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Posts posted by Makya

  1. I'm not seeing your point.


    Either it's fixed or it isn't. Right now it isn't.


    Update 15.2.0

    • Excalibur’s Radial Javelin and Mag’s Shield Polarize will now check for line of sight when targeting enemies.
    • Trinity’s Energy Vampire now only benefits teammates who can see or can be seen by the targeted victim (victims remember who they have seen for a short duration).

    The next hot fix instantly reverted these. While these three were nerfed, players picked out others 'optimized' to continue with what they were doing. It didn't fix anything, it just changed focus to spaced out 30m diameter ulti-s from 50m.

  2. If items were limited to so many per mission and energy vampire adjusted to prevent standing and pressing 4 itd work out as is

    How many perm mission? EV adjusted to what?



    Its breaking when youre gaining 30 levels in 2 waves of an interception

    Would 4 waves be permissible then? How about 8? How many is 'ballanced'

  3. (The only thing I don't think people ever buy are certain resources, yes people even buy the mod packs)

    Who would.. what would make someone... WHY?! Do people honestly also buy the core packs? I am asking in all seriousness.. Do they?

  4. While you say it's terrible for the provider.. I ask which is better: People buying them, or people /not/ buying them. If you look at my numbers, I didn't use "three days into three pay days" I reduced it to about 6hours * Boosted days. A heavily grinding person could burn through 18hrs in a single day, it would take a casual player much longer.. I don't see a relaxed/casual player buying current boosters, do you?

  5. Same issue


    Energy is too easy to gain and abuse with 4 spam on enemies that come in infinite waves


    There should probably be an enemy cap for int to help fix this a bit but thats really only a band aid

    If energy is the true issue.. then DE needs to redesign all frames, all powers, all mods and all useable resources . It's the only way.


    loot caves should be very efficient


    But not game breakingly so

    Define when it breaks things. Is running ODD with loki-s and torids game breaking? Mesa + Limbo in any TD game breaking? How efficient is too efficient IYO? What metric are you comparing it to as a base line?

  6. Just a simple thought..


    We have 3 and 7 day boosters for 80 plat.. I would never buy these. Why? I don't ever plan to play 72+ straight hours of Warframe. I play some days then I don't for a day or two. I doubt anyone plays nothing but Warframe for 7 days.. I wonder how often people buy these because you aren't using half of what you paid for.


    Alternate take.. Sell hours. Sell a package of 18hr and 48hrs. These will tick down only while not logged in but while in a mission, when the booster is in effect. If it boosted and counted down only form how much I play, it is never a waste. I won't feel discouraged from idling in my ship trying to find a good layout or working with my clan to organize a group.


    What do others think?

  7. Then something needs to be done about that. Don't get me wrong, games should contain the drive to make things easier for yourself, but it shouldn't be just about that. Games should also drive you to experiment, try something new and that is where the fun should come from, assuming the core gameplay is already compelling. There shouldn't be a clear meta anyone can go to just to make things as efficient as possible.

    Where is the 'fun' in doing the same thing, same exact thing for 75+ times looking for one piece of one item? I avoid grind groups when I don't have a void item I want, I join the void after I have everything because I don't have a goal.. I enjoy, I explore even as the team rages because the void is a fun tile set, secrets, traps, treasure.. I like it. When it has something I want and going there with that on my mind? Screw fun, I want what I came for. If I have to choke out Vor, bare handed.. five times, tea bag the stalker twice /and/ then drop G3 with just a braton? I'd do it to guarantee what I want.


    There will always be a perfected 'meta' simply by those who make it quick and less thinking required. Look at Viver.. They killed several frames and broke the 'meta' .. under 12hrs later, a new meta was formed and people were BACK farming it to the ground, just as hard as before. Why? Because it owed them money and they were going to get it.


    Kill off Nova? Drag in a banshee and ordinance weapons. Kill off Trinity, things get more costly, but still cheap and people run high efficiency and Prime Flow to get the most out of a plate. Kill off Vauban, snap in a frost specked for massive snow globe and ice slick to CC the enemies into basically standing still.. Easy to hit Banshee's pinpoints, which now echo to the other targets, over lapping +500% weak points?


    No necros? Run many, rapid 20min runs then rather than 60min runs with him. More keys, almost same time, and seeing how much rep you are getting, 30 keys a day or 10hrs of runs.. Good enough. Tactics are fluid, they adapt. When like minded people have a goal, they work harder on a narrow focus.

  8. I see the efficiency of it, but it's still not a good way to do things. 

    It isn't about good.. Infested Defense, ODD.. isn't/wasn't about good or even having fun. It was about getting to most kills per second. A massive area speed nova + voban + trinity + necros isn't 'good' gameplay in T4S, but it is efficient. When people want something, that they have to do again and again and again.. they cut the fat, look to 'how can I make this easier on myself.. and do it.


    Fix that and you've fixed corpus interception.

    They still run Corpus? The Farming maps I visit are Grineer and as a Trinity I stand next to one, and pop EV back and forth between two groups after finding a sweet spot.. Two Excals clear the waves rather securely.

  9. whats the point of removing it if you will remove the mod slot? I would agree if it was to free 1 mod slot for another sort of mod, but just removing it along with a mod slot = keeping it occupying that mod slot.



    If you remove the mod slot then people will still use the same mods in the remaining slots. You achieved nothing but further forcing them to not sacrifice damage for anything else. More false choices.

    The point is simple.. No power creep while removing a 'mandatory' mod. It isn't false choice. Leaving the slot in just offers up another slot for another +60% damage or more mod.. Aka, increasing damage so  increasing DPS..


    Lets say serration is removed.. Lets mod a gun then.. let see: Four elemental mods, heavy cal, multi shot, two event elements.. Make multi shot built in? Add in another event element or if the weapon favors a base damage, event base damage mod.. More slots = moar deeps.

  10. these are totally out of context... cheating the game, not cheating. yes, we have excessive grind, but countering it with an excessive XP source isn't the answer. there should be no definite solution to the game, especially not one so mechanical in process.

    Nerf infinite spawns then?


    Player: I need XP. I want to get XP quickly.. *look into how to get XP quickly.. gets yelled at for thinking* :-| 

  11. You mean cheating the game instead of playing fair and supporting the game youre playing for free?


    Soy ou want to be spoonfed and have the game die for it




    Theres a big issue here


    Synergy is great, too much is bad


    Theres a saying that goes with that

    If they didn't use energy vampire and used energy plates, would that be 'cheating' then?

  12. That's not really important though since the 200% is guaranteed. The 20% is not and will rarely proc which is the main problem with Multishot.

    Not quite.. Shotgun multishot /is/ mostly reliable. It's a pellet multiplier not really a shell multiplier. If you have 320% multi shot and 10 pellets, you now fire 42, every shot. It gets funny when you fire lower count shots like 3 pellet shotguns with 120% multishot fire 6 or 7 pellets, not a leap between 6 or 9 unless I'm sorely mistaken.


    As for the OP, nice idea

  13. Your weapons don't get XP for killing things with frame powers. I'm sure you'll get lots of up votes for disagreeing with me and using the word grind, though.

    Your weapon gets XP for someone else killing things with warframe powers though. Which is why I prefer being the Trinity.

  14. Yes, None. But then it requires more skills to use it.

    Also, even with the armor, it doesn't help very much from being one shot isn't it.

    Studying Warcry a little.. it gives you about 85% DR. Wouldn't that mean using your version of no armor, she is seven times easier to kill compared to a warcry build with modest pay off compared.

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