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Posts posted by Fubukin

  1. delivery worked (i had my additional laser rifle deleted before, as i dont need doubles).


    machete, well, its a part of the collection now, so thanks for that.

    not really happy for those that make their account like a minute after that cut off time, and the cycle of cries for the discontinued weapons will start again.


    maybe might have been wiser to just add it to the daily login roulette.


    also, could have used a little buff? not sure, i didnt look at the stats as it didnt finish building yet.



    for U14, take your time, guys, seriously. noone wants a buggy mess again.

    and you can always give us all that discontinued stuff in the meantime :P

  2. thanks, 3k mastery :D

    so, the cries for 'when will the machete be re-released' will start again next thursday, huh?

    i dont get one thing though:

    why didn't you just add this to the daily login rewards. i am currently swimming in glaives and gorgons, those three weapons would have been something nice to look forward to in the next few months when they'd randomly drop.

    anyway, a gift is a gift, once more, thanks for it :)

  3. Try a max duration fleeting build (Fleeting, Streamline, Intensify, Narrowminded +8 or higher, Continuity, Constitution, Fireball, World on Fire, Shields and Vitality). Sure, it's a bit 'endgame' concerning how long it takes to get all that, but in the long run:


    15 second / perma World on Fire for 25 energy, its almost embarrassing and I can almost feel people prepare their nerf forum-rants when I play like that (so far noone complained directly ingame though).

    Stuff, regardless of faction, but especially Infested, dies before it even comes close to chip on her shields and it scales pretty well, judging from running that last event into pretty high levels with her like that. Sure it caps at one point, but so does pretty much everything else that isn't an Ogris.

    And for her survivability, the trick is staying in motion and coptering around, as well as pairing it with a nice actual weapon to use.


    Really can't complain about my lovely Ember Prime. Pretty much maining her and Saryn lately.

  4. Remember when Grineer Rollers were full of arms and legs?


    You mean like a companion cube?



    Seriously though, I find the stripped body parts a bit silly. Severed model parts, sure, but skinless suitless gibs? Hmm. How. Why.


    Also, am I the only one that noticed that Void Crewmen have a helmet under their helmet?

  5. Some day. Some day, DE will hotfix basic issues that people actually care about, that have been anticipated until we learned to deal with it, instead of the most random things. Things like having to be in a solo session, zoomed out on the starchart before you can use a key and having your squad be forcibly disbanded when you finish one, instead of just being able to start that bad boy up while the gang's all there and keeping the gang that way afterward. Things like not being able to bulk-buy gear items and bulk-sell useless mods such as Ammo Drum and Tail Wind. Things like not being able to cast your first ability as fast as the animations would lead you to believe (and the list goes on)...


    Some day. But not today, not tomorrow, and not any day in the relevant future. No, DE will instead continue to fix completely microscopic things like a single clan's emblem not showing up on all 5 of their Ember Primes, or a weapon being slightly useful, or the weapon being a whole decibel too loud. Why? I have a theory: their priorities are determined by a magic eight-ball being rolled around by a cat kubrow.


    EDIT: Oh yeah did I mention how MauveText causes the Clan, Alliance and player conversation tabs to glow yellow (indicating that some PERSON posted something new in that tab)? I mean that's not really annoying and in need of a fix or anything.


    They'll fix what is easy to fix, now what is needed to fix for months now.


    Bladestorm, Hysteria, animations glitching out, animations being commitments that get you killed, netcode overall, enemy pathfinding AI, etc etc.

    My hopes are on U14, but I'm not holding my breath.


    I mean, we still have mods in the void that are random per player and vanish after a while. A bit consistency with the rest of the game would be nice, as having to actually explain what I mean with 'mystery mod' when I set a marker on them is annoying.



    And about that chat thing, I suggested a complete chat system overhaul a good while ago, with CIty of Heroes as rolemodel. Sadly, that game isn't around anymore, but how it worked is still pretty clearly understandable on their wiki.


    Basically it let you make custom channel tabs and add whatever channels you wanted to any and all of them.


    No more 'three tabs flash' just because some stupid clan attacks a stupid rail somewhere I don't care about, or some 2k credits alert went off.


    It also - get this - kept a chat history in simple txt files. Insane, I know. You could still read up (or prove a conversation to have happened) even after a team dissolved. Simply crazy.



    Oh, and, DE, it's perfectly fine to call a hotfix '13.10.x', no need to be shy about it :P

  6. At this point, no-one can say what exactly PWE would demand from DE, if they buy up to 49% of the shares.

    I suppose DE didn't put out non-voting stock. That would have diffused this situation.


    Given that PWE gets a say, that company's history hints very strongly to what they will demand - they will want to see a steady return for their investment no matter what, even if they have to destroy the game in question in the process. They're owned by a holding after all.


    Assumed that DE puts gameplay decisions on vote for the stockholders, they will suggest the usual.


    Cutting development, concentrating on µ-transactions and milking the userbase for what it's worth.



    We might see an increase in market prices, or even just a stealth nerf of the chances to get rare drops or a plat cost reduction on the daily login reward.


    Or they go all out, lock drops behind lockbox paywalls, push out OP gear for high prices, nerf drop chances for that stuff into oblivion and practically kill the game for anyone but those few hundred that are willing to invest their disposable income in gear, to play amongst the same few people for an hour or two during the weekend.



    It would be interesting to see the math behind all this, concerning if the current drop chance and gear / plat prices policy pans out, but on top of that, DE is not just about Warframe, but also commissional work for other devs and publishers.

    Looking through DE's recent portfolio (after UT'04), I am, maybe besides The Darkness 2 (340k units worldwide) which was okay even tho noone really needed it to exist, seriously not very impressed, especially not that Star Trek game (170k units worldwide), so who knows how solid the company is currently standing as a whole.

    Based on that, PWE's interest is most likely in Warframe only.



    In the end it's up to Mr. Schmalz to make the right decision.


    Unless we players buy up all the public shares, there's nothing we can actually do.

  7. First, I did a forum search and didn't find anything recent that would fit this topic.

    Also, I decided against posting this in the 'animation' feedback forum, because it concerns gameplay.



    I've been grinding Sargas Ruk a few times lately, just to chill out a bit, get cores and his mods, and while doing so, an issue I had with WF ever since I started playing last October boiled up again:



    Cutscenes are buggy, interupt and disorient.


    -Depending on map generation, you may face where you faced before going into the cut-scene, or not.

    I'd wager it defaults to 'north' ? This is highly irritating, especially when you have to quickly look around where the Hek Phorid is now, knowing he not only might storm in on you but also launch that stupid rocket cascade.


    -If you happen to slide, and I am very slide-happy, Shift locks into toggle, even if it's set to 'hold to crouch'. I guess this is so you don't suddenly stand after a cut-scene, but it is still annoying if you have to hammer shift to eventually stand up and be quick again.


    -If you happen to reload your weapon and then the cutscene happens, it actually aborts the reload.

    Please don't do that. Let the reload finish off camera (or pause gameplay altogether and resume it right after), that wouldn't hurt anyone.


    -Especially on Ruk, the blur thing can be played into, when the cutscene camera bugs out and stays with the player, and even if he shows his weak-spot, he is invincible. I don't think this is necessary, just irritating newer players.



    My wish is for the cutscenes to be as little disruptive as possible. Show that bossname, sure, but dont interupt gameplay with blur and invincibility, dont wrestle the camera away or cut somewhere else just to cut back, dont reset player position, where the camera faces and one's shift status, dont abort reloads, etc etc.


    If you must, turn the camera towards the boss in the distance, maybe zoom in, but then zoom out again, just dont just reset it to the player facing 'north' anymore.



    I'd also love an option to automatically abort cutscenes (that i have seen already). I know that this might be an issue during co-op, but then again, just treat it like as if i hammer space to abort the cutscene, that shouldn't be an issue, right?



    Not directly an issue with the cutscenes directly, but still annoying:


    -Enemy and especially Boss spawning is very weird sometimes.

    Even when soloing, it doesn't seem to trigger some bosses right away. Ruk is fashionably late about 10% of the time, with others, like Phorid, it is very much more often.

    Clearing out the boss room (especially on Phorid) doesn't seem to reliably trigger it, either, so I really don't know what to do but run around to and from the mission marker, or wait.



    Recently, I ran through an infestation mission and after getting guided by 'green dot' to the end, I still had 10 enemies left on the counter. And no, I didn't miss any. They just didn't spawn. I had to run back and forth for another 10 minutes to finally finish the mission.

    Without making a thread for that, it surely needs to be looked into, thanks.

  8. Run Grineer nodes with Vauban. There, no problem with G3.

    I think Loki works, too.



    In all honesty, though, Stalker, G3, Harvester and Void Vor are all doing one thing - they promote taking overpowered gear into about any mission.


    That is not a good thing. If you kill everything else in 1-2 bullets, you render the mission trivial and just wait for the off chance of getting ambushed.


    No wonder so many lower rank players just plain old quit out of a mission once it starts flickering. They are sick of getting curbstomped by suddenly twice as powerful enemies, especially the G3, which mob you.


    Stalker, G3 and Harvester rendering certain frames' powers completely useless is not a good thing either, that's a crutch.


    WF lacking any kind of enemy position hint system for at least bosses besides manually tagging them doesn't help either.


    So, it's all about catching them before they catch you. If the mission is busy, as in a Survival or MD, that can be nearly impossible, especially when it is really just about getting these bullet sponges in a weak moment (Stalker when he stands up, G3 when they hang in a Bastille, etc)


    I'd grant them one thing, though - it is certainly realistic, as in, an ambush that is actually an ambush, however, since Tenno usually have 4 revives, what good is that, especially on Stalker.


    I yet have to test how viable it is to just leg it to the exit, especially if you didn't finish the mission's objective yet.


    Also, punishment for failure is too high on Harvester and G3. G3 permanently cripples you against Grineer until you pay up, and Harvester voids the mission if you manage to die to it. At least Stalker just costs a revive. That should be the most to it, in all honesty.


    All this needs to be re-evaluated.




    Tone down especially the G3, maybe have just one or two show up, unless the whole team is marked. Tone down their damage output a bit though, being bulletsponges is annoying enough, no need for them to shred through a fully buffed Iron Skin, fully boosted shields and HP in 1 second.


    Overall, 1.5x level compared to the other mobs in the mission might be enough. 2x seems overkill. They should shine with enhanced AI and abilities, not through mere higher scaled stats or invincibilities.

  9. It's hard to keep up as a newbie if everyone copter-rushes the hell out of every mission.



    sorry, but just learn to do it asap.

    it's not hard and you can do it with an unmodded skana. it'll save you a lot of annoyances later on.


    and for OP, well, it wont be the last papaya you stumble over, so dont worry too much over spilt milk.

  10. Why do people always say "Support the devs" as if they directly get paid and if they're struggling financially? Not trying to fight asking a genuine question.


    us buying plat or premium access is pretty much the only income DE generates out of warframe.

    if noone buys plat / premium, they have to either cross-finance it somehow or close down development.



    concerning myself, 4x 25$ for plat + 1x premium accessory set.


    that's about 6 times more than what i usually am willing to pay for 1 game, regardless of how long it lasts.


    so no, not that whale, definitely not.

  11. 3.

    #1 likes it, but has too little time to play consistently. I sell a lot of grindy stuff to that one :P

    #2 finds it boring and grindy

    #3 didn't like that DE spites late-comers, but still kind of plays now and then.

    I find it hilarious that someone doesn't play WF and is hyped over Destiny's embarrassing alpha gameplay at the same time, might as well go back to borderlands, but that's just, like, my opinion, man.

  12. Careful guess:

    We get one or even all of these added to daily login roulette:

    Machete (prime candidate for this, because its the weakest), Dual ethers, Boar.

    Why? Those three are still in the codex, while Snipetron and all the Wraith, Vandal or Prime stuff isn't.

    Even more careful guess:

    They will just add some Prime Vor equivalent on the Corpus side to re-distribute the Tethra mods.

  13. Kz shadowfall

    Killzone is a flagship title, Warframe may be the most downloaded game on PS4 right now, but it isn't an exclusive and thus no system seller.

    Also, as far as I noticed, PS4 builds usually aren't even started yet when the PC one is released, so there's porting, adapting, compiling, then sending off to cert which takes 2-10 days or so.

    As long as they don't have a 'compile PC ver for PS4' button and instant publishing on PSN (or delay the PC ver accordingly each time), don't expect that rainbow bridge to be on.

    Delaying the PC ver would require them to leave the open beta phase behind them, though, as weekly updates and daily hotfixes are out of question in that case.

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