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Posts posted by LightstealKnight

  1. I don't know if someone already posted this, but it is worthy of a re-post because the issue still exists.


    Vauban's vortex was meant to suck allies for a very brief instant, but with lag, that instant gets extended to sometimes even after the ability stops working often causing anti-fun, airborn status and death for teammates.


    This is a bug because it can be fixed despite the lag.

  2. I don't know how else it would fit on a gamepad. 


    double tap a direction,


    but flips and tumbles feel way more ninja-like than a dash.


    But wouldn't be against a double tap quick motion that doesn't interrupt reload.


    Once you add this, however, you get into dash+melee combo....

  3. Please no...


    Mastery rank is a good way to identify how long someone has been playing for, and how powerful they already are.  You want to give them even more power?


    watch this and then ask yourself if this should still be implemented.



    Direct link:  


    As it stands mastery level is fine.


    Also warframe is one of those games where the casual player is strong enough to go into a mission with a hardcore player.  I do not want to see "Hosting T3 cap, mastery rank 7+ send /w" in the recruit tab...

  4. I do not know about the rest of you but I think the stalker is a very brilliant and fun mechanic.  I don't even care if I end up dying to him or beating him, the entire encounter is exhilarating.


    It is purely exciting and terrifying to get a visit from him.


    I've seen other posts of people complaining that he never comes for them and they are dying for a blueprint from him, and at the same time posts like this complaining that he comes for them at all.


    Most F2P (free to play) players would love to kill the stalker instead of paying 850 plat for the stalker weapons pack.  


    People even make threads requesting to hunt players as the stalker, or a bounty hunter using whatever frame they chose in the middle of a mission.


    This mechanic would reward the bounty hunter for killing the target and disappearing, or the entire party by stopping the assassination attempt.


    To be honest, I have just as much fun dying to the stalker than I do killing him and getting the BP.


    But I can understand your frustration.  Vauban is very fragile and defenseless if he is ever targeted.

  5. I understand why they don't do this,


    1.  Why would people farm keys if they could just queue up for one?

    2.  Less people will be in the recruiting channel and key-holders will have less of an option of who they chose





    1.  Make all players require a key to queue up for the mission and at the same time a bit easier to farm.

    2.  Have an interactive queuing system where the host has a list of all of the players waiting in queue, a list of which warframes they are willing to bring and which keys they are willing to equip, which missions they are willing to do and how long they have been waiting.



    Personally, I do not like what the game would become if these solutions were implemented, and even worse if they made a queue system without these solutions.


    But it is a good idea and I can see why you are annoyed with the recruiting channel, it is a hassle...

  6. I know this has been mentioned in other threads but I will give a brief answer here.


    Final_Damage = (Initial_Damage) x [1-(armor/(armor+300))]


    Edit:  This is not the mathematically simplest form, the wiki needs an update:

    Final_Damage = Inital_Damage / [1+(Armor/300)]


    So basically ALL damage will be reduced by armor.

    @300 armor you will do 1/2 damage, @600 armor you will do 1/3 damage @900 armor you will do 1/4 damage .....


    You do get bonus damage against armor for penetrating damage type, but that number just boosts the Initial_Damage value in the calculation.


    You can also read on it in the wiki @




    This includes the formula for how enemy armor increases at higher levels.


    So far the solutions to what the playerbase has deemed a problem (heavy armor scaling in late game) are


    An additional health bar for defeating armor

    so armor will not exponentially decrease damage, it will simply add this extra bar,


    and the other one is


    That armor calculations be removed and it be added as a surface type for players to avoid shooting but if they do shoot it, it will have a set value of reduced damage rather than an increasing damage reduction based on this armor value. 

  7. I am writing this specifically about ODD but it applies to all defense missions.


    I did an ODD last night with some friends and, I SH*T you not, the Sicarus Prime blueprint showed up 7 times across the 55 waves that we did.

    We did not want to go 55 rounds but we kept getting and refusing the sicarus prime blueprint.....


    Please DE, please please please please please.....

    If we all refuse a reward, for the love of god, remove it from the loot table for the following rounds.


    The day before we did a survival and we got 6 mag prime helmets in a single run... now this is a bit exaggerated, but it is acceptable because we are not restricted to a single reward and we are not trying to refuse it.  Besides it sells for some pretty decent cash.  But in a defense, our goal is to leave on a good reward, and refusing a reward 7 times... that is excessive to say the least.


    For those that are curious, we refused a T2 cap key reward in the 10th round (5th was sicarus prime), but we were all overjoyed to accept a T2 cap key for our 55th wave reward considering the situation.....


    please fix this, and everyone please +1 and sign to support this change.




  8. your post is result of terrible lack of experience and perspective on the game.


    if you call a single defense a coop you are obviously don't know what are you talking about. If i could i would hold objective with Loki or to be sure with Frost alone.


    And as it now, this event consists of search for basically 2 items and one single, good for nothing defense. this is not coop, this is forced need in a party because otherwise you just can't get a top tier reward.


    i am sorry maybe i not a nicest guy, most certainly i am not. but i have little patience for people speaking nonsense.


    And your post is the result of not taking the time to read it and understand what I am trying to say.  I have a different opinion than you.  Teamplay in games should be trained from the beginning.  I dont care if you can solo team missions at low levels.  No teamplay in a palus mission will only maybe get you to 15 minutes, getting past 40 requires teamplay.  Teamplay that is not taught at early levels and people like you ruin by requiring solo missions all the time.


    I did not suggest that a defense mission is a team mission, or even survival for that matter.  I suggested that DE continues to come out with REAL team and strategic missions where co-ordination is required.  Where each person needs to fill a role and if they do not, the mission will fail.

    Did you complain that the Vault requires 4 keys to open?

    But even the Vault is a simple version.


    And the reverse is also true, a lot of players are just horrible, and cannot carry their own weight.  Requiring them to do a solo mission or making the Mastery rank tests actually a bit difficult will help improve them also.


    I will say it again because maybe you didn't understand the first time.

    A good game developer will force the player to go out of his element in order to learn and grow as a person and player.

    This mission is a step in the right direction.  And instead of stopping that small step and complaining, maybe encourage them and help them to get the co-op element of the game right.


    If you only like solo, then why play a game that is advertised as co-op?


    But you will probably just answer with a single line response taking my statement out of context without understanding what I wrote like you did the last 2 times.

    You might even advertise how great you are again, and how skilled and experienced a player you are to try and fill yourself up with self-worth in a world that does not give you any.

  9. +1


    a little strong and harsh to DE, but I can see a hotfix allowing the player to customize UI a bit better and put on or take off health bars.  The health bar window is big and clunky anyways, it should be narrowed and made transparent.


    Removing the health bar is a bit extreme especially since they just came out with another healing frame.

    Mags also should have their team health and shield status open, and even when I'm neither trinity or mag I like to make sure they are doing their job and if not place a team health restore on the ground or at least begin running to a teammate to revive him before he actually falls.


    But community feedback would be nice, 


    I assume that founders are the ones that would be polled, but founders should keep an eye on these forums too and post links to good threads within the founders only forum.


    I see a lot of great suggestions, comments, and requests, that seem to be unheard with no feedback from the Devs.  We need founders and/or Devs to monitor these forums and poll us a bit too.





  10. Fixed that for you.


    Oh, right, screw the diversity, it's all too complicated, let's just make all factions pretty much the same... because making one of factions appear in different way automatically cuts it in half



    I love the fact that they inhabit planets differently, but a single homeworld would not kill the system.

  11. No one is forcing you to play these missions, but forced co-op adds a new element to the game.  If you want a great example of co-op gaming go and play DDO.  There are some truly great things that can be done when co-op is properly employed and the results are quite beautiful to see.

    If you force co-op on lower levels, then people will know how to co-operate better in higher ones.  I've had bad experiences with survivals because some players just do not know how to co-operate.  They will go off on their own and ruin the spawn rate/location and get killed or not be there to assist teammates that need it.


    I say MORE CO-Op, and good work.  But on the other hand, maybe give the solo players something to do ;)


    Solo-only missions have a very nice potential also.  


    More content is never bad, no matter how you do it.  Forcing people to get out of their element is what makes a game dynamic and interesting to play.  Force the co-op players to solo, and the solo players to co-op and duo, and even PvP only mods to be purchased from PvP renown (once the PvP system is properly installed and working - may I suggest 4v4 maps)



  12. Like the title, I want to give you more money and buy more plat, but I would have nothing to spend it on.


    A wide range of skins for each Frame will let me pick and chose how I want each frame to look.  Maybe even mix and match a body skin with a helmet skin.  And include new ability animations, effects and style in each skin.  For example, make the excalibur dash do a smoke trail in a samurai skin.


    And please allow for a single mod to be inserted into each helmet type.  Very often I like the way a helmet looks but I do not like the negative effect that it gives.  This is solved with the new helmets doing "nothing" but giving an aesthetic look, however some older helmets have very nice buff/debuffs and look ugly, whereas others look great but have a very bad buff/debuff.  This could be solved by allowing for a single mod slot to be inserted in each helmet.


    Weapon skins are nice too but each weapon needs more variety and very often the original skin still looks better than the new skin.


    A user color template.

    Please let me combine the purchased color templates to a single template by equipping colors into it from other templates.  I will pay for such a template and I am sure others will too.

    You can sell a 3x3 template and charge more for a 5x5, 15x5, 30x5, 20x20, and even a wheel template or triangle template, to suit how many colors a user can add to it and what shape the user can chose to put the colors in.


    Mod Tabs

    Let us organize mods differently by selling us additional mod Tab options to organize it the way we want it.  I would pay and others will too.


    Particle Effects and Trails

    I would pay to be able to add particle effects to different weapons, and to be able to adjust the colors of those effects.  And even leave a footprint trail behind your warframe:  a fire trail, a growth trail, Ice trail etc. 


    Loadout Save slots 


    To be able to save and load a loadout, including giving it a name to be able to save/load a complete loadout of:


    colors, mods, warframes, weapons, particle effects,


    And if the saved loadout is no longer relevant because gear was changed or sold, then just make the loadout have an error (IOW: do not force us to delete a saved loadout entry before we upgrade mods.)


    Dynamic colors

    A way to combine colors in a gradient style.

    Two end colors and a middle color and a direction

    (left to right, radial, triangular ... etc)

    This new dynamic color could be loaded as a primary color or secondary color for example.

    And it will make energy and powers look less one dimensional.


    Dynamic colors could also include a transitioning color change and time interval for blinking energy on suits and weapons.


    Prime Decoration Color

    Instead of forcing us to use Gold, maybe silver, or copper, and different Prime only skins.  I would pay a lot to be able to change the way this ugly Paris Prime looks.... Now the Cernos, that is a great looking bow.


    Show screen


    Yes, this will not directly monetize you, but it will give incentive to get all of these fancy visuals.  Before each level you have a nice diorama that does not include the weapons and animations and focuses mainly on your own warframe.  It is hard to appreciate the way other players decided to decorate their warframes because they are constantly on the move.  Every so often I really want to see how another player chose to decorate his warframe but I just cant catch him standing still.

    Even in elevators some players just don't stop jumping around.  If your dioramas were a bit more revealing of other players, and your entry animations and exit animations showed off your look more, there would be more incentive for other players to purchase these aesthetic aspects with plat.


    It will also give you a better idea of your team composition before you get into play.  Especially if your Host started the match too quickly without giving you the chance to look over your team.



    If you want my money, you need to work for it, but I will happily give it to you!



  13. Survival should be in an 'arena' like Defense missions are, truthfully.



    Yes but the player should chose where that "arena" should be.  To fix this, make life support drops actually get teleported in, or dropped from the sky where the game host currently is.  This way, the player can chose which room is best to make a stand.

  14. +1


    Please edit the main post to use the conclave value for cell difficulty level.  Conclave value should be better calculated, but that is another topic.  (The total fusion progress should account for a Mod's conclave value and give higher ranking mods an exponentially heavier conclave rating)


    I would rather the cells not be crafted because the recruiting system is very lacking in the game.  The queuing system however is very good.

    I would rather see conclave nodes for cell missions, or even better:


    slowly rework all of the planets one by one to have the cells as the main path to the end mission/assassination mission.  And little side nodes to preserve the "Spy / Capture / Mobile Defense / Defense / Survival / Exterminate / Sabotage / Rescue / Deception" mission types.

    Do not make these mission types the main path to get to the end mission.  The only place that these mission types should remain as the main path is in Mercury.


    Mercury should introduce you and give a small tutorial to all of these mission types if you are Mastery level 1, and they are good enough for it to be the main path in mercury.  


    After this, they should be an optional and a fun alternative mode to the main story missions and retain the nightmare and alert gameplay that everyone has come to know and love.


    As for an endgame, for now, aim to get the story mode to the highest difficulty planet.


    I had another post about this subject:





    Just keep this in mind



    Direct link:  


  15. We probably all agree that AOE damage needs to be reworked, independently of this topic.


    So I would say that when an enemy is hit by an AOE, the most logical reasoning is to split the damage following the relative areas of its different surfaces.

    For a crewman, you would have, say, 25% heavy armor, 25% light armor and 50% flesh. You would simply apply your damage to these three zones, pondered by the corresponding percentages.


    It will result in the same consequence as for shotguns, but I still don't understand why you guys don't find it reasonable.

    In some cases it would not even be a nerf : think about all the "headshots" that you currently have on crewmen with AOE damage, which reduces the damage by a 10 factor.



    I agree, and here is my suggestion for the AOE rework


    Much like in real life, explosions have shrapnel and explosive damage.

    I suggest that AOE emits a shotgunlike explosion that each individual fragment will deal damage to where it hits, and the explosive element will deal elemental damage based on elemental blast fragments.

    (like right now the penta can do headshots)

    And the player UI could select an option to show shotgun damage and blast damage as a single number result of the damage round.


    Shotguns will do better against unarmored targets such as corpus or infested, however a puncturing and punch through mod will still give good damage results against grineer.


    @Hunter, about the pros and cons, you will notice that each weapon type remains consistant and has definite advantages against different factions.  Because there are 3 factions, this means that each weapon will have 2 parts con to 1 part pro.  But these numbers were just invented by me, if this change were to be implemented, the DE team would have to do a lot of testing to figure out the right numbers.  I just wanted to suggest a general ballpark.

  16. Not bad, but piercing damage becomes useless with that modifiers.


    Punch through would not make piercing useless.


    Punch through will only transform [heavy armor] into [regular armor].  


    So a slashing weapon with punch through on [Heavy armor] will do -50% (instead of -90%,) 

    Whereas a piercing weapon will do +0% (instead of -50%.)


    And if you do not want to stick punch through on your build, make sure you hit the enemy in a spot with [regular armor], rather than [heavy armor].


    Of course all of the %s are subject to change and perhaps punch through could half the difference between the two armor types so the example mentioned before

    In that case:

    a slashing weapon with punch through on [Heavy armor] will do -70% (instead of -90% [Heavy armor], or instead of -50% on [regular armor])

    Whereas a piercing weapon will do -25% (instead of -50% [Heavy armor] or instead of +0% on [regular armor])


    Either way, piercing is way more useful on armored targets.


    In addition perhaps the punch through could effect [regular armor] the same way as being the midpoint between [armor] and [flesh].

  17. Basically what the title says. With more tile sets being rolled out and invasions/infestations being implemented, it's plain to see that each planet has far too few nodes to accommodate everything being stuffed into them. All that needs to be done is to create more nodes, preferably at branching paths with a special mission at the end of them, or something like that.


    Also, can we have Raid back? Capture is sufficiently unique right now, and people have been wanting it back, so why not?


    If anything we need less levels


    Too much repetition


    I suggest you make the already existing levels more interesting with more and different objectives and story elements rather than copying and pasting more of the same levels that already exist.

  18. Good ideas, but I think the game mechanics as they are are quite interesting and unique.  I do not know many other games that use mods and level up gear the way that warframe currently does.


    I get what you mean by extrinsic/intrinsic rewards.  Everyone should watch this including DE devs.





    Direct link:  


    more weapons/mods/frames are not a good direction to go from here


    Rather, DE should invest time in content to USE all of the farmed gear that you got (a reason to farm).  Difficult end game content (like they are trying to with PvP) and such.  



  19. You're right, it would be a good quick fix.

    However, I didn't understand why you mentioned the "between 5 to 15 degrees". It seems that what you propose could work at any angle to the wall (except 90 degrees of course).


    I agree with you that we should be able to roll in the direction we want (between +X and -X degrees compared to the jumping direction) when falling from a high place. "X" could depend on your horizontal speed when landing. The faster you move, the narrower the angle in which you are forced to roll. But if you fall with no horizontal speed, you can roll in any direction.


    I'm not sure of the exact meaning of "complaining" in English, sorry if I used it incorrectly. In any case it wasn't criticism.


    5-15 degrees was just an example,

    (5-15 degrees from the T direction, the way you are thinking about it would be 75-85 or 95-105 degrees if you take the zero direction as the direction of the wall)


    I was trying to wall run up a spot in the vault the other day between two pillars.  I would get almost all the way up and then the game would suddenly decide that I hit the pillar at too big an angle and it would make me wall run sideways and I would have to start over again.  


    Obviously if you hit the wall at 45 degrees you would do a horizontal wall run, but I am talking about when you hit it almost at the perpendicular direction and for some reason the game makes you run sideways.  There is this foggy area of grey where the player intends one type of wall run and the game decides that it fits into the other type.  That shady grey area should have a mechanic for the player to tell the game what type of wall run he wants to do.

    I simply chose 5-15 degrees away from the T because that seemed to me to be that very grey area.




    And the tumble should be a momentum issue.  If you want to land (even from high up) you should be able to hit the ground with no tumble if you are not holding the forward direction.

  20. I like your ideas, especially the fact of rewarding a good aiming and the punch through effect.


    However it doesn't address the "armor scaling" problem, which I honestly don't understand but that people say isn't corrected yet. See this post.


    As armor currently stands it mitigates damage and has a quantitative value.


    one enemy might have 50 armor rating, whereas another 150.


    Here there is no quantitative value, just a surface characteristic.




    The post that you sent me to is what the current consensus is, that armor will act as either :

    1.  a different health bar (yellow) or

    2.  an additional health bar (yellow) the way that shields currently are(blue).  Then once the armor is defeated you get to the flesh layer. (red)


    I am suggesting that there is no additional yellow bar and that armor has no quantitative value.  There is the blue bar, then the red bar.  And the red bar goes down and takes damage based on where you hit the enemy, and by what damage type you hit the enemy with.


    This will ensure that a slashing weapon (for example) could still do damage on a heavily armored enemy if you shot him in a spot with no armor.

  21. I know there are other posts on the subject but this is a slightly different take


    I would like to introduce 6 surface types:


    1.  Shields - An initial shield bar on enemies with shielding.

    2.  Flesh

    3.  Armor (no number value just a qualitative surface)

    4.  Heavy Armor (no number value just a qualitative surface)

    5.  Robotic

    6.  Robotic Joints


    A corpus crewman (for example) will have an initial shield bar, heavy armor on his head, armor on his legs, and flesh everywhere else.







    Slashing Damage


    1.  Shields -50%

    2.  Flesh +50%

    3.  Armor -50%

    4.  Heavy Armor -90%

    5.  Robotic -75%

    6.  Robotic Joints +25%




    Piercing Damage 


    1.  Shields -50%

    2.  Flesh +25%

    3.  Armor +0%

    4.  Heavy Armor -50%

    5.  Robotic -50%

    6.  Robotic Joints -50%




    Impact Damage 


    1.  Shields +50%

    2.  Flesh -25%

    3.  Armor -35%

    4.  Heavy Armor -75%

    5.  Robotic +25%

    6.  Robotic Joints +50%


    Punch Through Damage Modifier

    Converts heavy armor to armor values if the value is high enough


    Edit:  Converts heavy surface armor to regular surface armor if the punch through distance is high enough



    Corpus helmets count as 1m thick

    Sheild lancer and ally bodies counts as 0.4m thick




    This will greatly add to the gameplay mechanics forcing people to aim their shots better and should have great synergy with banshee

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