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Posts posted by (PSN)wintersandman

  1. I think the problem with this thread is how people are thinking. They are comparing one frame by themselves. Most warframes work best in conjunction with other frames. Especially when facing high level content. 

    1. Sonic Boom - Great ability to knock enemies off someone trying to revive a fallen comrade.

    2. Silence - Shhh... be verwy verwy quiet. I am hunting wabbit.


    3. Sonar - Lets do an endless defense or survival with a Bastille Vauban. Oh hey look at those highlighted areas my Lato can actually do damage again. Oh this is also nice with a Rhino's stomp. You can pretty much go up and point blank them in the spot. 

    4. Soundquake - Hey Guys they killed Kenny. I will keep the enemies away while you get him back up.

    Banshee is just a misunderstood not easy to get warframe. But hey so are a lot of others.

    -Note: I used a Lato for an extreme example. But there is nothing worse than unloading an entire soma clip on an enemy and they still aren't dead. 

  2. First off is a theme song to go along with the video. I originally wanted to do "Here I Go Again" but couldn't think of an appropriate video.

    We could do the Loki/Nyx combo on a corpus level and equip the obex. Then play "Kung-Fu Fighting". That seems more ninja like.

  3. Just to chip in, not all PS4 players have this attitude of self-entitlement.

    Exclusive should be exclusive, and others whining about unavailable content annoys many of us too. They ARE a minority, so dont judge us all by those who are more vocal about such stuff.

    Would i like a Brak, or a prime this, or a Vandal that? Sure. But the PS4 version wasnt out, the content/events are finished, i'll enjoy what i have and not dwell on what ifs, or what is past.

    I cant apologize for others, as i doubt they feel any sorrow, but please accept we are not all like those that moan and whine and demand.

    I agree with what Stinja said. You can look at a lot of games. If you didn't play during that time you missed out. The only thing that sucks is the ability for mastery rank but that is a minor detail. 

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