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Posts posted by (PSN)wintersandman

  1. AJ, Xanxus and I have cleared the map and I did exactly what you are talking about early on. I built my Ash exclusively for this purpose along with Paris and Hikou. While I would be willing to do stealth challenges with you the mindset of the overall warframe community is run and gun. I am all about self created challenges as well. Which reminds me Xanxus and I had a challenge on who could last the longest. Rhino or Loki in a defense mission.

    In regards to play time. Since we are an older crowd we all have other obligations besides just gaming. One guy will be gone for two weeks due to his work schedule but then he plays when he is home. So as long as your active you will get invites etc. That is how everyone gets to know you.

    P.S. Xanxus is as stealthy as the Hulk walking on sheets of bubble wrap. So if you are going for stealth you need to incapacitate him first or unplug his ps4.

  2. If you really want a reward, you have to hurry and not wait until last moments. Don't blame DE if you're lazy, there's always plenty of time to complete mission 5 times. 

    20 hours or some may pass before I get to touch an invasion or be even aware that its taking place. It really sucks to log on and see it is at 98% and 5 missions required. But I am with the OP I just don't bother with it. It doesn't mean I am lazy and more that I have work, sleep, etc. So let's drop it as a motivational/laziness issue. Timing has a lot to do with things.

  3. One of my clanmates thinks Lotus and Stalker are in cahoots. Because how does the Stalker know where we are in the vast galaxy and when it is the best time to strike.

    But he is a stalker and stalkers are crazy and you never know what batsh** crazy stuff they will do like try and throw a knife at you....

  4. I can't say I have ever done a rainbow build since 2.0 was released. My Ogris? It does 15,028 blast. I keep the specialties of the weapons and for some they have no elements. I prefer it this way and take faction specific weapons with faction builds. 

  5. Even if you were to throw in a maxed Blind Rage into the mix (and mitigate it with Fleeting), at very max, 8540 HP really won't do quite enough if enough enemies are shooting at it. And I don't mean Wave 100 Defense enemies. I mean enemies in T3 Defense.

    Who says you need a frost to do t3 defense?

  6. Its funny, snowglobe was really overpowered, now that it is on a normal balance level where every skill should be people start raging, because the game actually gets a bit more challenging.

    I quit playing my frost because I was a bubble boy. This will make it more appealing as teams will get more creative. I think this will also make things more appealing for what DE has in mind.

  7. All you're going to accomplish here is beating the bees-nest that is players who are upset by the potential change.


    haha, that is a great visual. Players all relaxing until someone shakes the tree... omg omg omg like bees buzzing around. Then once the shaking stops it all settles out with a few outliers who always buzz. 

  8. I feel sorry for the OP. I haven't run into any groups where people aren't 4-spamming. But really it is ok to me if they do since their experience helps me level whatever I need to level. It is nice to passively level when you get that one weapon that you hate. 

    But for those who asked the touchpad is a swipe for the powers. Up = 1 down = 2 left = 3 right =4 as the default settings. I have kept them mapped this way. Its a lot easier to do with both hands on the joysticks. In fact I had to relearn how to hold a controller so I didn't accidentally swipe. 

  9. Im looking for a group of people to do runs with, either for fun, or to farm. Though i dislike impatient players who just rush objectives.

    You are more than welcome to join us but I wanted to clarify this point a little bit. We last as long as we can in Defense and Survivals but other missions we are doing for the reward at the end, etc. So we tend to rush. Personally I have discovered that the best exp/farming is done in survivals whether looking for fusion cores or other items. But when doing a nightmare sabotage, our purpose is for the mod.

    Some in our clan will investigate every nook and cranny in a void run and some of us are just doing the key for the reward.

    I hope this helps in your decision making. We were doing tower survivals last night and since we had some under ranked guys we bailed around 30 minutes. But Xanxus and I have lasted until 40 minutes duo'ing.
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