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Posts posted by hippokrene

  1. 1 hour ago, Sevek7 said:

    That being said, I sympathize with your situation. It certainly affects newer players the most since they might not recognize the bugs.

    As a newer player, this doesn't affect me much. I don't have a kit gun or a zaw. My experience of Orb Vallis mostly involves hiking across the map for ten minutes only to die horribly when trying to defend a fracture.

    So I don't have any kitguns, and if I did, I don't have reactors or forma to put on it.

  2. Turning the reactor on with no coolant and then shooting the fuel injectors sounds like a great way to blow up the ship. The whiteout and mission failed you get if you fail to leave in 5 minutes also suggests you've done catastrophic damage.

    Coolant leaks are likely also lethal to anyone stuck too close to them. Given coolant links do damage to the warframe while simply walking around orb vallis doesn't, we can assume that augmented Solaris bodies would also take damage. I doubt Corpus would be in any hurry to release their prisoners or give them proper medical attention.

    Whatever the case, even if my Tenno isn't killing them, I'd like the option to free all of the prisoners.

    • Like 2
  3. I love the new Corpus tileset but am never happy when I evacuate the mission. I use my coin to save one prisoner but there are often three or four of them on a ship begging for help. It feels terrible to leave them to be tortured or killed.

    This is awful. I'm a cyborg space-ninja who can warp the very fabric of reality and take down entire ships of soldiers, but I can't break hand and leg cuffs because they're coin operated?

    • Like 17
  4. I've played RJ almost two and a half weeks now on a daily basis. During that time, I'd yet to get a single Hyperstrike or Bulkhead avonics drop, and so kept in the Earth Proxima region.

    Two missions of RJ after the Deadlock Proto, and not only do I have them but five more avonics  I'd never seen before.

    Thank you so much !

    • Like 3
  5. Because of Covid, I found myself with a ton of free time, so I checked out Warframe. A couple of days into the game, a friend of mine recruited me to Solar Gladiators.

    When I joined, I was a clueless newbie. Two months later, I am still a clueless newbie but I have a really cool flamethrower and a Prime warframe that my clan members helped me get. (Thank you, @mrchip)

    If you are like me and had a ton of questions about Warframe that you're worried are stupid, check out Solar Gladiators. People who've been playing the game for years hang out and are chill helping newcomers.

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