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Posts posted by Makya

  1. i know it is not much difference about the mod ranks but i mean they are necessary after all,  almost all players have their character with flow streamline or so. and the effort you need to max this kind of mods on archwing are a lot for a bit difference.

    If you play Archwing often, you'll notice that unlike normal mode, enemies drop lots and lots of energy. Also while many warframes sharply rely on their powers or bust.. not so much in archwing, so not even close to as needed. Also as for comparing 'well I max it in normal play, why not here?!' they made health and shields significantly easier while making the more powerful things(ability spamming) more difficult. I think they are learning from their mistakes.

  2. Here come all the fools comparing Warframe's F2P model with other games...

    Get the point. Warframe's grind is becoming increasingly frustrating. And nearly everything in the game is close to useless without the right mods, maxed out. This means that to play the stuff I want, I have to grind my @$$ off.

    And its not like all F2P games are grindy. Just because a few games are grindy doesn't give Warframe an excyse to be grindy. Warframe has to be better.

    Plus, the whole thing just feels barely rewarding. The game is nothing but one grind after another.

    You don't need maxed out mods to complete DE's idea of proper end game which is the Starmap and Void, non endless. And endless for only 4 rewards. Beyond that? DE says it will not try to balance for all that much. If you want to max out mods, you can, but realize the only place to really use them is beyond DE's mindset for content.

  3. Do you know that a 4 waves draco rep farm just put your weaps from 0 to 30 with no boost ? Like, if that is the real problem for you, it's done in 30 minutes. 

    Just a few rounds of 20 wave T4D can do the same without the worry or feel of 'abusing/cheating the system'. You also get a lot of 5x R5 packages and primes parts..

  4. Two channeling slots would be rather nice. Right now Channeling doesn't have much pay off. +50% damage.. at energy cost, when you can normally get just about as good without channeling but with a full damage lay out.

  5. No, primaries would be OP if you buffed split chamber

    How is 'every shot does +90% damage' OP when it is already '90% of shots do +100% damage'?


    False Choice mods, while they are problem, cannot be fixed until RNG is fixed and RNG is arguably the hidden cause for practically all decisions players make in a game.

    Has nothing to do with RNG, had everything to do with redesigning how weapons and mods work.. which really involves deleting 85+% of weapon mods, even non +damage mods

  6. wrong

    we have reached a point

    where only certain people can get the top rank


    if max mastery gave big reward it would be just totally bs

    Without event/founder weapons/goods you can still reach easily MR 16. So having something require MR 16 isn't being unfair or limiting to people who start after the events..

  7. We need to fix spamming 4 being the pinnacle of skill and strategy to achieve goals as quickly and efficiently as possible.

    People will move to the several out door interceptions.. Bypass the general issue.It will also then focus on vaubans really with speed novas to bring them all out and in range of ogris blasts and say done.

  8. Right now in my point of view, warframe's gameplay requires almost no skill, the ammount of ways to "break" the difficulty of the game are huge, like max strenght rhinos with 0% duration power constantly spamming iron skin to avoid death. Or trinity blessing spam.



    What about you? Do you think the gameplay should be changed?


    (So, since people overreact to things they dont like, i decided to take off the part of the idea of adding cooldown on abilities, next time calm your S#&$ and think.)

    Please define 'Skill'

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