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Posts posted by CriticalVoid1

  1. What I don't understand is when I host and I have exactly 8 Mb down and 0.6-1 Mb up and it lags like S#&$ for my friends. And usually it's onlly with 1 person and it lags like crazy. I've tried disabling everything and nothing ever helps. Antivirus, firewall, the ports needed are forwarded. It's still crap. Can someone help?

  2. Hey guys, sorry about the troubles ... we're looking into this!

    Hi DE_Steve, Thanks for the response! It would be really appreciated if you would let us buy it through steam, my friend really wants to spend the $20 he has in his steam wallet (that he purchased to use on this game) to buy a founders package. Hope you get it sorted out ^_^ Love the game btw!!

  3. So on this account I bought the $20 founders package. It went through my steam account and I bought it using steam, which I prefer. I told my friend it was a good buy and he decided to buy a steam card for $20. Now he can't buy it through steam it only pops up the Ultimate Play purchasing opion. Really curious as to why I can still buy the founders packages through steam store and he can't thanks!

  4. You're complaining that they cost only $20? You want to see real money poured in a game, look at TF2 - there, it's $20 at least for a hat, and some of the better ones are worth thousands of real dollars. I once saw a guy with an inventory worth over a million dollars, when computed right.

    Yeah well I'm not playing TF2. And I don't have millions of dollars to spend. If you don't have anything useful to add, then don't bother replying.

    @flameo22 Good point. Thanks for your opinion.

  5. Yay me?

    So I started this topic mainly because I wanted to point out the ridiculous price of platinum and weapons that require platinum to purchase. I am new to the game over the last 4 days. Well after 2 days of playing with a friend I really loved this game, it's awesome, albeit somewhat repetitive after a few hours. So I bought a founders pack. Just the basic $20 one. I hadn't before really looked at the prices of things that cost platinum (my fault I know), but 370 platinum plus the 50 I had for creating an account put me at (what I thought was) a nice chunk of platinum. I bought 2 things with that. The bow, the Paris, and the Heat Swords. Granted, both of these are awesome and they are super fun to use, but $20 for one bow and a pair of swords? All of which might I add is digital.

    I have no problem spending money in F2P games when the prices of things are worth spending the money on. Now like I said, this game is really fun to me, but there's absolutely no enticement for me to spend additional money on this game knowing I'm only going to get about 1 item every $10 I spend. That's worse than most carnival booths ($6 for 3 basketball shots, I mean really?). Now I know that converting platinum to credits is actually less expensive in terms of money, but still it's not much better. To upgrade to the next level of founder, I would have to spend $30, which in turn gets me 870 more platinum (at least I hope it's 870, not 870-370 from the original founders pack), a new warframe, a weapon, and a cooler looking forum badge. Yay. Then, just normal platinum is $10 for 170 platinum... Which would buy you some of the equipment/weapons but not all. Even at the conversion factor of 90 plat for 60k credits, that's not even 120k credits. I want to spend money on this game, but I want to spend it knowing that at about $60 worth of money that I pump into this game, I have access to at least a good portion of this game's content.

    TL;DR Please give more platinum for the prices as they stand or lower the platinum prices of items in game. I want to spend money on this game as I really like it, but not at where the prices are right now. Farming it is for me until then.

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