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Posts posted by _Tormex_

  1. 29 minutes ago, -VV-Crunchy said:

    Can you please stop with the whole "add 5 forma to get the maximum mastery from it"?

    I mean, its only 1000 extra mastery. You get most of it from the first 30 levels. And the extra 10 levels allow for 20 extra mod points, which I personally enjoy.

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  2. Wow...I am used to seeing players prefer one specific frame, but after over 2600 hours, 84.7% of your playtime is limbo. That's so much limbo. That's almost 2100 hours of just playing limbo. And I thought 250 hours with a single frame was a lot lol. You may have just blown my mind

  3. 26 minutes ago, Loza03 said:

    Yes, welcome to hell. Weather's great here, so pull up a chair, have a cold beer. You can live by the sea, so happy you'll be, with your cobblestone tree.

    Bold of you to assume that I am both of age and enjoy drinking anything besides water lol

  4. Can we have more loadout slots? I don't understand why there is a cap of 32, but its really annoying when I don't have enough space to have a loadout for all of my frames.

  5. All of the other planets have 7+ nodes available when the Lich conquers the territory, giving you ample opportunities to hunt thralls. However, if your lich starts on Uranus, there is at least a chance that as few as 4 nodes spawn.

    Expectation: Kuva Lich conquers planet and converts nodes.

    Reality: Lich conquers less than a third of the planet.

    Repeatability: Last three liches that I've had conquer Uranus, have seen other threads that allude to the issue.



  6. Problem: For the mobile defense on lua today, the Targets will get immediately destroyed with no warning as soon as they are touched by any attack.

    Expectation: That the defense objectives would exhibit shield gating and be scaled to enemies so that they can take more than one basic MOA shot.

    Reality: 1 hit KO

    Repeatability: 4 times in a row with different squads

  7. 7 hours ago, Krenlik said:


    I just noticed a new Titania augment the other day.. spellbound harvest.  If you have decent efficiency/duration then that might be enough to top you up.  At base 100% efficiency, you'd spend 25 to get 50 (net 25).. and higher efficiency you can do better.  Won't keep you up all alone, but could help bridge the gap if you're running low till you hit another orb.



    Bold of you to assume that I am running any range at all on my Titania builds lol.

    Spellbound harvest only works effectively when you build Titania for range, which is not necessary for most other builds as range only really affects her 3 and the ease of casting her 1 and 2. And Titania's 3 is not normally cost effective.

  8. 1 minute ago, Savire510 said:

    Wait for beginning of a round.

    Go public, space team. 20 minutes, 4000 points + 10000 from bonus.

    Change flottila, repeat.


    Not getting these arcanes is a huge waste of opportunity, because getting 21 energizers from hydrolists will take you weeks and you still can be fcked by rng. Here you can collect that in less than a day.


    you can buy them 20plat each. After Scarlet Spear end the price will jump back again so be prepared.

    You can get rewards from multiple flotillas? I thought you had to wait 3 hours after going through a run.

  9. 49 minutes ago, Vespilan said:

    You should grab yourself an Arcane Energize while Scarlet Spear is on, even a R0 works wonders.
    This is the build I run and I have a hard time even taking damage, energy always at or near max. Hope it helps!

    But do I really want to grind 80000 scarlet credits? Scarlet spear is really boring IMO.

  10. 25 minutes ago, Oreades said:

    I guess my question is at what level tribute buffs become mandatory? Cause I've never bothered with tribute and continually wish it was replaced with literally any other ability.


    The 50% damage reduction with damage reflection that applied to allies within Aura range is helpful at all levels. Necessary to survive when razorwing is down.


  11. Titania essentially requires most of her tribute buffs, spellbind, and razorwing to all be active for her survivability to be good. However, razorwing is a channeled ability that prevents energy regen. This means that Titania's survivabilty is extremely reliant on the random dropping of energy orbs, especially since she cannot wield syndicate weapons while in razorwing or have an active sentinel like dethcube with energy generator.

    I would love it if Titania and another non-meta energy hungry frame Grendel were able to receive the benefit of energy regen abilities and effects. Especially since this would just make Grendel useable, and make using Titania's abilities more viable. Because as it is, Grendel is always starving, and Titania has to choose between razorwing and her other abilities.

  12. On 2020-04-12 at 5:05 AM, (XB1)TyeGoo said:

    No offense, but that'd be stupidly OP.

    The only time after so many years I have energy issues (I don't use zenurik, never used energize, barely use pads) is when an ancient disrupter sucks out 800+ energy (you read that number right) with one God damn single hook. 

    outside of that, meh, I rarely have energy issues, even with frames where I cast stuff like every 5-10 seconds..

    Also, I kinda feel DE's message about passive energy Regen is clear considering there never was a buff to energy siphon, and the old zenurik was smashed instead of just nerfed..

    Edit: I recommend the new exilus mod btw, what's it called, preparation? My nova starts with full energy with that.. (700+) 

    Do you play Grendel often? I feel like I am always energy starved as Grendel. Which makes sense I guess, but its still annoying.

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  13. I want to be able to build two Fieldrons and two Mutagen masses a day, just like I am able to make one forma a day. DE should lower the time to 11 hours and 30 minutes for the 12 hour resource building times so that we can be able to actually build two a day.

    Edit: The main reason that I am saying this is that DE just made the change for forma, orokin reactors, and orokin catalysts.

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