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Posts posted by (PSN)beerninja88

  1. A fellow tenno's liset has been damaged by enemy mines (or some such attack). The enemy does not have any large ships in the area powerful enough to penetrate the liset's armor (no health on the defense objective), but drones and manned attack vessels/infantry come in waves to attempt to get close to the liset to plant an explosive charge. If they make contact with the liset for more than several seconds, a beeping sound is heard similar to counter-stike. Multiple charges can be set at once.

    To disarm the charges, a defending tenno must approach the bomb and hold down the action button for several seconds. They are completely defenseless during this time so they will need to either use countermeasures or invisibility prior to defusing or rely on fellow tenno to protect them during defusal. Failure to defuse 3 bombs will result in mission failure. Object health bar is displayed on the left in 3 chunks.

    Higher waves could be chaotic as several bombs are planted on the liset at once time, in different spots.

    Since archwing melee is OP right now, a new unit would need to be introduced to defense mode which would be similar to the corpus shield generator units except the shield would not allow tenno inside until broken via ranged weapon. This would break the melee combo meter while a tenno uses a ranged weapon to disable the shield, thus increasing difficulty.

  2. PS4 --> PC migration is not available but remote play is one alternative for you.  Normally it would require either a PS Vita or a Sony Xperia tablet/phone but some guys hacked it to make it work with any android device (doesn't even need to be rooted).


    Download from your android device and install here:



    If you have an OTG cable you can plug in your DS4 controller directly into your android tablet/phone.

  3. I have multiple keys.  Looking for group keyshare so everyone would come to the group with one key of their own.  That's 4 tries for the group.  After 4 tries if we don't get the piece, whoever doesn't have anymore keys will leave and we will recruit replacements who also have keys.


    Send me a message on PSN with a screenshot of your key and once we get 4 people with keys we'll start this up.

  4. Could you possibly make one alphabetized or grouped together by weapon/frame? That'd make it much easier to find what I'm looking for and check off things I have made.

    For that kind of list you can use http://www.tennodrops.com/.  That site is printable for the most part.  This list is more a quick reference when looking at the recruiting chat and looking at whether or not you are interested in a key being hosted.

  5. I feel your pain.  I have ran the mission 7 times and no systems.  It takes literally one whole month to get 1 key if you have a full time job.  Two keys if you're lucky.  Yes, I am using the phone app to make a loud sound effect when the invasion comes up.  The sound effect plays sometimes at like 2 in the morning and I'm not going to lose sleep and be late to work just to get 1/3rd of a key.

  6. Hah. Hah hah. No. 

    The Power Menu was added for Xbone. Their old controls were probably pretty garbage. 

    Swiping for a waypoint? Or a random equipment slot?

    I do those just as fast as if I had it hotkeyed. I can understand if you want these to be options for yourself, but everyone likes controls different.

    I have touchpad for powers, I'm using the new controls but I have R3 for waypoint, allowing me to waypoint objects and places while aiming, which free up the left and right D-Pad buttons for power selection and the R1 button for the power menu which if you tap quickly, allows you to use the selected power. 

    That, for me, is very simple and much easier to use than your controls would be for me. 

    But I'm not you. 

    You're not me. 

    You're setup is awkward for choosing abilities but it does technically allow you to do valkyr spiderman swing and precise limbo banishing.  It does not, however, make it easy for you to do zephyr jump+divebomb while moving forward as it would require you to switch abilities mid flight.  In addition, if playing a trinity with quick thinking the time it would take you to switch from ability 2 to ability 4 could often lead to death.  Therefore your bindings are much better than the original "swipe for power" bindings but can be improved.


    I have used the touchpad for powers since I started playing this game, why should my setup be changed for you? It works fine, you just need to adapt or change the controls to your own personal preferences, since that option has been in game since day one.

    Like I said in my original post, you're handicapping yourself.  If you saw someone filming a video with their phone upright, wouldn't you want to walk up to them and tell them to turn it sideways to landscape mode?  If phone manufacturers (and in this case Digital Extremes) made the correct format DEFAULT then there would be no need to correct people.  Then those who prefer to handicap themselves can still do so, but only after choosing that option.

  7. How about no? Just change your controller layout.

    If I'm running and I want to use an ability on an enemy like freeze or rip line, with "your default layout", I have to stop running/moving to perform that action. That is not fluid and will cause me to die more easily than swiping my touch pad as I do now.

    Last I recall the touch pad set up is totally different and abilities are tied to R1 or something for new players.

    Actually with the D-pad setup you can both AIM and MOVE and the same time if you use your index finger to activate the ability.  99% of the time you don't need to use your index finger for for such an action but when you need it, it's there.  Unlike the touchpad which would remove your hand from a minimum of 1 stick.


    Also cast time is instantaneous unlike the touchpad which only registers the action after completion of the swipe.  In many cases, you're dead before you complete a swipe.

  8. It is nearly impossible to perform single target abilities the way they were meant to be used (Vaylkr spiderman swing, Zephyr jump+divebomb while moving forward, limbo precise banishing, etc) without changing all the power bindings to the D-pad instead of the touchpad.  I know Sony probably wants you to use the touchpad as much as possible as a 'cool' gimmick for new players but what that's doing is punishing their grasp of the game and making them essentially handicapped.


    The touchpad should be as follows:


    swipe up for codex scanner slot 1 (which should come with 25 free scans for new players to get them familiar with the concept, then tell them they have run out of scans and to buy more)


    Swipe left for Equipment slot 2 hotkey


    Swipe down for Set Waypoint


    Swipe right for Equipment slot 3 hotkey


    Right thumbstick down should be the equipment/emote menu by default.


    considering the xbone doesn't have a touchpad I can only imagine that these binds are already default on that platform?

  9. Please don't. Limbo needs to be able to knockdown and deal with INDIVIDUAL targets because he's so incredibly fragile that he can't fight them fair on the same plane. It leads to a very interesting assassin playstyle that is very unique to him and a lot of players (myself included) enjoy.

    I would be more than happy if there was a Banish augment that made it AoE, but I would be very unhappy were the base ability made AoE, ESPECIALLY if the knockdown were removed. The knockdown is the only thing that lets him fight heavy units like Bombards and Heavy Gunners.

    ooh that's a good idea.  Banish AOE augment.  I like that

  10. For us console plebs.  You won't let us use mouse and keyboard so we have to use the controller which makes it extremely difficult to move the cursor with pinpoint accuracy to target mobs to bring into the rift one at a time.  Even when remapping the controls to use the D-pad for abilities (which should be made default btw) it's still difficult to target enemies.  It should be a ground cast AOE or a straight line AOE like frost's ice wave.  To balance, just remove the knockdown effect.  The added challenge of "accidentally" banishing too many enemies at once also would provide balance.

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