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Posts posted by (PSN)beerninja88

  1. Yes this happens on all PS4s and it happens more often when there are more objects on the screen.  The game isn't quite fully optimized yet but DE is still working on it.  If you want the fastest texture loading you can try putting in a hybrid hard drive (SSHD) or a solid state drive (SSD).  Replacing the hard drive is very easy and does not void your warranty.  Sony allows easy access to the hard drive with a removable glossy panel on the top.  Search youtube for tutorial videos.


    The game seems to decrease texture quality to compensate for the amount of objects or particles on the screen.  Then when action dies down it ramps the texture quality back to normal.  Putting in a faster hard drive will not stop this from happening but when it comes time for the textures to “pop” back in then they will load much more quickly from a SSHD or SSD.

  2. For me if you choose Mercury, Venus, Earth, Saturn, or Jupiter then it will work correctly.  If you choose any other planet then it will throw the cursor way back over to Mercury.


    Also white text against white stars is very hard to read.  You often have to wait until the white stars pass the rotation until the bluish/black background comes around.  The star chart needs a different color I think.  Or maybe a dropshadow.

  3. After watching videos of Valkyr using rip line like spiderman to contantly fly around the room, I agree that we definitely need M&K support.  There is just no possible way to do those maneuvers with a controller.  Also mario-style wall climbing is insanely difficult with a controller. 


    Performing a wall attack is nearly IMPOSSIBLE.  First you have to hold X with your thumb to climb a wall and slide down it, then position your INDEX FINGER on the X button (still holding it down) so you can use your thumb to swivel the camera around to target an enemy, then if you are still managing all this somehow before you fall off the wall, then you have to actually target an enemy and press R1 with your MIDDLE FINGER since your index finger is being used already.  Absurd.  I want that 2000 damage fist weapon wall attack without giving myself carpal tunnel.


    Unreal Tournament gave it to PS3 players way back in the day (no special attachment required).

    War Thunder on PS4 has it (no attachment required).


    I hope we see it on PS4 when/if we start playing together with PC players.  Of course the framerate issue needs to take top priority though.

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