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Posts posted by Savire510

  1. Im going to copy paste my comment from 2 hours ago in the simillar topic about an auction house and in-game market.

    There it is:

    Im fine with the current trading. You either camp at trading channel waiting to get some really nice deals (or get scammed to death), go to maroo and wait ten thousand years or use warframe.market or similar sites to make people pm you. I did the same in Path of Exile and it works. It just works. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    Just use some 3rd party trading sites, pour all your trash into them, rivens too, mods, items, avionics, weapon parts, prime parts and delegate like 30-60 minutes and see how plat just flows.

    • Like 3
  2. 21 hours ago, (PS4)LeonidasxGGG said:

    And what you seem to be saying is: "I don't want LCs there, but if there was ANOTHER 4 man space-bus that is usually just used by one person (aka Railjack), I would be fine with it". But "using a pre-existing spacecraft that acomodates one player AND that we could have 4 diferent of them doing a mission (just like we see in the loading screen and mission intro), that would be a no".


    I dont want a liset gundams in space, i think its just stupid.

    i could be actually persuaded for Tenno fighters if it was done well, but that really overlaps with archwings which already can dogfight with other enemy fighters and do everything a fighter can do (soon more due to archwing revision)

    If all of this has to work, Railjack as a multi-crew ship of death (its not an interceptor, someone lied to us, railjack has a firepower of a fricking battle cruiser), archwings, and tenno fighters then i really think we need more players in a mission.

  3. Im fine with the current trading. You either camp at trading channel waiting to get some really nice deals (or get scammed to death), go to maroo and wait ten thousand years or use warframe.market or similar sites to make people pm you. I did the same in Path of Exile and it works. It just works. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    Just use some 3rd party trading sites, pour all your trash into them, rivens too, mods, items, avionics, weapon parts, prime parts and delegate like 30-60 minutes and see how plat just flows.

  4. 6 minutes ago, (XB1)mr mifar said:


    dont do exterminate, do capture.

    And some lua challenges are more rare. Lua Speed challenge for Speed Drift for example. But most of them are quite common. Its really impossible to go like 2 missions without seeing some of them.

  5. 7 minutes ago, Yakhul said:

    But it already got a very heavy nerf. A 90% aoe fall off nerf.

    Ah, so clearly bramma is fine and balanced now.

    10 minutes ago, Yakhul said:

    I think you just want to nerf it just because of it.

    Nah, bramma is clearly overpowering every other weapon. No reload, basicaly infinite ammo, stagger can be ignored with primed sure footed, giant slash procs with hunter munitions, high single target damage, bramma even with that 90% nukes entire rooms. Just compare Bramma to every other explosive weapon. To every other kuva weapon. There is no doubt.

    • Like 2
  6. 11 minutes ago, (PS4)Viveeeh said:

    I just wanted to express, this shouldn't bother anyone. Just play how you like playing. I don't mind if others one click kill every enemies in a 10m radius, if that's what they enjoy.

    I think when there is clrearly a better weapon than anything else in the game we have a problem.

    Sure, you can use anything else, but no matter how hard you try, how amazing of a riven you got, there is a weapon that kills more in less time, even without a riven. When a game has hundreds of weapons and only 1 is considered the best then that only shows broken balance. Why balance in PvE game? It's still important. Do you want to play a game when everyone uses only 1 "best" weapon? Why even bother with modding if there is 1 "best" build that everyone will use?

    Not everyone likes to handicap themselves. They will use the meta.

    Statistics will show, just like with catchmoon, how huge the % of players that use bramma really is.

    • Like 4
  7. 41 minutes ago, Bloomer83 said:


    -why there even is capacity?

    -how many problems would the game developers go through to increase it?
    -isn't increasing it in the first place making more profit for the game, since you have to farm ALOT of resources?


    Performance. Memory. Every single person can make a dojo. Every single person can make a giant base with thousands upon thousands of decorations. DE has to keep all of them saved.

    Imagine some troll putting all his 3000+ capacity to get all the biggest fps hitting atmospherics into one place and then invite people.

    I have already noticed during trading that some people have unreasonably high loading time in my dojo.

    • Like 2
  8. 1 minute ago, Katinka said:

    Perhaps a solution would be to change the game to not reward mass murder and instead increase rewards of mission completion?  If every mission had a standardised Affinity reward multiple small chances at every mod currently available in that missions (e.g. 20 chances of getting Vitality at 10% each) then a stealth approach would be as rewarding (in a literal sense, if not psychologically so) as a mass murder spree aoe approach.

    actually you could do stealth missions with bramma.

    • Like 1
  9. 10 minutes ago, eternalriot said:

    i personally feel that operators where the beginning of a decrease in difficulty across the whole game, as operators act as a ridiculous crutch for people, bad at energy management? use zenurik, dying all the time? use vazarin. And then the arcanes are just stupidly strong.

    the next part for me was shield gating, since its release there are countless times i probably shouldve died because i overextended but instead i get a grace period once my shield breaks that allows me to just walk away.

    personally i thing the downfall of this game will be its desire to cater to worse/newer players and whilst i thing there's nothing wrong with that whatsoever it shouldn't be done by making the game easier

    I hope DE adds missions with higher levels 150-250+, because it is now playable without broken scalling from ancient warframe times. Before recent changes enemy aim beyond 100lvl turned into aimbot, enemy armor DR went into space. Ofcourse it was doable, but i wouldnt really call that level scalling fun and challenging but rather annoying. To make these changes really matter DE has to add higher level missions, otherwise its just wasted potential.

  10. Nope, going out in archwing and breaking rocks like a caveman is the worst thing you can do.

    Here are some tricks on how to be a successful space miner:

    1. Get Railjack.

    2. Get Blackout Pulse.

    3. Get Hyperflux/Flux Reactor (optional)

    4. Get Smeeta Kavat. (random 2x buffs)

    5. Spam Blackout Pulse and manually explode it in every asteroid or ruin cluster. Giant range of blackout pulse will destroy every resource container in there and its low cost means you can spam it all you want.

    6. Just fly around and gather everything (cruising speed recomended)


    Other metod, without breaking space trash, is to spam first earth mission.

    1. Get Seeker Volley. (or continue to use the blackout pulse - its damage can oneshot fighters in the first 2 missions on earth)

    2. Nuke every fighter and crewship with it. Use main guns to disable crewships if seeker missiles don't finish the job ( they have too little hp to destroy their engines with mk3, so you have to shoot the hull )

    3. Get a LOS on both the crewships at once.

    4. Use artillery on both of them in one sitting.

    5. Map finished in ~1 minute. Potential common 1.200 titanium reward

  11. 100% status shotguns are worse. Crit shotguns are better. Gas builds are dead.

    Most other weapons stayed the same, its only a matter of elemental swaps. Few statuses recieved huge buffs and nerfs

    Fire burns off 50% armor after 2 sec of proc'ing. Corrosive/fire combo melts ANYTHING that is armored.

    Viral is op. 325% increased damage to health from all sources after 10 procs.

    Slash no longer bypasses shield, this is now only toxic territory.

  12. I would be fine with special missions for when you finally crack the code. A sortie like assassination mission that has a 100% chance of spawning that lich, or make him wait in a special arena. But as a tradeoff for fightning at his turf player will be either debuffed or lich will have additional spawns at higher levels or buffs or anything.

    i have thought about some special, rarer and harder missions that upon finishing would grand a higher deposit of murmurs.  Maybe some random side quests during missions, like: "hey capture this dude, or crack this vault" for additional rewards

    Anything to break that monotony of randomly choosing some missions in a starchart and hoping a lich will spawn.

  13. Actually we can use our intrinsics from profile menu.

    But others, i agree. Instead "Board Railjack" there should be a "Railjack" menu that allows us to customize most of the aspects of it.

    But on the other side lorewise i understand the importance of Drydock, you can't change your Railjack guns, modify the hull or mods like you would change a warframe's weapons/mods, you need solaris engineers and drydock.

    • Like 1
  14. 30 minutes ago, Cenec said:

    Exterminate without being detected rivens... I exterminated all the enemies with a Zenith and then was detected after I completed. What a waste of time when you do not have a stealth Warframe. The frustration is killing me. Could be worse I understand but UHG. Just to get a most likely garbage riven anyways.. DO NOT DO these Rivens without a stealth frame. If you hate stealth frames then just sell these rivens veiled.


    A stealth challenge? In a game thats marketed by words "ninjas play free"? What? How dare they?! I thought everything was supposed to be given to me on a plate!

    ALL of the riven challenges can be cheesed. You simply dont have the equipment to dabble in the big boi riven pool. : >

    • Like 2
  15. They are our means of transportation, glorified transport capsules, but not really for warfare. They mostly relay on stealth and Empyrean is a full on space battle.

    Remember how Vor blasted our first liset from the sky like it was nothing?

    What you are saying, the powers, are basically the roles of an archwing (which gets reworked soon btw)

    Turning our lisets into gundams is not really a good idea.

    In my opinion railjack should be about... well railjack.

    If we are talking about more space ships i would vastly prefer having 2 railjacks at the same time in a mission instead.

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