

    point strike

    vital sense

    and a very important, corrupted mod (IMO): critical delay, wich will help me to achieve the maximum critical chance while reducing ROF, indirectly increasing overall accuaracy

    hammer shot, for more status and crit obliteration damage


    stabilizer, becouse this gun kicks like a horse

    and of course, two elemental mods for the faction this gun was designed for: corpus

    stormbringer+cryo rounds= magnetic POWA! damage

    i want to make the grakata an anti corpus-and/or-void soma, but for that i need tons of forma. and one of the potatoes i have saved

    What do you think? potato or no potato?

  3. "Easily got a score of 700+ on tethra"

    "Stalker is easymode now, make him harder"

    "Grustrag are disappointing"

    "Did 45 minutes of T3 survival three times in a row and didn't get what I wanted"

    I see people say these things. I see that they consider this game far too easy.

    I struggled to get my 665 on tethra.

    I always die to Stalker, which sucks because I don't get him enough.

    I haven't met the Grustrag yet but I don't think I will do well.

    I can barely do T1 survival in the void, I've lost each time. The same goes for derelict.

    -I got 737 points on tethra's with some clan members. I couldn't do it alone, an can't do it in the "hard" mode

    -Stalker is too easy to me at least. I think he needs to be stronger depending on what equipment you have at the moment so it is a fair battle, and also be even more stronger if there are other players with you, but not like that totally unfair OP stalker people complained back in u 11.5, that stalker was imposible to defeat alone

    -I have encountered the grustrag, and believe me, they are even harder than stalker and harvester, i can kill harvester/stalker without problems, but the grustrag? they mean business

    - I can do survival without problems, but i nedd to use especific frames to do that, rhino and ash are the best IMO, in derelicts i go with nekros and ignis, and is sometimes enven harder than void if you ran out of ammo

    i don't think this game is hard or easy, but i think the dificulty doesn't scale properly according to the players' equipment and/or experience

  4. i haven't read the latest patch notes, but i realised that now the gorgon sound from the heavy gunners, (not sure if the one for players) now has another firing sound that sounds very similar to the karak, at first it wasn't a big deal, but now i realise that the old firing sound is what made everyone say "oh, it a heavy gunner!" (read with a cheesy voice acting), now with that "new" sound, i can't tell at first if i am being shot by a gunner or a frontier elite lancer, which is confusing

  5. m asking this because i really want to know but is it possible for both Stalker and Harvester to appear in the same mission in the same run... ... cos a few weeks back while i was running an invasion mission, a Stalker appear n we owned it(some where in the midway of the mission)... ... then the next thing the team knew, the lights started flickering again just as we were about to finish the mission... ... so is it possible for both a Stalker and a Harvester to appear in the same run of the same mission?

    only one encounter per mission, regardless if stalker/harvester/grustrag 3


    It is possible for Harvester to also appear after/before Stalker and G3 respectively.

    But the chances of that happening is REALLY low.

    acording to wikia, that only happens when there is a host migration, and yes the chances are VERY low

  6. So, you're trying to compare a heavily armored guy with a high-tech rocket launcher, who roasted cannon fodder...


    to a guy armed with nothing but a tin hat and a stick, who slew a boss monster.


    With a stick.

    the corpus need to take his DNA and make an elite prodmen force who are cloned from him and equipped with the best corpus equipment

    this prodman is the Big Boss of Warfarmframe

  7. Options:


    Kubrow (Llama Creature.)

    Earth Vulture Creature

    Vesper Relay

    Melee 2.0

    Rhino Prime

    Vay Hek 2.0

    Nef Anyo 2.0

    Dojo Awesomeness


    Alt Helmets

    More New UI

    Grineer Shipyard

    Nexus App 3.0


    Project Tethra.



    Proxy Wars.


    I think I covered everything that's not reinforcements or bug fixes. Take your bets.

    i don't want this stuff, i just want that the goddamned alerts stay for the @(*()$ day when they give reactors/catalists

  8. ODD is my favourite. It is just so dark and spooky.


    The new Earth Tileset is also a really nice one, and I am looking forward to the new Shipyards of Sedna (At least I think it is Sedna)



    The art team at DE is a great one, with each set being better than the last.

    ODD is just 2spooky4me

    and sometimes on earth, i pick dread or paris prime, and go murder, predator style

  9. So your gonna say Excalibur prime/strun wraith is gonna be in the game because "everything" is going to be released is what your implying.

    it was said a THOUSAND TIMES that excalibur prime and strum wraith will NOT be released again

    about cicero mods, they will be re-released sometime, just like ammo mutations

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