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Posts posted by LightstealKnight

  1. (Originally posted in GD. Posting a second thread in Feedback. Because, well...It's also feedback)



    Equippable melee opens up some serious opportunities for greatness.








    I must really vote against equitable melee weapons.

    However, I would not be against:


    Pushing the melee button works as normal however the melee weapon is not put away directly after the attack until the the fire button is pushed.  This way the melee button will have a quicker attack because the equip animation will not have to be done again.  The fire button should re-equip the primary or secondary weapon that was being used.


    I also would not be against melee weapons such as wrist razors that do not require an equip or de-equip animation or a melee / secondary weapon combo that do not require equip/de-equip animations.

    Maybe even make the throwing weapons (such as the Hikou) equip-able to the secondary weapon slot and/or the melee slot so that it can be used as both with the separate mods for each (and perhaps a mod or two that will effect the melee from the secondary weapon slot or vise versa).



    And of course no change is required for the glaive.








    To me, the movement in Warframe really isn't that great.

    The wallruns feel clunky, it's a hassle to jump from wall to wall, dodge rolling is barely useful at all, there's barely any synergy between acrobatics and the gunplay/melee.


    Wallrunning has massive potential for both gameplay and map design.

    But, with the way wallrunning works in Warframe (a gimmick at best), it just doesn't reach that potential.


    At the moment, Warframe's movement is what?

    The only thing the movement techniques are used for is zooming around maps.


    Launching 42378 KM/H off wallruns.

    Slide melee.



    The occasional wallrunning to progress is thrown in.


    Movement is in need of an overhaul. A serious overhaul.

    How to achieve this?


    First - Remove coptering

    Second - Remove the ability to launch yourself ridiculous distances after a wallrun.

    Third - Give movement a place in the game. Make it something more than a gimmick.

    Fourth - Integrate it with gameplay.







    My only beef with movement is that tumbles and melee interrupt reload animations rather than just pausing them.


    I love the slide shot (because it allows for allies to shoot at enemies from behind without blocking their LoS)

    I love shooting from mid air and the slide melee attack (although it is sometimes hard to connect especially with the glaive).

    The stamina system could use a little bit of an adjustment but it is good enough.


    First - 


    Please, do not remove coptering, I do not use it myself but it is not an exploit.  It is a viable game mechanic and useful for many builds.  Movement is great in warframe, I do not think that it needs a lot of work, just little tweaks here and there.


    Second - 


    KEEP IT!!!




    It is already




    It is already


    I agree with most of what is in the link below
    However for a quick programming fix



    I enjoyed your post and your suggestions, however, and encourage you to keep posting about your frustration.  Personally, I really enjoy the movement mechanics even though they can be greatly improved upon.




  2. I saw a post that gathered all the frustrating features about movement in warframe.

    It was very well detailed, with drawings and .gif, and had more than 200 "likes".

    What you're complaining about was included of course.

    I can't find it because I didn't bother replying to say nothing, but if somebody has the link...


    EDIT : finally found it ! https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/119650-parkour-has-been-ignored-for-too-long-its-the-key-element-in-making-warframe-gameplay-unique-and-fresh/?hl=%20movement%20%20gameplay%20%20wallrun


    Firstly it is not a complaint, it is constructive criticism with a suggestion.


    That is a great post but it will require a serious overhaul of the mechanics system,  the suggestions in this post are more of a quick fix and the tumble comment is not included in the link you posted.


    But thank you for that link, I thoroughly enjoyed looking through it and agree with most of the suggestions other than reducing the wall jump and removing the helecoptering.

  3. Great gameplay mechanics, however,


    I do not know if anyone else has this problem but sometimes I hit walls on a slight slant while intending to run up and do a wall run by mistake, and vise versa.


    As an added gameplay mechanic, could you please make the key bindings for a wall run and a wall climb different so that we have more control over the result.




    If you hit the wall at an angle  between 5 to 15 degrees (subject to change on testing)


    If you hold jump or Jump + sprint - perform a run up

    Else if you hold sprint and not hold jump - do a wall run

    Else If you hold crouch - continue your slide and do not interact with wall

    else If you are not holding sprint or jump - do not interact with wall



    And if I could add another mechanics suggestion - the tumble roll after landing.

    Please have a different landing and the tumble roll only apply if the forward key (W) is being held.

    I hear a lot of feedback from players that make a perfect landing perpendicularly on narrow bridge however continue to tumble forward off the bridge into a lower area or a pit.  Please reward players for making jumps like this.


    Please comment and/or sign

  4. To be honest,i really think that in warframe shudnt be a place for a buy back cuz that will lowered importance of weapon and warframe slots.... we would just exchange 1 wep or warframe for another.

    But i also agree that there are issues with accidentally selling something and that takes a long time for support to answer

    and i would like to c that they/we find some other ways like reducing and preventing that mistakes,instead of adding this buyback function.


    24 hour window, problem solved


    Definitely add this feature, do it yesterday


    It is too easy to accidentally select multiple items.

  5. Don't forget the enemy AI! It sucks!


    The AI has little to do with context and story, however, I did not find it that horrible.


    The infested AI is fine, I would not expect them to act any different, and similar with the corpus,


    The Grineer actually have decent AI and more than not, will run for cover.  Other than standing in the open sometimes.


    This is considered micro AI, which is for individual soldiers.  They do not have any Macro AI, where the entire team coordinates together.  


    This actually belongs in a separate post, but as soon as a soldier encounters an enemy, he is trained to fire at that enemy while he runs for cover.  And a teammate will only move if teammates will cover them and add suppressing fire.


    Also two separate squads should act in coordination, they should cover each other and try to flank the warframes.  But considering the warframes have nuking abilities, I would not know how to coordinate a team of Grineer to best fight against them.  But definitely not group up to close together, stay spread out so that AOEs are less effective.  Maybe add a few new tactical maneuvers to their repertoire.



    And some weapons do not require Line of Sight, such as grenades.


    Although this is not a plot to give context, it is still an example of character portrayal through mechanics.  The heavy organization of the Grineer should say something about that faction just as the chaotic zerging of the infested.

  6. This is officially my first post in the forums and I do not intend for it to be negative.  This is a great game, and I have had a lot of fun with it, and the mechanics shine and make the game-play fun.


    However, the maps and levels are lacking.  The only variation are the bosses.


    I'm not saying to redo the levels, or change them, but if you are to add new levels and new content please change it up.


    The game has all of the best components that one could expect from a great game and although a lot of thought has gone into the game modes themselves, copying and pasting the same game mode over and over again is not a very good tactic.


    The game only needs:

    1 early, 1 mid and 1 end game version of each of the game modes for each faction.  

    And keep the random route and placement within it so that it can be repeated.

    Even if you wanted to keep different planets, there is no reason to have more than one of these modes per planet.

    And nightmare mode is great too.



    Beyond this perhaps actual hand crafted missions could take place.  Even a quest chain where the story develops over several missions.  And perhaps even a climactic end mission.  

    Who doesn't like a good plot twist?  Or even some thread of story to give the player context?


    You will lose many players because they lack context for the mission and a general purpose in doing the mission other than experiencing your great mechanics and attempting to get items for crafting and upgrading.


    Will it take work? yes, but it will be worth it.


    Also, I know you want to allow for solo play, however, this will limit the group element of the game.  Perhaps include missions where more than 1 person is required.  


    For example, 1 person needs to defend an objective while the other needs to go and do another objective simultaneously.


    A lever control system for one person to help his team open doors through a maze.


    And limiting parties to 4 players per mission is great, but what about massive raids where 6 or 8 people can be included?


    I am including all of this in order to stress the creative direction that this game can go and be improved upon.  


    Even if you include 1 new mission chain per update, even if the chain is only 3 missions long, over time this will increase the scope of the game.


    Again, I'm not complaining, this is a great game, but the industry and players have certain standards today.  Old games like breakout and galaxy had only 1 mission type with varying difficulties and no context.  The mechanics were the game, and this game feels similar in scope.

    And every review that I have looked at so far seems to state the same thing, just so you know that I am not alone.


    "So, these sleek, awesome warframe-ninjas you play as? They fight mean aliens. 

    That’s about as deep as the story dives, unfortunately." - IGN


    "Warframe tips the scales too far in one direction.

    The core gameplay, including the variety of suits and weapons, is terrific,

    and it’s reason enough to play this sci-fi shooter.

    But the boring story, too-similar missions, and aggressive payment model

    hold it back from what it could be.

    Still, if you plan to pick it up, it’s worth dropping $60

    and pretend there’s nothing else to it." - IGN



    I strongly disagree with the payment method comment however, everything that cannot be attained in game is surprisingly cheap.  That is why I was happy to drop $60 on the game.



    Please, everyone, watch extra credits if you haven't already.


    This is why a good story is important:

    (This was done very well in Warframe but not followed up upon)


    This is a video on the current state of warframe:

    (which is a great starting point for the developers to include a story)


    This is one of the original episodes on introducing story to games


    And this here are 2 episodes on the goal of a story in a game.


      (part 1)


      (part 2)



    Please watch them and I hope this game lives up to its potential.


    ​Edit: Embedded video

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