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Posts posted by (PSN)True_Reclaimer

  1. Extremely fast, very, very impressed!!  AWESOME! 




    I want the nunchuks...


    Did I mention that I thought nunchuks are cool?



    Dont see how this is fast with no ETA to cert. Youre impressed they are developing the next sequential update, over a week after finishing the release of the last one? Youre surprised they are doing their normal jobs, as if they dont normally develop the next sequential update after releasing one?


    Youre excited for one crappy Archwing melee, and one regular melee weapon with very low damage (Oh but high status! As if my Jat Kitty cant already get past 100% and do way more damage) and since its a new type - another new stance mod to grind out, and more unnecessary primary weapon variants to further add to grind/mastery fodder without fixing the weapons we already have? Did I mention all the new nerfs (adhesive blast nerf, etc) thrown into the update as well? (some nerfs we were supposed to get later have already been stealth hotfixed in presently- such as Covert Lethality, Exalted blade, concealed explosives and hydroid nerfs)


    Im confused, Crackle. Perhaps I cant fanboy hard enough. I hope DE takes their time though. And does some deep evaluation.


    We really need less new junk, and more QOL fixes/reworks/buffs going forward. Raids (and the painful crafting process for Arcanes), Archwing and PVP reworks would be a great start. Mod rank and forma polarity On-the-fly-selectability would be a great QOL change. And separate palette swatches for warframe armor attachments and for syandana is something missing for over a year now, but hey look NEW KUBROW ARMOR GUYS!! HYPE!!! TNXS DE 

  2. Oh no its very different in terms of the amount of coding. Im fairly sure my idea would be less coding than what Reb was talking about



    Yeah I think I get what you mean. Reb claims its too much data to store for EVERY mod. Your solution - store the data for the single highest rank mod, (or just when a mod is fully maxed). Much less data needs to be stored this way. And as for trading like I said, it would default to highest achieved value so that wouldnt be affected. I think this is a very plausible solution!

  3. A solution to the account problem might beto make it so that, with each rank gained, it saves to the account and can raised or lowered at will with a maximum of the rank you possess.

    If theres an issue with other mods saving OVER the one you want just save the highest rank mod to the account and dont save any other mod until they reach ABOVE the highest ones rank. Once at max rank, that mod CANNOT be saved over by any other mod EXCEPT if it is sold, traded etc and thus the mod save will either reset entirely or save the next highest rank mod in your inventory



    Good stuff right here. I wonder if it would work? But without the Devs support to at least attempt to fix the current systems, nothing will ever change sadly.


    I personally think keeping data for multiple different rank duplicates of each mod - isnt all that different from having a selectable rank option for your single highest mod - but Im no developer so my opinion isnt valid.

  4. The mod rank selection (sometimes referred to as underclocking) is a good (frankly great) concept but under the hood it is a bit of a nightmare with the way Mod info is stored per account. It is a very, very hard issue to solve, it technically has a solution in game now with copies of mods, and right now I don't see it entering the dev's pile of priorities considering how much full their current plate is.  Maybe one day.


    Forma applications being a permanent consumable will be staying this way for the foreseeable future, but some interesting suggestions about per loadout are cool (although run us into the info-stored per account problem).



    I appreciate your response, though it disappoints me to hear it wont even be considered for rework in the near future. Mod and forma polarity versatility is a great QOL change that most players would benefit from. I wont hold my breath, but I wont give up hope on it!

    No one, you say?



    Great catch! 


    His post is even more detailed than mine is, I like the idea of forma polarity swaps on the fly

  5. DE needs to add a way to UNFORMA. So you can refund spent formas on crap you dont like anymore and use them on new crap thats the flavor of the month. The cost should be credits of course.


    But no nonsense like Arcane Distillers that waste millions of credits and weeks of waiting to build plus a week of rep grinding, then have to waste more to rebuild the arcanes.


    DE should also add selectable mod ranks - so if you have a Max R10 Blind Range for example, you can equip it then choose any rank from 0 to 10 on the fly. If you have a rank 3 Heavy Calibur on the other hand, you can select any rank from 0 to 3, since 3 is the highest rank you boosted it to in the mod foundry.


    This would have no impact on trading, as when the mod is offered it defaults to its highest boosted rank. (A R7 Serration will trade as an R7 Serration, and a R3 Life Strike will trade as an R3 Lifestike... no scamming or tricks)


    This will benefit all players, as you can without fear max out all mods and still have complete versatility over their effects and drain ranks. Also, youll only need duplicates for sentinels, so most dupes can be traded or sold, further benefiting everyone. No reason to keep 5 different Narrow Mindeds, Blind Rages, etc since a Max one will give you all 10 selectable ranks.


    TLDR- DE needs to let us remove formas to resuse them, and allow mod ranks to be selectable from 0 to the highest rank achieved - on the fly - eliminating need for dupes and maximizing versatility

  6. DE doesnt care. Notice still no response from Megan regarding issues of PS+ discount, recoloring of the blue, and skin usability/popularity... yet she was quick to defend when someone said it looked like crap so skip the purchase.



    If DE actually cared - they would make sure to sort out issues with Sony on the discount ahead of time, make the colors changeable, and make skins for warframes and weapons that are actually popular (and of course usable on Primes)



    Whoever is in charge of the Marketing and Development Department for consoles should be replaced with someone more competent and able to give the community what it actually wants. Non-animated ugly syandana? Gorgon, Lato, Latron, kamas, Viper? Helios wyrm and Odonata? Nobody asked for any of those!

  7. I saw somewhere in the forum that DE Drew knows about the energy color thing and that it will fixed at some point.

    I hope so, but Id like an actual fix rather than just an acknowledgement. Its pretty simple really, just remove the lock on the bit of code governing the use of RGB palette on Energy swatch. I think its DE simply doesnt want to fix it.

  8. call for buffs are on first page, right before DE announced the massive nerf bar high level content most players do not take part of. now you must feel stupid...

    Just was about to mention that this IS a Hydroid buff thread


    Also not "you must feel"... its "you are"...

  9. Oh no, the press 4 to loot bots are dying.


    It's the end of the world. Whatever shall we poor players do?


    Ah the hypocritical Black Knights are here too!

    I bet he knows all about "press4 to win" judging by his profile pic

    I wonder how much he will cry if Hysteria is nerfed to no more invincibility

    >inbefore he lies Valkyr isnt his main- he just likes her pic

  10. Sounds fair. I like the sound of this change.


    Yikes. Rebeccas White Knight Army coming out in full force. 


    Hydroid is the worst frame in the game next to Ember and Oberon.

    Pilfering Swarm gave him a niche role like Nekros.

    You guys nerfed Greedy Mag, now Hydroid, whats next? Desecrate only targeting a single corpse?


    Very sad to see this happen. Hydroid needs a buff/rework not a nerf.

    Im almost MR 20 and every update the grind gets more and more tedious. I understand you guys are here to make profits, but youve lost a lot of your pride as developers in the process of turning into the real life equivalent of the Corpus- nerfing everything to oblivion and creating more and more grindwalls built upon RNG rather than skill. I miss the old days, but those have went the way of the Orokin.  

  11. It was an even worse idea binding arcanes to cosmetics, right after DE said it was a bad idea binding stats to the original arcane helmets and thus removed them. The recent band aid fix -Arcane Distiller - does not solve this issue properly either, as credits and time are still wasted every time you "refund" an arcane.


    Secondly, Arcanes should either be reusable, or upgradable like Mods- meaning you only need 1 unranked arcane and credits to max it, rather than wasting up to 10 of the same on a single syandana. What a horrible half-baked system, and such a bad reward that leaves little incentive to run the raid, or experiment with different arcanes.


    Not to mention trying to buy some of these on Trade (@100p each) means around 1000p each per arcane plus millions of credits. DE needs to fix this, and reward, not punish, those who suffer through the raid.


    Also would be cool to see Nightmare Raids drop dual-stat Nightmare Arcanes.

  12. Ive noticed the free PS+ game Rocket League is corrupting random files on the hard drive. For example - played Rocket League, then went to warframe and ran a T3S. As soon as Ash Prime Systems dropped went towards extraction and the game crashed.


    Ive also noticed after playing Rocket League sometimes my themes get corrupted, revert back to default blue, and cannot be changed "error this file is corrupted".


    Restarting the PS4 seems to fix the issues. If this doesnt work, Id suggest deleting Rocket League app and its saved data, then restart and put the PS4 into safe mode, and REBUILD DATABASES to clear out corrupt and broken cache files. How to do that --> https://support.us.playstation.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/5044/~/ps4%3A-safe-mode 


    If deleting Rocket League, rebuilding databases, and restarting still dont fix the issue, delete warframe app and its saved data, turn off ps4, unplug power cord, then try turning it back on and redownloading the warframe app. Youll have to redo all your in game settings.


    Hope this helps, let me know

  13. Your members had to be in the clan before the PATCH hit, not the event.

    The top 3 used an exploit as 1.7bil isn't possible. If you are claiming shooting the "sweet spots" as Rebecca called them in Prime Time an exploit, you are mistaken.

    To achieve 1.5bil you need one guy to hit all nodes and get a few shots in on core, 3 odonatas using the shield for boosted damage firing on sweet spots with forma'd out velocitus. It also needs to be timed so everyone gets the first hit as soon as the shield drops, so teamwork is very important.

    Why does everyone cry foul when they can't win, instead of trying to improve on their strategies. I know for a fact our clan ran hundreds of missions to fine tune their scores and help others get leveled up with appropriate gear to do it.

    The king of cheaters himself... speak of the devil. Also my clan is as old as U10.5, not a new clan that just came out of the walls like yours when Destroy All Monsters sold out lol!

  14. DE should completely remove these glitched leaderboards.


    1) Half my clan (Reclaim Warframe) did not appear for clan score or contribute to EOB clan average, though they did for clan weekly kills


    2) We tried everything to fix this including having them quit the clan and rejoin and multiple runs everyday. No luck


    3) Other clans had same issue (Grindhouse)


    4) Made a support ticket. Received generic reply - AKA ignored


    5) The top clans used an exploit with Velocitus to cheese impossibly high scores


    GG DE. Support cheaters, punish veterans. But hey free trophies for every noob right? So that makes up for your poor coding and mishandling of the situation!

  15. So far it looks like the judges will have an easy time picking the winner this week. >_>


    I realize the objective this time is rather situational (hard to find that one perfectly positioned exploding barrel) but there are barely 10 entries. Don't lose interest now guys, there are still 2 challenges left! :D


    This was the hardest challenge yet! Idk what was more difficult, finding the barrels or lining up a multi kill but it was a lot of fun and I gave it my best!

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