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Posts posted by LightstealKnight

  1. Everyone seems to really dislike the void trader so here my humble suggestion. Let him sell items that people missed (ie were not playing warframe at the time, event items missed because of work or sleep lol). I'm being selfish maybe but in buy targis prime from him before I'd buy a noggle or even prisma gorgon. That would really give people the inspiration to horde random prime parts for ducats if they knew they could trade them in for really cool items they missed out on for whatever reason. Thereby increasing void and derelict play and making the trader immensely popular, which is the exact opposite of what he is now. Just my suggestion, i hate to see such a good concept (the trader )fail for the reason he currently is. So let him sell cool stuff (prime armor cough cough), and i for one would spend many an hour in the void (prime syandanas cough cough) hehe.



    I missed the piercing mod and slash mod events, it would be nice to get these at some point.

  2. Ember is still not as playable as she should be.

    1. Heat resistant passive is required
    2. Does her accellerant stun like the description says? Maybe just make it like a blast/impact status effect?
    3. World on Fire needs to be changed to a format similar to Banshee, Mesa, and Chroma's 4th powers.

    For all those wondering, Ember is currently the most effective buffer with her augment and accellerant combination.

  3. The problem is that many enemies do not have eyes.
    I imagine that radial blind is more like an EMP and sensory overload that messes with their electronic equipment and biology temporarily.

    I think it is working fine.

    Perhaps just buff players' melee as if they were invisible.

  4. Interesting theory, but it doesn't match the existing lore. In the stalker's codex, he says that the Tenno "loosed rookie blood" implying that they were organic. Also, the Tenno were created by the Orokin to fight the sentients, after the infestation had failed to wipe the sentients out. Also, the "Save mankind" part, I don't but because in J3 Golem's old lore, it said that the Tenno used a virus to sterilize the Grineer, who then had to revert to cloning to exist. Furthermore, you say that the Tenno lured the Orokin into the void, but it is known that the Orokin forums the void, sent people into them, who were altered by the void and became Tenno. Finally, the Grineer as a democracy is just wrong: they have queens.

    I do applaud you though, it was a cool video. If you cauldron make one exploring the established lore, that would be really cool!

    This video compresses a few thousand years of history into 5 minutes.  The Grineer that we see in game are a former shell of their original ideology.  Their cloning process and the twin queens are the result of time.


    The Tenno armor (Warframes) are Orokin in design.  You have to assume that this is part of the future plan of the Orokin mind. 



    The Sentients had won. They had turned our weapons, our technology, against us. The more advanced we became, the greater our losses. The war was over unless we found a new way. In our desperation we turned to the Void. The blinding night, the hellspace where our science and reason failed.

    We took the twisted few that had returned from that place. We built a frame around them, a conduit of their affliction. Gave them the weapons of the old ways. Gun and blade. A new warrior, a new code was born. These rejects, these Tenno, became our saviors. Warrior-Gods cast in steel and fury striking our enemies in a way they could never comprehend.

    Excalibur was the first.


    –Orokin 'Warframe' Archives (Excalibur Codex Entry)


    This seems to be a plan for the future.  They call the warframes rejects that were able to return from the void. The warframes are described as conduits for their afflictions.  Yet the Orokin still call them saviors.


    They were able to return from the void because they were immune to the mind control effects of the orokin mind.  But they were built as a last act of a dying Orokin civilization.  For what purpose?  The first step in the Orokin plan has come to fold.  The sentients have re-opened the void and released the Warframed Tenno.

  5. that was actually really good.  could have had a little better mic, but no one is holding that against you. that was a good informational video

    Thanks Celsius, I do have a headset mic and an open source audio editing program.  It was the best I could do under the circumstances...

  6. I made a short video with some big leaps in understanding how our current world could eventually become the one depicted in Warframe.


    Everything in the video remained self consistent with no Alien life forms from other solar systems.  We were ultimately the cause for everything we see in Warframe.


    Enjoy and let me know what you think!




  7. 1. You make it sound like the orokin empire and Sentients were the same Which they arent.

    2. Tenno/warframes are more immune to remote control rather than organic mind control, there's a difference between the two

    3. Grineer did not create the infested. The Orokin created it to fight the Sentients. If you were referring to Once Awake, those were captured specimens they awakened and studied not a birus they created themselves.

    4. Grineer were normal during the first few generations of cloning. After they started to deteriate they wanted to become normal again not superior, although correcting the deterioration would make them vastly supperior anyway

    5. Infested did not adapt to consume mechanical things, Alad V made it possible through his experiments pretty recently.

    Keep in mind these are all proven facts and not speculation



    1.  How do you know that the orokin empire was not originally created by the sentients?

    2. there are gunmen, crewmen and ancients in the void that are under orokin control.  It is in fact mind control.

    3.  If the orokin created the infested, then why would there be infested orokin derelict ships? The grineer could still have captured specimen for "once awake" if they originally created them, but also the infested could have gotten out of control and waged war on the orokin empire.  Where is your source that the Orokin created the infested?

    4.  I was under the impression that the grineer had bio-interface technology and they only started to deteriorate after 100+ years of life.  


    5.  Good point.


  8. We cant give you feedback because nobody knows anything about the past, at least exact stuff. All we got is little tidbits, nothing that represents the past as a whole.

    Also fanzone


    This is a theoretical guess as to a possible history as created by the warframe world.  You can still, however, give feedback.

    This is what I pieced together from all of those little tidbits.  Would you change something? Add something? Get rid of something?

    Please let me know.

  9. This post was speculative.  It was an attempt to piece together the history of mankind and bridge our current world with the future world depicted in Warframe.

    I would like some feedback from the player base, to better paint a picture of how the system got the way that it is depicted within the game.

    My goal is to narrate a short 5 minute history for Warframe, to provide lore for the player base.  I will post the video on Youtube when it is complete.  Anyone that wishes to contribute, please contact me @



    I thank you for any contribution that you make.

  10. The will and instincts of mankind was flawed.  We nearly destroyed ourselves.  There was no order to mankind.  The Cephalon were created to bring order.  Each colony had a central Cephalon and a Cephalon council to optimize mankind.  The early AI were primitive, but were able to improve themselves. 

    When they were created we could not foresee the problems they would create for us.

    They were created to improve mankind and bring us order and a new utopian civilization.  Built into their primordial code was the preservation of life and the quest for order and happiness.

    That all changed with the Orokin mind.


    The Orokin mind was in charge of large colonies and entire derelict civilizations.  They were able to interface telepathically with all of their citizens.  At first efficiency was at an all-time high, but the Orokin minds developed a new technology.  They were able to control the minds of their subjects.

    We became Orokin hives.  The Tenno were genetically resistant to the mind control.  They developed a rebellion to free mankind from the mental enslavement of the Orokin hive.  Combined with the lotus, a biologically powered super computer and the older Cephalon they waged a war to end the dominance of the Orokin hive minds.

    The dark matter rifts were used to open doors to the void.  And over centuries the Tenno were able to trick the Orokin minds and banish them into the void thereby locking them away for eternity.  Many Tenno were also lost to the void as an inevitable tragedy of this strategy.


    Mankind slowly regained its independence, and two factions emerged.

    The Corpus, short for “corporate us”, believed in a utopian world of technology.  They believed that corporations have responsibilities for their employees, to grant them housing, nutrition, health, and happiness.  Employees would flock to corporations that gave the promise of better living.  They were able to salvage technology that the Cephalon and Orokin minds created and understand them for a better future.


    The Grineer believed in democratic nation states.  They tried to revive the ancient nations and believed that only a national entity could care properly for its citizens.  As the two factions came at odds, the Grineer began growing its military sector.  Rather than investing their time in digital technology, the Grineer focused their time on genetic advancement.  They believed that the source of our ancient problems could be fixed through genetics.  We could cure our megalomania and selfishness and end our own destruction through the reparation and perfection of the genome.  We could even live forever.


    A radical sect of Grineer developed a fast mutating gene that would speed human evolution.  This mutation took a turn for the worse.  The mutation spread quickly, threatening to devour entire populations.  Its rapidly accelerating biological evolution spread throughout the system.  The uninfected called them the infested.  They were able to control populations of people and, with the help of Alad V, adapt their biology to bond with mechanical devices.


    In an effort to combat the other factions, an arms-race to open the ancient Tenno tombs was underway.  The Grineer wanted to acquire the lost keys to open the doors to the void, and enslave the Tenno that were lost within.  As it turns out, the same biological resistance that the Tenno had for the Orokin mind, rendered them resistant to the infested mutation.
    The Corpus also desired to capture the ancient Orokin technology and the Tenno technology to grant them superiority over the Grineer and their mutating infested creations.


    And so the void was re-opened.  The Tenno that were lost in the void, were taken out of stasis by both the Grineer and the Corpus, each to serve their own perverted purpose.  The lotus awoke from stasis upon hearing the pain of her Tenno champions.  Her location still secret to all of humanity, she has been guiding her Tenno to freedom and to rescue other fellow Tenno from this newly corrupted universe.


    The small remainence of Tenno now face a new threat:  to save their fellow Tenno, to restore peace, freedom and order to humanity, to fend off the Orokin minds that were freed along with them, and to purge the infested from the system.


    This is the current frame of our war, this is is our Warframe.

  11. Ok so went from 1 key for 1000 points (5000/5), to an option of


    1 key for 15 000 points or 1 key for 8 000 (25000/3) points???


    I prefer the random key pack, but make it a bit cheaper please, 25000 is way too much.  Maybe the devs don't play the game but that is about two days of farming for people under MR 10.

    What I liked about the way things were, is that all your friends could pick different factions and you could use their keys and they could use yours.  It makes the game more social!!
    Why not add in 2 key packs in each syndicate? Give players the option.
  12. I got no mission rewards even though I can see the mission rewards.


    I tried taking a screenshot but UI does not appear on the screenshot


    Loki's level in Mission Rewards was 7, and my actual Loki level was 5


    I got 2 neurodes and a bunch of other stuff from the mission (cores and such) but they do not show up in my inventory.



    What happened?

    I hit the "I" button on an ally while waiting for the countdown timer to run down and it said "unable to connect to server".





  13. Weapon(s) used: 

    A large variety by now

    Faction(s) fought:
    All of them

    Mod(s) equipped/Stance used:

    A large variety by now

    Thoughts & Experiences:

    I looked more at game-play rather than damage and was very disappointed (I am sorry to those that worked so hard on the system)


    It is awkward to go into and out of melee mode.  (which should not be required. In order to take full advantage of melee, technically as long as you are spamming E and your weapon is out, you are in melee mode)


    It is hard to know what kind of aerial attack will be performed (spin, dash, or slam) beforehand.  


    Stances take a lot of practice to master, which cannot be done during play [bad game design].  The main reason for this is that most play is not done in melee mode and you cannot practice stances with a gun equipped.

    It would also be useful if there were some animation provided during the combo where a button is being held down.


    Blocking seems to be a very useful ability but is currently only useful against gunfire while running and gap-closing, or against special boss attacks.  


    Channeling attacks are great, but only usable when in the rarely used melee stance.


    I did find an improvement in game-play when playing as ASH or LOKI in stealth mode.  It is also useful when using BANSHEE with during her silence ability duration and Rhino with his skin up and VALKYR in her Rage mode.


    All things considered, the old melee mode provided much more fluid game-play.


    Approximate Time Spent:

    100s of hours

    Supplementary Info: Mouse/Keyboard


  14. highly doubt it

    DE stated after community vote that cosmetics & stats won't be tied anymore, ever. too much "must have to min/max"



    If the helmets were purely cosmetic, you would think that they would only be available through platinum purchase.

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