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Posts posted by (PSN)i_illusion

  1. When a new player can buy or be given the strongest weapon in the game day 1, what more is there to play the game? This game is about farming endlessly to get the next best thing, but if you already have it, why continue to play?


    I'm actually taking a long break from Warframe until I hear about some end game content. I grew tired of needlessly farming and or grinding for weapons that I'm just going to toss anyways because the equipment I have now is stronger/better.

  2. bosses like this would be for me~

    hard to kill, constantly have to be farmed~

    fun to farm when downed or cut~

    parts of their body are breakable to collect~

    frustrating as hell even with a good team~

    and feels like a hell of an accomplishment finishing the mission~

    cause you have a chance to scare them off or actually kill them~

    or.....die yourself in the mission~

    I'm surprised no ones pointed at this game~

    I'm a very big monster hunter fan~800px-Laopicfrumunderneth.jpgMHP3HD-Jhen_Mohran.jpg

    Absolutely perfect example, Jen Morhan was probably the best most fun I've had in a online team battle in any game EVER. I've been craving a battle like that in Warframe for a while now, but it seems like Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate will be filling that craving around March. :/


    I agree with the above statement as well, Lephantis is the only boss in the game that I actually consider being a BOSS. He's tough, not a bullet sponge, he doesn't make you run after him and is constantly invicible for no aparent reason like some bosses I know.... He is just pure fun, and I want to see more bosses like him. [DE]Rebecca has been saying this for a while now: "We need a Giant Boss that just has a small little dude in it just like Men in Black."

    Well.. Maybe we don't need a little dude in him, but more giant bosses would be amazing.

  3. Ah, story.


    First issue that Warframe has on the Narrative department is that it's currently still in development. As it stands, we have snippets of Lore which can lead to some very...diverse conclusions. Then there's how the mechanics of the game run contrary to concepts that 'cannot possibly be canon', such as the interchange of a Tenno between Warframes, despite the narrative supporting that assertion. So that needs tamping down or at least being 'open to debate' without that damaging the story itself.


    As people have said...Warframe doesn't really have much of a story so far, in that we can play it and experience it as it goes; we get Events with some interesting developments, the progress of Suspicious Shipments to the Project Zero and Mutalist Alad V storyline being an interesting example. Otherwise, it's an up to 4 person instanced mission with a finite objective. Like I've said before, Warframe's mechanically akin to Phantasy Star, only difference really being a lack of a main 'story' to get the ball rolling.


    After all, beating the story of Phantasy Star Portable 2 happens around about level 60 or so. The level cap is 200. Warframe we haven't really got that kind of set up yet to allow for Narrative, especially with frames being interchangeable, your Mastery Rank not really denoting overall power per a conventional RPG level system...it's a balance issue at the end of the day. Where would a Campaign 'end'? Mastery Rank 6? 12? And so on...


    Warframe does have potential for an interesting story, and its setting is certainly dark enough for some intriguing directions. Fixating on the 'Ninja' line however will be somewhat detrimental. Like stated, there's two kinds of Ninja; the Historically Accurate Ninja which you don't see, and the Pop Culture 'One man army' Ninja.


    For the sake of argument, if you want a Historically Accurate Ninja, play Mark of the Ninja. Good honest stealthy fun.


    If you want a One Ninja Army, play Ninja Gaiden, Strider, Warframe, I suppose Final Fantasy Ninja units count...yeah, you see what I'm getting at, right?



    This is where we sort of sit. Tenno are really just an advanced Special Forces unit with a bit of an unusual aesthetic and a culture around it.


    And one of the most likely problems with any attempt at story is that, well, unless there is some kind of tangible risk, threat or danger, it's hollow. Ever power levelled to the point you can just cream a Story Boss in an RPG, and it fell flat? That's kind of the situation the gameplay puts us, nigh constantly. With power levels being what they are in the game, making a fair but tough fight to actually grab people by how dangerous it is, is not an easy task.


    There are only so many tools that can be used to make Gameplay support a Narrative. Yet we have so much In-game power we're possibly running the risk of the Inverse for 'Cutscene power to the max'; namely, we'd get tossed around in the narrative...yet still be able to destroy reams upon reams of enemies without so much as a sweat. Not a situation the Devs want to end up in, I imagine.


    Resulting in the situation where the Gameplay and Story currently run counter to each other. It may be possible for Warframe to have an interesting campaign, but that's likely going to require serious balancing to be even attempted if you want something to get attention; again, a Story of people who can never lose is a pretty boring story. Stories live or die relative to the dramatic tension they possess.


    Granted, some people like that 'unbeatable hero' sort of thing, and they're free to do that. But all a Story is, is a way to convey conflict in some form to engage the reader's interest. Romance, Horror, Sci-fi, Fantasy...regardless of genre, there is some integral conflict to put the balls in motion in the tombola of engagement questions.


    Take Stalker. Lore paints him as an abject Tenno hunting badass. Gameplay wise, you can squish him with a sufficiently modded weapon, and it's rather...boring if that happens. Yet that's what we'd pretty much have to expect from a Narrative enemy we eventually get to fight; a rather pretty Anti-climax which just leaves you asking 'that's it?' rather than 'that was epic!'.


    So...I'm afraid that for now, the fact that Warframe lacks a clear cut story, relative to it's mechanics, is likely the best case scenario whilst balance is still a hot topic. RPGs work off of gating content behind what gear is available where and what enemies you can face, and that's the mechanic around their stories. Warframe needs another similar 'narrative gate' so that the Story is not utterly supplanted by a lone Tenno who shelled out a few dozen platinum on an OP weapon.


    In Summary: At present, Warframe's Gameplay is not really conducive to a defined story narrative, due to the difficulty in balancing the power of the Tenno against some form of threat, be it some great enemy force or simply entities like the Stalker. Unless the game really manages to figure out how much power is acceptable when and where, a Story will risk running the ground of disappointing Anti-climax because the heavily fluffed up Conflict will be solved by whatever hard hitting weapon you have to hand, or will be deemed 'unfair' because the tools provided are woefully inadequate to the task at hand.



    Lotus is not necessarily referring to other Tenno. We rescue agents of the Lotus' own other than Tenno, after all, and Phorid is another 'we lost a spy cell' case. The context for Jackal then, and any other 'causing cells issue' would be the Lotus is sending in the specialist Tenno to solve the problem for her ground agents.


    If your pawns can't take the enemy knight, send in your own knight.

    Very well said, I'm taking time to sink in everything you said so I can respond to it. xD

    But overall I agree with your summary, and it's what I've been hoping to hear from other Tenno.

  4. I'll just leave here as to the reason why I'm addressing this...

    I recommend watching the video I left above before jumping into the discussion.


    So this video has me thinking, how does Warframe's Game-Play relate to the story. I mean the whole tagline for Warframe is "Ninja's Play for Free." But as we all know, this game uses very little stealth mechanics, in fact the whole idea of being Ninja's is sort of thrown out the window entirely when in a mission becauses it's uneffecient and time consuming with no actual awards for trying to play like the story's/game premise of a Space Ninja. The Tenno are more like Warriors then actual Ninja's, and this is prominent throughout the game as when we enter ships or enter boss extermination missions the Bosses already know we are there. (STEALTH GUYZ. GAWD.) During early game we truly needed team work coordination, people needed to be talking to each other otherwise someone might try and go off on their own in a 20 mintue survival and that was complete suicide. But once Tenno get near end game (or actually far before end game) coorpative play and communication is simply no longer needed. Which goes against everything the game is supposed to tell me to do. A Rhino may rush to complete the mission and is already at extraction and you are still 5 minutes away from extraction all together.

    Back when Rescue 2.0 was released the event going on (forgive me for not remembering the name of it) was made so that we have to be stealthy if we wanted get bonus points for the event award, in the end playing with stealth yielded more points. So people who rushed to the rescue were quickly frowned upon, and no one simply wanted to play with them. More people on the PS4 plugged in their mics (everyone has one there are zero excuses to not talk with the team online) because we actually needed cordination and communication with our kills. People were grabbing their Ash and Loki's so they can stealth kill. People brought in Sniper Rifers, and Banshee to use her Silience. In the end that was the most fun I ever had playing Warframe game-play wise ever. And after the event, there was no longer any reason to use stealth in missions ever again.

    But this isn't a discussion on why we need stealth in Warframe, but how does our current Game-Play relate to our story? And long explaination short, it doesn't.

    We're not the stealthy Tenno The Lotus makes us out to be. We are loud, obnoxious, loot seeking, little honored warriors who don't know what the hell we're doing in the universe but want the next shiny weapon to use on the Grineer, Corpus, or Infested because they are "evil." The only time I get thrown back to our Ninja roots is when I'm in my Clan's Dojo, or when I use a samurai sword or throwing stars as a weapon.

    Nearly 80% of our Warframe's don't incorpate the "Ninja" of Warframe in anyway.

    (Other Tenno: Is Rhino a Ninja?

    Me: I'm sorry guys Rhino is not a Ninja.

    Other Tenno: Is Nova a Ninja?

    Me: NO TENNO. Nova is not a Ninja also.

    Other Tenno: Is a Rock a Ninja?

    Me: A rock would be a better Ninja then all of us combined...)


    But it's not also just the lack of stealth or stealth moves incorperated into Warframe that keeps the Game-Play from relating to It's Story. But also nearly every popular and new mission type in the Game, Survival = Everyone knows your there and is out to kill you. Defense? We know your there but we want to destroy the Tenno in the pod and try to kill you too. Excavation? We know your here for our resources, so we are going to send a endless amount of men trying to kill you. Mobile Defense? We know your here, so let me send a endless amount of men to try and kill your and or stop our computers from getting our data exposed. Interception? Your trying to control that area for some reason, and we want that area for some reason, so we are going to send an infinite amount of men to try to kill you because we like that spot and it's ours. And Archwing... How does one even Ninja in the depths of space anyway?

    ..... So that leaves Spy, Hijack, Possibly Sabotage, and Rescue missions as the only missions that sort of requires Ninja skills (but everyone rushes through these missions anyways so...) 

    What I find most humorous is that we had a voice acting event hosted by IGN, the winners would have their voices put into the radio intercom on our ships in Warframe. And more then half of the phases we could choose from describes Tenno as stealthy, silient, brutal mass murders whom with hold the Lotus's sense of government of the galaxy. WHAT GAME IS THIS AND WHERE DO I PLAY IT?


    So Tenno, how do you think Warframe's Game-Play relate to the story?

    Should Warframe require more ninja in their game-play?

    If you never received story, or any sort of information regarding what this game is about what would you think the story is about?

    Should Digital Extremes simply change their Tagline to "Warriors Play for Free"?

    And is there anything else you want to address to the discussion?

  5. Well they aren't making just one concept for an Immortal skin, artists have to make tons of thumbnals each with different designs and patterns. Then whomever the lead artist is chooses the one he likes, has them tweak or adjust the design, and maybe all the designs are rejected and it's back to square one.


    There is a process, it's not like artists spend 5 minutes drawing squiggly lines ontop of a Warframe and call it a skin. So it does take time, but I must digress. The amount of time it's taking has been on the lengthy side, one can assume it's not their top priority to make skins right now.

  6. It's only "expensive" because you refuse to farm for it. There aren't even many things that use it in the first place, you'd have a point if it required like 50 orokin cells and 10 argons to make, but this is 500 oxium. A few rounds vs oxium ospreys and you are set.


    This is like a jobless person complaining about how expensive sandwiches in the shop are, but refuses to get a job lol.

    50 Orokin cells and 10 Argon crystals is easier to farm for then 500 oxium.....

  7. I want more story elements thrown into the game via Quests, Events, and in-game cutscenes that doesn't revolve around screens coming up with people talking.


    A End Game that doesn't give you new powerful mods/weapons in return. (Unless they are re-release older mods and weapons that have been gone for sometime.)


    Defense 2.0 with Warframe Passives (Never made sense on why Fire damage hurts a Ember)


    Warframe Affinity to Certain Weapons (A Ash would damage more with Throwing Stars because he has an affinity towards them, as a Rhino would not.)


    A new enemy Fraction (Helps change up the mix a bit.)


    Archwing to recieve a huge rework (It's fun, but it needs a ton fo work.)


    Archwing missions to be incorperated with daily missions (You have the option to fly off during a mission to reach your destination, or your playing a Sabotage and the ship explodes too early and a Archwing Mission starts)


    New Nightmare Mods


    Warframe Reworks: Nekros, Saryn, Banshee, and Limbo.


    A 8 player Raid


    Ability to buy a new ship AI (I'm sick of Ordis, at least let me update him to a newer model.)


    More quests that don't revolve around Tutorials or Fetch Quests to get the New Warframe.


    More Giant Bosses like the Lephantis


    A T5 Key


    T5 to have bosses random appear in missions (Much like Vor but all Energy version of Bosses on crack.)


    That's all I can think of within a good 8-10 minutes.

  8. Ok, let me get this straight. If you play the game for some serious time, you should have enough Oxium for both. Ofcourse that newer players might not have that amount of Oxi, but thats the point.



    You gotta work for them. Fair or not, players with more in game time will always have enough resources for new weapons. And its not like newer players dont have any other weapon to build and level while farming for materials for specific one.

    So work and grind for terrible weapons with nothing but the weapon itself to show for it?

    .... Yeah.


    The grind for them is ridiculous, so far the best way to go about it is to wait for a Oxium alert (they normally give out 300 oxium.)

    It's still a ridiculous amount of resources for a terrible weapon.

  9. Like I said in another thread, I would like to only see mods that max out at 5 be given a primed counterpart that maxes out at 10. It doesn't make sense to add an even bigger grind to a slightly more powerful mod that already was a huge grind to begin with. How far do you want to see them go up to rank 20 primed mods? The amount of fusion cores and credits to use them would be extraordinarily high! And in the end we would get even more powerful weapons that would have no output, people can easily play T4 keys for hours with the mods we have now. A primed Seration would only increase the grind even further for no reason whatsoever other then to add more grind into the game.


    NOT EVERY MOD SHOULD BE PRIMED. But that doesn't mean we shouldn't have them or not.

  10. He becomes exposed while doing so and the the pick up thing is MAJOR. Especially if a Limbo throws it down toward the end of a Defense wave and it persists. It's tough when a person had planned to extract and cant pick up mods left in catalysm. RNG is enough. We shouldn't have a power that prevent players from picking up loot drops that are all based on RNG already.

    Agreed. I can understand preventing the ability to pick up Energy or Health orbs, but loot and ammo as well? That is a awful design because it effects everyone. Someone could be a troll and purposely prevent you from picking up mods when they drop if they wanted to.

  11. How most Raids work in games is that the enemies are only a little higher then the strongest general enemies in the game. The Boss's HP pool is huge but not undefeatable, and the damage they hit are strong but easy to manage. What makes them so terrifying is when they change up their moves or patterns, or double up on one attack. Raids are one by keeping up DPS with healing, being able to change plans on a second notice, able to switch in and out other Warframe's to give them a rest, and to be able to crowd control onslaughts of enemies distracting you from the raid boss.

  12. I don't want Raid gear. (Here's the Strongest Boss in the game, but oh here have the Strongest weapon in the game now with nothing to use it on.)


    I want extremely detailed and amazing looking Warframe cosmetics out of this. I want to be able to wear a damm Crown on my Warframe's head, and have a awesome skin/syndana to go with it.

    Don't give me a stronger weapon/mod unless your giving me another Raid or some sort of end game to use it on.

  13. I would ultimately be a little upset about it....


    One I spent all this time and money maxing out the first Serration mod.

    Two, although this will require more grinding it will give us EVEN MORE powerful weapons with no end game to compare. (Unless they plan on adding T5 which adds to the same problem of making us get better weapons with nothing to use it on.)



    >.> It's still cool we have these mods, but I don't want to see too many of them. A Primed Stretch, Primed Intensity, and Primed Pressure Point. I simply want to see Primed versions of mods that only ranked up 3 to 5 times. Thus it makes the grind to 10 on a Primed mod make more sense because they will simply be mods that stretched the limit allowing them to be maximized to their full potential like other mods that can be ranked 10 times.


  14. True, true... i only wish there was a 10pack forma builder, so i don't have to build 1 each day. 

    That would actually be a very good idea for higher Mastery Ranks. Your Mastery is 10 so now you can build the same item in Foundry more then once. This would make creating resources much faster, and convientent.

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