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Posts posted by FrackingBiscuit

  1. Maybe if it had to do with how useful each element is?  Which could explain Electric being the most expensive to use because it's part of Radiation (Grineer), Magnetic (Corpus), and Corrosive (Void/Infested), and the Electric/Gas combo?  Followed by Poison (ignores shields) and Fire (widespread effectiveness against Grineer and Infested), with Cold being the least applicable element since it's really only useful as part of Magnetic and Viral damage and is inferior on its own?


    Except that the costs and damage don't consistently fit this pattern.


    And the polarities now are just consistently inconsistent.  Maybe if each element was always assigned to a given polarity (= polarity can start to worm its way into weapons and we can change/add other mods to use it) and DE started to use these mods to build up lore for the ancient Tenno clans that these symbols are supposed to represent?


    Or if they just... had a pattern of any kind?

  2. Considering the guy who made the manga is a Japanese war crime apologist who thinks China and Korea benefited from Japanese occupation up to and during WWII. I'm okay with the movie cast being crap.


    Well I mean... I agree with you but... TECHNICALLY that has nothing to do with casting.


    I mean, you're not wrong, but...


    Also it's S#&$ anyway.

  3. Sybaris - Becomes terrifyingly powerful after Forma.  The magazine/reload time exists for balance.


    Penta - The one weapon I haven't used since launcher changes.  I'm able to keep my ammo up with my Ogris, so I don't think my Penta would have the same problem, but I haven't tried it yet.


    Paris Prime/Dread - First off, bows still have 72 ammo max.  Second off, this is literally the first time I've seen somebody complain about how bows work.  The charge mechanic exists because bows (especially Paris Prime and Dread) are crazy good.  Again, it's a balance act.  And rate of fire mods decrease charge time.  These weapons ARE top tier.


    Opticor - Mine's currently building but I know you don't have to wait the full three seconds for max damage.  Charging it up all the way just expands the AOE; max damage is achieved at somewhere around 50% charge.


    Amprex - This weapon is absolutely devastating.  Put Ammo Mutation on it and you will not run out.  And it will STILL do spectacular damage.  Giving it 300 mag capacity and 1500 max ammo is absolutely absurd.  Again, this weapon IS top tier.

  4. Deep Freeze also comes in at +60% damage.  Deep Freeze and Cryo Rounds also only cost 9 capacity instead of 11.


    The community has talked about the D polarity for as long as I can remember, and I've never seen any comment from DE on it.  Now with Archwing we got new families of weapons that STILL use D polarities for Freeze damage... I have to wonder what's going on.  It doesn't make any sense.


    And actually Archwing muddled things further with:

    Archwing Gun:
    Combustion Rounds - +120% Fire Damage, V polarity, 9 capacity
    Electrified Barrel - +120% Electricity Damage, -- polarity, 9 capacity
    Polar Magazine - +120% Freeze Damage, D polarity, 9 capacity
    Venomous Clip - +120% Poison Damage, D polarity, 11 capacity

    Archwing Melee
    Blazing Steel - +120% Fire Damage, V Polarity, 9 capacity
    Galvanized Blade - +60% Electricity Damage, -- polarity, 11 capacity
    Glacial Edge - +120% Freeze Damage, D polarity, 9 capacity
    Poisonous Sting - +120% Poison Damage, -- polarity, 9 capacity


    I mean... what's going on?  What's the rational behind these variables?


    Can DE explain how they design elemental mods?  Because right now I can't find any rhyme or reason.

  5. The first explanation of Proxy Wars that were given amounted to picking a faction and working to earn favor with them to gain rewards.  Which is exactly what Syndicates is.  Whatever the name implies doesn't matter because we were given a definition a long time before the word "Syndicate" showed up.

  6. I wish I could upvote this a million times.


    I'd even say have common, uncommon, and rare packs and unlock better ones with higher ranks.


    And even if they don't have unique behavior right away, the current random Corus/Grineer/Infested/Corrupted enemies that make up Deathsquads could all be visually represented by Syndicate troops.  Same for their Specters.

  7. Karak is probably the most fun I've ever had with an assault rifle ever.  It's just the tightest a rifle has ever felt in this game to me.


    Grakata has better stats though...  When fully modded/Forma'd with a crit build it's like the Soma's little brother.  Even with Forma the Karak just doesn't cut it for high-level missions.  

  8. I really think there should be more focus on adding more stances for big families (like longswords) and completing stances that are still missing combos before adding more stances for "cool" weapons.


    There are two katanas in the game (which are really just two versions of the same weapon) and there are three katana stances.  Meanwhile there are ten longswords (not counting Skana Prime) and only two longsword stances (with one of them being objectively better than the other because of the +300% damage "bug").  I don't think this is reasonable.

  9. Look on the bright side, at least it's not as bad as Nova Belly Grid Immortal.


    The thing about the first wave of Immortal skins (and sadly very few of the new Immortal skins) is that they were all more complex than the originals.  Just look at Excalibur and Rhino.  Trinity Immortal managed to just change which colors apply to what sections of her body.  The new patterns are virtually invisible and most of them just run along the existing contours of her body.  It's really hard to make look good.

  10. Because survivability is paramount to being a 'melee frame'. The buff from Loki's Invisibility also makes it an ideal Melee frame, but at least using that ability decreases your chances of being hit back. A melee speed buff also doesn't really make Volt any more ideal with melee either, because overall DPS hardly matters. You're not going to be standing there wailing away at something that is actively attacking you back.


    Good luck using Shock and Overload on anything other than Corpus.


    His speed makes it easier to dodge incoming fire and his high base shields make him more survivable.  Attack speed also helps coptering.


    Higher attack speed = more staggers = the big guy you're wailing on can't attack you back.


    Shock and Overload do more than enough damage to mid-level Grineer and Infested, and if they can't kill they provide good crowd control to lock enemies down.

  11. How to Mobility Warframe, by FrackingBiscuit


    1. Sprinting doesn't cost stamina.

    2. Coptering and Air Dashing DO cost stamina, stamina does not start regenerating until the the move has ended and your feet are firmly on the ground.

    4. Heavy weapons have the smallest air dashes of all weapon.

    5. Daggers have the largest air dashes of all weapons.

    3. Wall running and ledge grabbing/climbing is made smoother/ less time consuming.  Parkouring should not slow you down.   It should be used for recovery/chaining moves, it should not be a pitfall/loss of mobility.


    What I believe this will accomplish:


    1. The bulk of your speed will now come from sprint speed instead of melee weapon attack speed.

    ---1a. Blocking with melee is more desirable because you can charge enemies and not get all of your stamina sucked out before you reach them.

    2. Coptering will be a useful speed bo​ost rather than defining your speed, as it cannot be spammed.

    3. Air dashing will still be a useful mobility boost.

    ---3a. Daggers have more appeal as windfly ninja leaping-across-rooftops weapons.

    ---3b. No more throw-Mjolnir-across-the-room-to-fly shenanigans.  Unless a special heavy weapon is made to do specifically this, which would be a fair thing to do and would allow for greater variability between these weapons in the same way knockdown effects were used in the recent buffs.

  12. Thanks bro.


    I already said why duplex-auto, in my opinion, doesn't work "great." It's because it's needlessly-complex and slows down combat; the same effect can be achieved simply by making it so that tapping the trigger fires once and holding it down fires both barrels.


    Is that full auto? Yeah, it is. Because there's no need for duplex. List a reason why duplex gives a unique advantage over any other trigger type besides that it's "great" and DE might consider it being a useful trigger type that has a place in Warframe. Notice how they haven't added any other duplex guns to the game since the Tigris? Maybe they plan to add more duplex weapons to the game, but considering we haven't gotten one in nearly a year, I'm inclined to believe that they don't like the idea either.


    "There's no need for duplex."  You can make the same argument for semi-auto/charged shots.  


    Duplex was made to represent a dual-trigger/double barrel weapon styled after old shotguns.  The same trigger setup could be applied to any weapon with two triggers and two barrels:  ie akimbo semi-auto pistols.  There have been problems in the past with semi-auto akimbo pistols (read as: Aklato) because simply doubling their RoF makes it too high for normal human clicking speeds.  The only people able to utilize them were those who ran scripts.  This obviously was an unfair advantage.  Duplex triggers would let players fire two shots with every click (one down, one up) but they would also retain the ability to fire a single shot if they wanted to.


    DE also doesn't want to just make them full-auto (there's no "advantage" not to, they are kept semi-auto purely for stylistic reasons - your argument of duplex having no "advantage" is invalid), so instead akimbo pistols have been getting funny stat changes that not everybody has found reasonable.  There's not a lot of talk about it at the moment but just a few months ago it was a fairly common topic for discussion.  When the Magnus was nerfed to make room for the Akmagnus it kicked up a pretty big discussion that got some of the stats for akimbo pistols in general changed around.


    So yes, there is an advantage - it would solve all of the old akimbo semi-auto pistols problems because it represents the mechanics of these weapons much better than anything DE has implemented.  But even if there wasn't an advantage, there doesn't need to be one to justify it.  Being cool is reason enough - people want to have fun and making weapons feel unique is fun for a lot of people.  You may think it's too complex, but you're not the majority.

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