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Posts posted by (PSN)True_Reclaimer

  1. 6 hours ago, Mr._Clean said:

    I can see it now. Now that the CS:GO gambling scheme has been broken Warframe will have a new one with Riven mods.


    4 hours ago, Jukantos said:

    Exactly. I would've JUMPED at an opportunity to revitalize my beloved Latron Prime, or even the Braton and Burston prime, but the fact that they exist for Tonkor and Simulor as well mean that we have content coming our way that is going to demand we exclusively play with these numerically "best" weapons WITH these overpowered mods on them to survive it, OR alternatively all the content will be ridicolously easy and thus has to be made very unrewarding so that people with strong mods can't simply outfarm the rest of the playerbase.


    Neither of these two scenarios is great and the whole RNG stats on it REALLY make it seem like something that wasn't designed by DE, it goes against SO many of their core philosophies they have upheld for years (not always successfully, but hey).

    Not to mention the fact that for some ungodly reason these mods that can have straight damage upgrades somehow slipped through the cracks and made it into PvP legality lists. Like what the hecko? It seems like a system hastily fluffed on top of an otherwise complete package in a way too short amount of time (hence why you get one at the end of TWW and they're in no way built into the narrative).

    Are you still the lords of your own house DE? If so, please, explain the design philosophy behind these. I'm more than willing to listen to arguments on both sides, the advantages of mods like these exististing to revive old "unviable" weapons is obvious (heck i now own a VIABLE supra, never thought i'd say those words) but there just seem to be out-of-line design choices with them everywhere. How'd this get greenlit? How was noone asked about the potential market implications of this? The balancing and powercreep that now is harder to balance for than ever (unless you wanna dynamically scale enemies with riven mod presence but that not only makes them pointless but yet again penalizes those who don't have them / don't have good ones).


    I just seems a bit unfinished and i think a lot of people would like to hear some pro and con arguments for their existance and some design reasoning. There are too many oddities for this to go well for a longer period of time. Not to MENTION acquiring them at random through sorties is frustrating as hell. Since TWW is out i've done the 4 sorties every single day and i've gotten 2000 endo every single time. I'm VERY tempted to just stop doing them alltogether because of that frustrating RNG.


    4 hours ago, Hiakuryu said:

    This. A million times this. I've got access to a crap ton of plat, I've got everything, ffs I'm a Grandmaster Founder but my friend, who only started last year is now almost equal to me. This is what I love about the game, that everyone has the same chances and the same access to the same gear, only if we put the time and effort into it. Now with the riven mods we'll end up with the game design taking the mods into account and end tier content being open to only the lucky or those willing to spend a load of plat. 

    Ill repeat my previous statement here.

    Warframe is entirely standardized. Drop chances, loot, stats, etc. Its all the same for every player. Regardless of what people acquire or use, everything IS obtainable (other than Excal Prime) and everything is the same no matter who owns it.

    This update destroyed that perfect balance.

    That is the biggest issue.

  2. 5 minutes ago, Brasten said:

    The only way this could be more damaging is if 1) Kuva could be bought for :platinum:Plat from the Market, 2) Riven Mods appeared randomly in Dragon Mod Packs (:platinum:Plat buy) from Market.

    Wont even surprise me if DE adds in Kuva as a purchasable market resource just like all the others except Nitain and Argon, and also introduce Riven Mod packs for plat

  3. 2 minutes ago, CRCGamer said:

    *cough* NEXON *cough* practically any of the titles under their control.

    Initial release D3 also comes to mind... and no, that is most certainly not a good thing. That game basically died within the opening launch month for the casual players. This isn't a good thing they've put into play here. Its a freaking poison pill that some bean-counter thinks is a swell idea for promoting plat sales. Which might work short term, but is going to cannibalize their market in ways they'd not believe... but that the Blizzard team knows all too well from prior experience.

    The problem is by opening this Pandora's box they've shoved themselves into a corner because no matter what they do now they WILL lose a chunk of their player base. Either they remove the stupidity that is this system entirely and lose players that bought power or they leave it and lose the entire casual player segment that already has been burned in the past by such practices. Which is going to be a pretty damn large segment to be honest. We've had years to get jaded by the online P2W offerings already in play elsewhere.

    I think they will definitely leave it in and hype up the Infested Ordis Ship quest update for brand new Xmas noobs to come and buy Riven power to catch up

  4. 7 minutes ago, notlamprey said:

    Indeed, and now we have this baited hook of a teaser site:


    "Ooh, you're unworthy of this great thing right now, but maybe if you behave I'll give you my approval and ultimate goodies."

    Witholding approval: at nearly any other time, this flavor text would have looked like an interesting hint of things to come. A new character, with their own agenda to pursue? Neat.

    In the current context of the Riven Mod Loot Lottery, however, this reads like a hook to entice people into adopting a poison system.

    "Stay tuned, and definitely adopt our new lottery system with enthusiasm! A really cool thing is coming, we promise!"

    It's a bad look. Again, I'm sure that this isn't intentional, but it's setting off multiple red flags for folks who have been burned in the past by abusive practices.

    Im smelling more Riven stuff. Riven frames, riven companions, riven consumables, maybe even Prime Rivens.

    Might as well make Riven arcanes and riven cosmetics with random stat bonuses as well

  5. 4 hours ago, Kutsus said:

    These mods could work, but require major tweaks, rerolling costs should not escalate beyond a reasonable point, Veiled mods need to show how many times theyve been rerolled to avoid scamming.
    The RNG stats need to be toned down a bit, specifically i think that, for example, having multiple mods with the same stat effects yet still different numbers in those effects is complete bullS#&$, and that kind of thing has no place in warframe.


    4 hours ago, Rin01 said:

    I myself am ok with the concept and the overall implementation of the Riven mods, but I also see issues with it and can understand why people are upset.

    From what I can tell there are a few main issues most players have with the mods: RNG, crazy stat combinations, veiled mods being tradable, crazy conditions to unveil them and increasing cost to reroll. There are other issues people have mentioned, but these seem to be the most popular.

    I will try to give my view on these things and make suggestions on how to fix the issues I think need fixing.


    The RNG may be heavy handed but for the most part I am ok with this. It means players have something to try to hunt for, trying to get the good rolls. They cannot simply pick the best stats for their chosen weapon. I do not think this needs fixing. However, the results that can be generated from the RNG I feel is a problem.

    Crazy Stat Combinations

    I do think this needs to be tweaked. Being able to get +100% or more for damage, crit chance AND crit damage all on the same mod, without having some kind of severe counterbalancing negative seems broken to me. Especially as you can potentially get these mods for weapons that are already overpowered. Yes, it means you can boost underpowered weapons, and that is a good thing, but players being players will most likely hunt/buy mods to boost their already OP weapons. It will not solve anything because the OP weapons will remain OP and the UP weapons will remain UP.

    My solution to this would be to have stat limits based on the weapon the mod is for. So for example, a Soma Riven mod will have lower potential maximums than that of a Burston. This means players can still buff their favourite OP weapons, but they can also take a previously UP weapon and potentially boost it to the level of an OP weapon, making it more attractive to use.

    I think if the limits could be balanced better around the weapon it may go some way to alleviate the issue of having OP Riven mods.

    Veiled Mods Tradable

    This is clearly a scam issue and something that needs to be fixed asap. The fact players are able to easily scam others out of their real money is a major flaw in this system. I have no problem with unveiled mods being tradable, but veiled mods really shouldn't be tradable at all, even without the increasing reroll cost. Players should be able to have clear view of what they are spending their real money on.

    Crazy Challenge Conditions to Unveil

    This is a bit of a hit and miss issue for me. Some challenges are not challenges at all while others are not only nearly impossible but also force solo play, which I think is a problem.

    The solo condition is probably there to make it more challenging, but this is a multiplayer game and players like to team up with their friends to do stuff together. These Riven mods are now a big part of our end game progression, but it seems some of them do not fit a multiplayer game.

    To fix this I think the 'Solo' condition needs to be removed all together. I am perfectly happy with it being challenging to unveil a Riven mod, but it should not force you to do it solo. It shouldn't force you to do it with a team either, as that opens the door for griefing and frustration. It needs to be team size neutral to ensure players can tackle it with or without other players.

    Another idea to resolve the nearly impossible challenge conditions is to allow players to reroll veiled mods, in an attempt to get a more acceptable challenge.

    Increasing Cost to Reroll

    I cannot make my mind up if it is an issue or not. The biggest issue with it at the moment is when you combine it with tradable veiled mods. If that was fixed I am not sure if it would remain a big problem.

    I think part of the reason to increase the costs is to discourage players from continuously rerolling until they get the ultimate stats, but on the other hand I think that is an ok option to have. Maybe a compromise can be made here. Increase the cost to each reroll, but make it a smaller increase and put a cap on it at some point (assuming there isn't one currently). Or, if they add the above idea of rerolling veiled mods to change the unveil challenge, then they can increase the cost of rerolling veiled mods, but not unveiled mods.

    Overall I don't mind the riven mod system, but it clearly needs some tweaks. I don't want them to remove the system, nor do I think the RNG needs to be removed. But the stat outcomes do need to be balanced better and the issues above need to be resolved in some way.

    It needs to remain a system that takes time for players to get anything out of it, so they cannot get uber Riven mods too quickly. It also needs to be tweaked to encourage players to use under used weapons. The chance to get a Soma Riven mod should be less than the chance to get a Riven mod for a weapon nobody uses. Maybe the chance can be based on weapon statistics, so as a weapon's popularity changes so too does the chance to get a Riven mods for that weapon. Just a thought.


    1 minute ago, Xzorn said:


    You're under the impression that my currency progression is any different than your item progression. The results are the same. Item progression "feels" better and that's why I would prefer this system last as long as possible by being as time consuming as possible because inevitably it will turn into currency progression.

    I don't spend long in trade chat because I farm and sell items people want and I sell them cheap. I don't farm prime sets because other people farm those and I know not to farm what others are farming. I farm evens, I do syndicate missions and I play the game. That's it. I make majority of my plat by selling my progression to players via Maxed mods.  I end up with a Primed mod worth of Endo and Credits about once every two weeks and Syndicates make me about 30-40p a day while taking about 40min. That's potentially 900 plat every 2 weeks with minimal effort.

    One side of this debate want's easier the other side wants more progression. We can't both win. Least one side has everything else in the game. Why can't we have this one thing to keep us busy? No one is excluded from this system and it will always get easier over time. People are just  trying to rush a system that was obviously designed to take a long time.

    Warframe is entirely standardized. Drop chances, loot, stats, etc. Its all the same for every player. Regardless of what people acquire or use, everything IS obtainable (other than Excal Prime) and everything is the same no matter who owns it.

    This update destroyed that perfect balance.

    That is the biggest issue here.

  6. 2 minutes ago, Xzorn said:

    Sorry but I have 40,000 plat and I've not paid cash for any of it. I can buy anything in the game I want with that so you're simply wrong.


    2 minutes ago, Xzorn said:

    Even if the Focus system was 100% perfect nodes you would still hit a wall where you no longer need Lens and you no longer need progression.

    It's not being ignored either it's been mentioned twice, even the last Dev stream if I recall. They came close to saying it's next on the list.

    You're comment shows me you obviously just want to complain and don't actually understand the progression systems involved.

    OK mister 40,000 plat and never put in a single dime to support DE

    You basically just leech off of both the Devs and fellow players to collect that much plat and not pay for any of it

  7. 2 hours ago, Narendramrs said:

    Totally agree with this, Riven mods should be for older weapon like burston, braton, or even stug. Power creep already became a thing on warframe since new weapon like tonkor make penta isnt viable again, why would you take full risk weapon when u can bring low to none risk with same power and damage? and im super upset when they introduced galatine prime and tigris prime... i mean come on, tigris already has 2 variant, sancti and normal one and now the primed one? Now's the chance to make old weapon viable again like paris or dread and they decided to screw it up GG DE.

    Ok now here's the thing:

    1) we didnt have any control for the stats given to the mod, like its totally random RNG. My solution is whenever you unveiled riven mods, you can pick up to 2 stats that carried to the mod. For example u can choose to bring 100% damage and 100% status chance or you can choose to bring 100% damage, 50% crit chance and 50% crit damage. 200% is the limit for total and 100% limit per 1 stats. See? that isnt hard... pretty balanced remembering that there's already mod for crit chance that surpass 100%

    2) it should be dual stats mod and heck its the first triple stats mod, pretty broken for 1 mod that already cover for 3 slots

    wait... there's already a limit for riven mod per account? now now, we look at the good side and the bad side:

    + preventing collector to became overpowered to just relying on riven mods

    + RNG always offer something more good if youre lucky enough... so more mods = more wealth

    - yep, encourage many people to make alternate account to hold their mods

    Now this is WF true problem, new content always bring stronger stuff while old update usually left behind. Solution? buff and nerf, make some good mod support for old weapon. like really DE, there's a lot of youtuber that covering a weapon and YOU SHOULD KNOW WHAT TO DO WITH THOSE WEAPON... SERIOUSLY MY FRIEND IN MY CLAN GET STRADAVAR RIVEN MOD WITH +CRIT DAMAGE WHILE GIVE - CRIT CHANCE?!?!?!?!?!?

    I feel like if they were only for old weapons... all the other issues would be overlooked

  8. 49 minutes ago, Xzorn said:


    Sorry but I have 40,000 plat and I've not paid cash for any of it. I can buy anything in the game I want with that so you're simply wrong.

    Why don't you give the system for than 2 days to work before coming to premature conclusions about it.

    People ranted in similar fashion about Lens and Focus progression when that system first came out.

    And Lens and Focus are STILL broken and ignored by DE, thanks for reminding us

  9. 25 minutes ago, MobyTheDuck said:

    I stopped playing several F2P MMOs due to their overly grindy RNG systems, and DE finds a way to add the same system that kills these games into Warframe.

    What is next guys, TF2-style crates? Selling keys for real money to get unusual skins?

    You know, Diablo 3 almost died due to this RNG grind, which made them change the entire game system to cut the RNG and grind. Rifts, Greater Rifts, Kadala, increased drop chance, allowing to reroll item stats with easily available money, rewarding the player even though he didnt got the item he wanted with the crafting system...

    This update only introduced a system that we wont use aside for grinding the new resource, that everyone knows it will be needed to every new weapon from now on.

    You depend on RNG to:
    - Get a Riven mod from sorties
    - The mission to unlock the mod, which could be easy as balls or hard as hell
    - The weapon that the mod will affect, that could be something already strong like the Simulor/Tonkor, or something useless like the Paracyst, or even worse, a sentinel weapon
    - The stats of the weapon, that could have 4 positive stats and no negatives, or only one positive and one negative, the negative stats can be stuff that make the weapon totally useless like '-150% damage' or '-150% multishot'. Some mods can even have stats the weapon doesnt has, like crit chance on the Miter or Impact damage on the Glaxion.
    - Finding the Kuva siphon to get Kuva to reroll the mod. Ah yes, nothing better than redoing the same mission over and over to get a chance based item, making players burnout really fast and stop bothering once they get enough. Hm, that sounds familiar.
    - Rerolling the mod. Guess what? You get another hard mission and even worse stats! Please buy platinum!

    I stopped bothering once I got a Snipetron mod with +zoom and -crit damage, then a Paracyst mod with +reload speed and +status duration. That really will make these weapons on par with the Tonkor!

    And you guys actually plan to release Shotgun, Secondary, Melee, Companion, Sentinel and Warframe Rivens? Are you guys mad?

    One of the best replies so far


    DE needs to read and fix this

  10. 16 minutes ago, GhostlightX said:

    And alienate everyone else. Good luck with that.


    This is p2win, nothing else. It is 100% designed to make people who can afford it purchase a ton of plat so they can buy these OP, over-priced monsters.


    I buy plat now and again just to keep ticking over. This will now stop. As soon as I sense the game becoming ACTUAL p2win (as I now do), it sours the taste big time. I will never spend cash on Warframe again, even though I was perfectly happy to do so before TWW.


    25 minutes ago, GhostlightX said:

    Too late to save it I already lost my entire Clan over this. Warframe became very officially PAY 2 WIN. Disappointed in the extreme.


    26 minutes ago, GhostlightX said:

    Too late to save it I already lost my entire Clan over this. Warframe became very officially PAY 2 WIN. Disappointed in the extreme.


    40 minutes ago, k05h said:

    I took a break from Warframe because of the excessive grind. I wanted to come back this week to enjoy The War Within quest. But atm I just do not feel in the mood because forums and reddit are full of riven mod complaints. And reading all this just makes me sad. 

    Diablo style grind or Asian MMO style grind is not why I intially chose to play Warframe. 


    47 minutes ago, Icy_Ymir said:

    Yeah, i should agree with that. These mods are awesome and completely terrible in the same time. Awesome because they can make my favorite, but somewhat weak weapons (Rubico, for example) way better and rise them to the meta levels. Terrible, because the system itself is the most enormous Grindwall i've seen in my life - randomly spawned hard-to-get resource for randomly re-rolled random mods with re-rolling cost increasing every time you do it. Super-random grind adventures. Everything that can be random is random, and things that can't are just very expensive.

    It becomes even more terrible with the fact that these mods can be generated for Tonkor, Simulor, Tigris, Hek, etc. They totally should be only for mid-game weapons.

    Though i will disagree about making mods untradable - unless we can also choose for which weapon mod will be. Cuz you would need a thousand years to get a mod for correct weapon through sortie RNG alone.

    I will stop playing the game and buying plat until something will be done about this system. And if DE will not change anything... well, i'll focus my spare time on playing Dark Souls or drawing stuff, and leave WF forever, i guess. My only regret will be buying Mag Prime Vault pack...

    Agree with all of this


    Warfarme is dying and DE is doing all they can to milk veteran players (that buy OP tonkor and synoid Rivens) and allow scamming of new ones (that buy reveiled junk mods for a high price)


    I can see Primed Rivens becoming a thing soon as well as Riven frames and companions

  11. 35 minutes ago, Gilmaesh said:

    make them account bound and remove the 15 limit. Those mods are a great endo/credits sink.

    Also the increased reroll cost was a good opportunity to create a sink for our existing resources, most of them become useless after a while and that was one way to use them. Instead they went nitain all over again, they created another resource and i have to use the operator to get it...

    Great ideas right here. And strangely... I think they would be simple enough to work

  12. 5 minutes ago, Boubonicus said:

    I don't like the idea of these riven mods as well, if I wanted Diablo or borderlands style loot randomness I would be playing those games.  Except instead of being able to simply redo a run for more chances in a day, we have one shot a day at them.  I agree that they had good intentions behind the implementation of these.  Probably is intended to give high rank/long time players something to strive for but it's having the opposite effect, at least on me. 

    Honestly when I first saw the new mods I thought it was to mod the operator somehow.  As it stands now though I would vastly prefer they are changed to a modable mod.  First unveiling binds it to the weapon it was unveiled on.  Then through expensive means involving forma, kuva, maxed mod of whatever you want to add, and maybe more you can add up to three effects with the last being initially a negative.  Then through daily resource feeding and completing the challenge things it gives, you can slowly upgrade the stats on it to some maximum.  They can stay rare and limited to 15. 

    I hold no illusion this would simply devolve to them mostly looking like +dmg, +crit, +multishot and drastically enhance power creep.  I would, at least, prefer the objective of slowly growing its power over time to pulling a slot machine lever. 

    It would be far better if we EARNED our OP mods, rather than casino gambling or black market trading for them

  13. 6 minutes ago, marelooke said:

    It's like they just introduced Diablo 3's market and Diablo 3 ditched it's market for a very good reason and that saved the game, it's pretty mindblowing that DE just did the inverse.

    Perhaps DEs income has been hurt by the Void change and they want to make up that loss by encouraging people to engage in trading for mods.

    It all makes sense now... 


    Yeah Im convinced this was intentional. They had a year of (DE)lays and they arent new to their own games power creep, RNG, or trade economy. 


    DE mustve decided to toss in the towel and sell out

  14. 12 minutes ago, Virsalus said:

    The idea of this system is nice at heart, it offers the opportunity to diversify things. But the reality looks different I'm afraid. Most of these new mods will be outright useless and just a few will be so overpowered that the balance this game had before will be gone. Prior to this there were some rarer mods but they were not as rare as the best riven mods that can be rolled now. There was a fair chance for everyone to acquire at least most of the mods (barring crazy stuff like Primed Chamber, btw. how about making that more available?).

    Once you did your work and got your hands on those mods, you could make the viable builds that had been known from the end game pre TWW. Now however there will be a select "elite" (chosen by RNG and financial wealth / willingness to pay for the OP riven mods) that will be able to completely blow all those established builds out of the water and everyone else can only watch in awe because they just won't have that luck and no amount of work they put into the game will enable them to make use of the new high end builds themselves.

    This system creates an inequality among the players that has never been there before in this game and if this is not addressed soon, it may very well be the beginning of the end.

    Very well worded my friend!



    Primed Chamber, how about making that more available?

    This system creates an inequality among the players that has never been there before in this game and if this is not addressed soon, it may very well be the beginning of the end.

    I really wish DE actually read feedback and strove to correct themselves

  15. Just now, Aleksundar said:

    It sucks for the people that got Riven mods for older weapons, like the Tetra, but also had the unluckiness to get almost 100% of damage subtracted. I got a Tetra mod wit's added dmg, but subtracted slash to the point where no damage was added at all. I would say that they at least need to make the lower tier weapons have a higher chance of increased stats, with the higher tier lower chance. It is ridiculous seeing a Dread with 254% extra damage and a low tier weapon with potentially negative damage stats. But, like you said, it is probably too late, people are paying thousands of plat to get a Tonkor that fires nukes, and a rework would make a lot of people angry and put a lot of people at a e only way I can see to fix it is too make the mods more frequent at high levels and the enimies tougher after TWW quest line 

    But making the enemies stronger further punishes players that arent paying high plat for tonkor nuke mods and synoid black hole mods... its just a huge broken toxic system altogether

  16. 6 minutes ago, Jin_Kazama said:

    BROKEN weapons will ALWAYS be broken. 

    If people wanna mIN max them let them, the weapon killed before, and it'll keep killing.

    But a chance to have my panthera, dera, and other weapons rise in those high level missions? I welcome it!

    I just wish it was for weapons like the Panthera, miter, braton, Hind, paracyst, etc ONLY

  17. 1 minute ago, Hahsanumat said:

    #2 Proves that this has nothing to do with making unpopular weapons more appealing.

    #3,4,5 Just punish people for PLAYING THE GAME to get something that they want, instead of just buying it with thousands of plat.

    #1,8 Are only a problem because you have to wait 24 hours THEN hope to get one from sorties THEN etc etc.

    I am trying to convince myself that the riven mod system was not designed with the intention of creating massively overpriced items that are time *AND* RNG-gated. I think they were trying to make the weapons more like borderlands guns, but borderlands didn't have an economy, and you didn't have to wait 24 hours between your CHANCE to get one totally randomly generated item. It's so obviously going to create something like the D3 1.0 economy, with exponentially scaled prices and huge sums of plat involved that cut pretty much everybody out of the system. By the way, that is why D3 did so poorly and the only way they could save it was by completely overhauling item generation and removing the economy entirely.

    #9 There might still be time to fix this, the longer they wait the harder it'll get.

    I really hope there is still time my friend

    all I can say is

    DE (channels Teshin's voice)




  18. Just now, Kimimoto said:

    I really don't understand why they didn't just make new mods for lower tier weapons to raise them up a bit, since that's what this system is basically doing. (if it wasn't for the fact that you can get tonkor/simulor Rivens)

    Hello darkness my old friend

    Ive come to talk with you again

    Because of POWER softly creeping


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