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Posts posted by hippokrene

  1. 10 hours ago, CuriousCanidae said:

    It's sort of stupid as the War can often be a newbie trap as it's a downgrade from Broken War in so many ways.

    How many hundreds of hours of play does it take before someone has a reasonable chance of getting War?

    This is not something that new players are going to interact with.

  2. I don't mind the Syndicate hating my Tenno.

    I am annoyed when I finish a questline for the leader of New Loka or the Perin Sequence, and two missions later they'd sending death squads my way.

    I'm on good terms with Suda, but I'm sure after you save her during Octavia's Anthem, she still tries to murder you on a regular basis.

    • Like 1
  3. If you go with the Freudian psycho-sexual drama [DE] has going, Theshin needs to remain an aloof and distant father figure while Hunhow remains the dangerous and domineering father figure.

     I like Warframe, but in terms of lore and characterization, it lags behind a lot of other MMOs I've played. Spending more time fleshing out NPCs that you aren't attempting to murder would be nice in general.


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  4. 18 hours ago, T-Shark69 said:

    Just get better mods/gear.


    You can get the Taxon to generate energy for you?!

    The only one of those I have is Iron Skin. Can you tell me what the others are?

  5. I like Rhino.

    He's not wimpy like other frames. Inaros and Atlas are both very strong, but I've had Rhino first and longest.

    With other frames, when MOA's stomp or Heavy Gunners punch, I have to jump or I get knocked back. With Rhino, I just shrug and keep on going.

    With other frames, scorpions and ancients constantly grab them and reel them in. With Rhino, I say, "Hey, I'm not a fish. If I want to stand here this is where I'm standing."

    With other frames, when corrupted ospray hose down any area with gas, I scramble out of the way. With Rhino, I'm like "I'm glad I put that health regen mod on my companion," and keep on doing whatever I was doing.

    That's what makes a rhino a rhino: thick skin, stubborn, and charging ahead.

    And.. dead. Because even with maxed Intensify, my Iron Skin now melts like hot wax. At some point, it became Tissue Skin. But you know who has awesome armor? The Bombarders and Heavy Gunners I face. They have better armor than me! They get tougher and tough while I stagnate.

    I'm the Tenno. They're part of an endless horde. Why is their armor better than mine?

    My idea is this: make my Iron Skin scale based on the level of the area I'm in. That's what you do with their armor, right? So they're always nice and tough. I don't know how you do it. Some sort of programming math magic, but it works for them so it should work for me.

  6. 5 hours ago, Cerikus said:

    Since we should receive an archwing rework somewhere in the future, I decided to write down everything I think about this topic. Everything I say is obviously what I personally would like, but maybe some people will agree and maybe DE will take notes. Here we go.

    1) Current problems
    - Open worlds are big and we will always DESIRE to travel in there as fast as possible. That will inevitably lead to elimination of choice for us.
    - I never use archwing abilities in open world, nor have I seen anyone else do it. (Only exception is Itzal's Cosmic crush) (Of course Blink when it was still Itzal's 1)
    - K-drives are slower, offer useless mechanics and people just don't use them. Besides... leveling K-drives is imho the most awful thing in the game.

    I like my k-drive and use it often? It's more fun than the archwing.

    Also, I'm not interested in traveling through the open world as fast as possible. I like the scenery.

    .. it's becoming kind of strange how many people in the Warframe community seem unaware that different players have different tastes.

  7. 1. Sometimes when I hit 'L', the map shows correctly. Other times, the front teleport spot is hidden under the display for resources so I can't click on it. Please wiggle the map down a bit.

    2. If there is no one on the RJ, and it's boarded, please let me know. Cy is not shy. He would not let this go unremarked.

    3. Please increase the visibility of cannons. It's odd that I can spot a ship from 5km away, but have to press my face to an asteroid or facility before those red circles appear.

    4. When there's a lad in my connection, the flying remains smooth but clear shots will fail to do damage or even show 0s.

    5. More Cy. Doesn't matter where or how. Maybe he gets a side-job as a DJ. Maybe when the Lotus needs to take a nap, he'll direct you in exterminate missions. Maybe he decides to release a Christmas album that we can buy and play on the orbiter. I don't care about the detail, just more.

  8. 14 hours ago, Wearbe said:

    They are not disappearing, they have moved so far ahead of you that you can't see them on the map anymore. Be faster. What kind of mission are you typically playing that lasts 30 minutes?

    I just finished a hour and eight minute long sabotage mission because I spent time exploring for the caches. But I also enjoy spy, rescue, capture, mobile defense, and exterminate.

    I have no interest in being faster. Much of the time, I play Warframe as a very laid-back and relaxing game. The music is nice, the maps are pretty, and I get to jump around interesting places.

    I don't understand the disdain for solo play when the result of my joining a group would be annoying my teammates.

    20 hours ago, DrivaMain said:

    Public player mindsets are every man for himself, carry or get carried, you are a player playing with bots, etc. If you want to see the good side of warframe community you either play with premade, clannies, alliance, or friends.

    I don't think it's bad to want to rush. I understand how someone who has played 3k hours and is simply cracking open relics so they can sell the scrap for ducats is looking to grind through the map as fast as they can.

  9. 13 minutes ago, DeMonkey said:

    Difference is you run the risk of bumping into the other people that way, and we all know how the forums feel about playing with others, don't we?

    I find the Warframe community is one of the nicest and most respectful  I've enountered in an MMO, but the actual act of joining a public group is harrowing.

    My typical mission time is 20 to 30 minutes. Having my teammates disappear as soon as the game starts and then seeing 3 players waiting at extraction two minutes later suggests strongly that it's better I keep to solo.

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  10. 5 hours ago, TheKazz91 said:

    But the reasons people love Warframe are not because of the wide verity of game play options it offers. Nobody loves Warframe for archwing, fishing, hunting, rail jack, PoE/Fortuna or any other alternate game mode within Warframe. People love Warframe for its fast pace space ninja combat and its elegant fluid movement system. They love it for the main game mode that makes you feel like a badass. That is where the focus needs to be.

     Rail jack is everything we didn't like about archwing already except now you're in a ship instead of just having a rocket suit strapped to your back. I don't know what happened internally that made rail jack go from what we saw at last year's TennoCon to what we got and I don't need to know but it clearly demonstrates that these new alternate game modes are simply not feasible within the limitations that surround Warframe and that is fine.

    I love that Warframe has all these different things to do. In fact, I enjoy them far more than the high-end horde slaughtering.

    And railjack is one of my favorite parts of the game. I'm hoping they expand on it.

    It's fine that you like what you like and don't like what you don't like, but how can you possibly tell people how to design a game when you're ignorant as to the thoughts of other players?

  11. 27 minutes ago, NovaTek44 said:

     Currently I'm MR 6 with 193 hours of playing. I have two frames and quite a bit of weapons. I've  just gotten through The war within. Should I already have prime frames, a higher Mr? 


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