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Posts posted by CriticalVoid1

  1. The price is obviously not for people who are complaining about it.

    F2P game doesnt mean free or cheap items, F2P means that there is a section that is free.


    It also doesn't mean alienate over half of your player base from spending money on your game. They have a chance to increase their market revenue. And instead they consistently cater prices towards the upper 30% (pulled that percentage out of my &#!, probably lower than that judging by the forums) revenue class of the player base.

  2. I don't think mind control need reworking. Its just as useful for getting a heavy out of play while you shoot him down as is it for getting an ally.


    We shouldn't limit it to one use.


    I agree, still I think it needs a better indicator. 

  3. I think refilling revives should be free. And blueprints... Come on. We don't need futuristic technology to xerox a copy. Also, the sentinel decorations should be free cuz they don't do anything.

    Serious answer: ten bucks buys eight slots. If you can't save up ten bucks for a game you'll put hundreds of hours into, it's not DE's responsibility to bail you out.


    Mostly agree except on the revives and sentinel decorations. You want your sentinel to look cool you gotta pay some cash. Most f2p games utilize aesthetics as a large money maker and it should stay that way. Revives should stay the way they are, just no reason to change them. If someone really wants to spend 3 plat on 1 revive more power to them. But it's been months since I've ran out of revives in one 24 hour period.

  4. That's correct.


    Lol. No that's not correct. The reward is a more powerful weapon. That's the reward. If that's not enough for you I'm sorry. But for the majority of us who have forma'd things multiple times, it is enough.

  5. Why is it ridiculous? You have worked, fought and crafted your way to Rank 16(hypothetically). You've earned it and if you don't have, your Forma has been for nothing. That's my point.


    It's ridiculous because the forma was not for nothing to begin with. The forma allowed me to equip better mods or higher ranked mods and more of them. That is in itself enough of a reward for me and I do not want mastery rank muddied by the use of forma.

  6. I would love to Forma all of my favorite weapons, but the lack of any kind of reward has held me back. I don't care about a star on my rifle's stock or a cool color scheme. I want tangible, long term benefits. I want to see some Mastery, improvements in operation(Faster reload, fire rate, AP, damage; pick one) or both. Make it worth my time and potentially, money to use Forma.


    This all comes back to that age old question, "Would you rather be a Jack-of-all-trades or a Master-of-one?"


    The way I look at it, the choice should be yours. If I want to use the same kit until it rusts and crumbles, let me. For those who want to try everything, let them. All I ask is that there be a reward for both sides.


    I just think they should find a different way to provide a reward other than mastery points. How would they deal with all the people that have already used most of the weapons for mastery? Should they go up even MORE mastery rank than those that want points for forma as well? I have used about 85% of the weapons in this game up to rank 30 and have forma'd items in this game about 50 times. That would make me (even based on diminishing rewards) approximately mastery rank 16. That's ridiculous.

  7. "Not permanent". You can change them, so they are not inherent advantages/disadvantages to the weapon, which means polarity can be ignored as a balance mechanism.


    Ah I see what you mean now, but I don't think temporary is the right word. Temporary would indicate that the polarities provided by forma are removed at some point, either by a timer (forma'ing this weapon provides 7 days of this polarity slot, etc.) or some other effect that removes the polarity slot given by forma.

  8. I already said it on this thread. I do not think that Forma'd frames and weapons should give mastery rank. I have used something like 50 forma's and I don't want mastery rank from that. I'm all for a visual indicator of how many times I've forma'd my weapons though.

  9. Mastery rank is there to encourage players (as others have pointed out) to play with lots of different weapons. And unless you play only on end game high tier content (lvl 100+ enemies with the stupid armor scaling problems) then this is not an issue. As it is now, I think it's a perfectly fine system and I stand by my opinion. That being said, I'm all for a symbol visible to other players showing how may times a player has forma'd a weapon or warframe.

  10. -snip-


    Don't get me wrong I absolutely agree, this game has great potential! And the devs (as I stated in my OP) seem very devoted to this game. And I will even agree that there have been far too many aesthetic updates and new weapons and far too few core gameplay updates and changes. BUT, they have said they are listening, they have said they are looking at the things that make us burned out after a few months and they have said they are doing something about it. It's not going to happen overnight. 


    I, personally, love this game. Even after 400+ hours I'm still enjoying the gameplay this game offers. But it's only (and this is only my way of doing things) because I don't equip or even use the most powerful weapons/frames in the game anymore. I literally don't use them ever. I find they make the game boring and take any/all fun out of it. 


    And I am curious, what do you consider "real" gameplay? For me, what this game lacks to make its core gameplay interesting isn't better gameplay, it's reasons as to why we are playing and more interesting things to do while playing the game (i.e. better mission types with cooler and more engaging structuring). 

  11. I really don't have any questions and though it is highly unlikely there will be any confrontations between us or even conversations for that matter, it's good to know there is someone moderating the forums that is rational and professional to the point that a game forum requires. So, thanks for your effort.

  12. I don't understand, and this might just be me, how people expect anything (even a video game) to keep you occupied for literally months. At some point you will run out of content. Or at some point you will get burned out on the content. There is no amount of amazing changes or fixes that DE could throw at us to make this not happen. Even if they did give us new content, within a couple months or weeks people would complain about being burned out.


    See the core of the problem here isn't the game. It's the expectations of the people playing this game. And I'm just as guilty as anyone. Steve has literally said the core of this game is to kill hundreds and hundreds of baddies and feel like a badass doing it. And if you take that to be as fun as the game gets you'll enjoy it. But not for months on end.


    This game cannot be every other game. People want pvp, DE have said this is not a pvp game. Some people want it, some don't. Who's to say what the right answer is? People want new game modes, but I guarantee that after a few weeks they will get tired of the game modes. Not because they aren't fun but because they can literally spend a solid 2 weeks playing it. Then they get burned out.


    This is not a long term investment game. This is a spend a couple of days every once in a while playing it with a group of friends and do a murder spree for a few hours. Hence why Defense mode gets the most love in terms of balance overall. 


    Please understand I'm not trying to void anyone's opinions or complaints, all are valid especially coming from people who want the very best for this game. But I think as a community and as gamers in general we set our expectations for one game too high. And when it doesn't deliver we immediately get angry, sad, upset or pessimistic.


    TL;DR If the game isn't living up to your expectations right now, go try something else for a bit. Post some feedback, because that's really all you can do aside from spamming feedback threads, and come back in a few months to see if it's changed to your liking. DE are a small team that seem pretty devoted to make this game fun even for those of us who have spent months playing it. Rome wasn't built in a day and certainly not by a small group of people.

  13. Well Idk about this whole drop table 2.0 deal, but I've played both of these several times in solo and online play with 4 players (both kappa and berehynia) and kappa still seems to give better mods for me. Maybe less experience, but more fusion cores overall. Might just be my luck tho. :D

  14. The target already glows in the energy color once hit with Mind Control.



    That's why I said HIGHLY VISIBLE. Most people don't see that small glowing color around the unit before they murder the S#&$ out of it. It's just not enough.

  15. Just a few things I think could be really helpful for Nyx's abilities. 


    1. A) Please please please add an indicator of some type, that is highly visible to all players, to the enemy that she uses mind control on. That way players know: "Oh hey that guy is now on our team, I won't instagib the heavy gunner shooting people for us." EDIT: Something MORE visible than a slight glow around the unit being affected, as most people I have played with don't see it.


    B) I know mind control is pretty powerful, but I think the AI that Nyx mind control's needs to be somewhat more aggressive. Looks for and runs towards enemies and doesn't just stand there half the time.


    2. Something needs to happen to physics bolts to make them even worth considering. Idk what, but something :/


    3. Chaos is well, pretty damn good. Nothing really needs to happen to this to make it any better except maybe the enemies don't stand there for five minutes and do nothing after coming under the influence of this skill.


    4. Absorb. It NEEDS to draw more aggro to be worth anything. And maybe absorb all damage from that aggro, double it, then explode outwards. Especially since it isn't affected at all by focus. Also I couldn't find anything about it on the wiki, does anyone know if it's affected by stretch? Seems like it would be but I can't tell.


    Please feel free to agree or disagree with me, would love to hear anyone else's ideas. Just my own ideas.

  16. To be honest, for me to play any game for anywhere remotely close to that long, it has to be a pretty amazing game.  I'm getting close to 300 hours played (according to my in-game profile, Steam says 670 hours on record but I spend a lot of time with Warframe open even though I'm not playing it) and that's already extremely significant for me.  Even games that I truly enjoy and consider great typically only last me 2-3 months before I get bored and move on.  I find it hard to stay interested even in good games for longer than that.  There are games that I consider great that I played for less than 100 hours.


    So, to me, I seriously cannot blame anyone for being 'burned out' on a game after 500 hours.  I very typically burn out on good games well before that.  It's unfathomable to me how people are still playing, for example,  Counterstrike 1.6 (not Source or the much more recently released Global Offensive, but CS 1.6) after years and years.  There are very few games I've played regularly for a year or longer.


    I am all for devs trying to implement new content and things to do to continue to keep these very long term players interested.  It is certainly in their best interests to do so and there are plenty of players that want more.  However, I think people need to realize that even with new content and more things to do, it is perfectly normal to feel burned out or bored with a game after 500 hours.


    I do agree, absolutely. But there is one game for me that I have never been burned out on and that's killing floor. I have well over 750+ hours and I would still be playing that if Warframe hadn't so intensely capture my interest for the past several months. I love killing floor. But, that being said, that's a rare thing for me to find a game I can play until I die and enjoy almost every minute :3

  17. I'm at 600 hours, maybe 610 or something. And I agree with you, but I am just getting so so so &!$$ed off not hearing anything substantial about the movement problems, livestream after livestream, patch after patch.

    - 'new' ledgegrab animation is still virtually unusable at high speed, it almost never executes correctly

    - getting a wallrun-jump instead of mantling (or vice versa) is as infuriatingly inconsistent as it was months ago

    - contradictory dev behaviour in the matter of partly nerfing slide-dashing but leaving zorens etc untouched for ages

    - on which note, system as a whole is desperately in need of a way of making crossing flat space interesting (so that zorencoptering etc can be fixed without making me want to chew my own arms off)

    - ziplines useless in principle and slow & clunkily executed in practice. though it's cool enemies use 'em!

    - slow frames have no way of keeping up with teammates outside of defence except bugs like zorencoptering: if this isnt a problem to solve within the movement system rather than tampering with the metagame, i don't know what is

    so yeah i still like the game (obviously, i'm still here after 600 hours) and i still have fun 9/10 times I play it, but holy S#&$. I am going to whine about the movement system until I hear something about it. I don't give a wet slap about jetpacks or quake2-era grappling hooks. Glargbbl. So mad, bro.


    Well that was a rant... lol

  18. In the latest Dev livestream, Steve said "I don't think it's fair to say that the gameplay is boring, but that after 500 hours the gameplay is boring." And I agree. I have over 400 hours into this game now (yay me) and I'm kinda hitting a wall now and then where I have to stop the grind and do something else. But I want DE to understand that I know it's hard to give the people that can put hundreds of hours into a game in a month something interesting to do every time they login. 


    So even if no one else agrees, I do get that's a pretty crazy challenge to face, but I thank DE for the things they do and this livestream proved to me that they do listen and want to do great things with this game. I look forward to the future and update 10. Great livestream and I definitely think they answered and are working on the right things at this point. Especially armor scaling and the powers of weapons and elemental damage. Thanks DE for doing such a good job! Looking forward to spending more money on this game when I get dat paycheck >.>

  19. That is not at ALL the same.....This is a Free To Play game. Soda isn't "Free To Drink". Of course you can ask for a free to play game to have an option to have something for free. It isn't anything like that $&*&*#(%& analogy you tried to use.


    A better analogy would be, here's this can of soda, now here's a small sample of the soda inside the can. Tastes good? Want some more? Pay for the can. You can't have everything for free and I stand by my point that slots should remain the same. I have many friends who play this game without ever spending a dime and they never complain about not having extra slots. It really makes the decisions of which weapons and warframes they like a meaningful choice. That's just one example though.

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