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Posts posted by UilliamNebel

  1. At a point now where to go forward, I need to do stuff like put forma on things to relevel them, and also leveling new items needed for things like sentient fights.

    I just logged in, and just, well logged right back out, not even bothering to do any mission. I've just lost every single bit of motivation to keep playing Warframe. Not because I do not like the game play, or even redoing the missions. I just am unable to ignore that before I even get through all the way to the New War content, I am redirected back toward other content I have already completed, and most likely will have to put all my play time into that, before seeing anything new for some time.

    It just isn't the same as going through a game, and coming to the end of it's existing content and going back to chase completion, or find a way to create my own narative to stay engaged, that is easy enough. This just feels, well, miserly on DEs part, as in a totally artificial way to extend the amount of time it takes to get through existing content by warping the MR system and other components to a uber grind. And even though I have purchased platinum previously, coming to this point, that feels rather intentional in their design, has me regretting getting into the game at all. I feel like I just got to the point of Scientology where I am told 'the aliens..', and feeling like I fell for a bait and switch where there isn't much worth it going forward in return for the grind expected.

    So what is the ratio to MR grinding, to get to New War content, after Pluto? 50/50? Right now it feels like 1/99 as I finish up a few quest I can, and check off more and more where I need arbitrary MR level or some cheeze build with a niche ability min/maxed to progress that requires re-levels with forma several times.

    How do you stay engaged through this period of Warframe play?

  2. 19 hours ago, Firetempest said:

    Forcing yet another agenda for them to plan for and execute weekly accomplishes no more than current Community Team members playing and making their own reports of things they encountered.

    Yes it does. I can't even count the number of things, circumstances, and bugs I caught and fixed before a release, or made QoL ajustments to, that I alone was able to do as the software developr because I understood both the current whole of the service as an end user, and the parts I was trying to add or modify to it as a developer. Conformance testing, late alpha and beta inttergration, and in house trading desk testing all wouldn't have been able to do that as well as an egaged as an end user developer taking two hours a week to use their own product as the customer does.

  3. Honestly, I just do not as I play the game and the issues I come across in terms of balance and how mission circumstances are set up, believe that the developers are indeed playing and engaged in Warframe, outside of brief mechanical verifications in developer mode or setting up demo reels. It makes it very hard to give much credibility when being told that DE hears, and understands the specifics of its customer/player feedback.

    Can we perhaps, to re-establish belief that DE is actively engaged in the playing, not merely development of, Warframe, get weekly playcast of various DE development staff engaged in their own play sessions in as raw a format as possible? (Obviously, to screen out accidental release of privledged information, it should be reviewed and edited as needed.)

    As a developer myself, in the field of electronic securities trading, I've learned how critical it is to improving the customer experience of my firm's software as a service, by consuming that service and it's offerings under the same conditions they do (Yes, I've usually lost, and sometimes gained no small amount of my own money as a result of this). As a developer, dealing with applications in the wild, you see data and circumstances no amount of testing would provide (You quite simply aren't even aware of the need for the data to be collected, or a test designed). You also gain a much more rooted customer perspective of your end user's experiences, not some remote rationalization of the data (based on your business metrics alone) to draw reasoned, but not as informed as needed, conclusions on.

    I just don't believe DE development are active users, i.e., players of this their product. And as thus don't have much confidence for the player experience to improve, much less move toward the amazing potential it has, for me to invest further in both terms of my limitied play time and resource purchases in this game. I need to see some sort of ongoing documentation that is indeed happening to make me change my mind on investing more into Warframe, and feel much of the community feels the same as well.

    Seeing developers just playing, and experiencing the game as we do, outside of demonstration and promotional material, would be a welcome addition to DE's efforts to engage and communicate with the player base as it would help restore confidence that the actual game which we play, and how we play it, is what development understands and is working toward impriving and expanding.

    • Like 1
  4. 2 hours ago, Ham_Grenabe said:

    Your instincts are sound. It’s all like that. 

    Yeah, sadly went into it more. Would honestly say at this point, even though I am progressing, between the build times, resources cost, and just how un fun the missions to recover parts are, Rising Tide is just not worth it for a newer player.

    And that said, I just do not understand how competent executive leadership at DE could have signed off on Rail Jack at all. I mean spending all that time and resource on building this new content, and new content is first and formost about bring on new players and returning players, and then making it rather unaccessible and solo. Maybe they thought that it would help build groups of players, but the solo only quest de incentivizes that, tremendously. Perhaps they intentionally wanted to make sure not every player could just hop off to go have their own, but why in the world would you toss that amount of development, time, and more so capital into such a big game feature addition, for ultimately a minority of the player base? They could have done way more toward quality of life improvements, and smaller more accesable game features for all players at fractions of what it took to do this. I just don't think anyone at DE in a position to determine these things is as qualified, or more so receptive to the player base's desired game experience, as they think they are looking at this quest and it's larger implications for Rail Jack, and the bigger game.

  5. Passed it on first try, sure.

    But it wasn't fun, it was just zerging. There wasn't one thing enjoyable about this mission, Guarding a small circle with unending spawning enemies about you this way just feels like a set up that just wasn't critically played by a developer, or test played across more player skill and build scenarios. I think I get what the intention was, just the execution here is bad, and most importantly just unfun and frustrating. Defense missions work in the general game, because the waves aren't smothering, and you choose the ground to fight from far better. Those missions are a shaken can of soda being opened compared to this firehose at your nostrils being turned on. On top of that, the defensibilty of the position is just arbitrary, emersion ruining, and all around bad. I don't see a dramatic possible last stand of a lone Tenno scene scene. I see a poorly thought out challenge, of frustration, and just weighing out game mechanics in all the wrong ways, as I have an unfun play experience that the mission designer just seemed to toss down because a dead line was looming. It have been far more dramatic to hold a more defendable position, and utilize tactics in a manner, not ponder how if you have to repeat it, go look at an online guide for the easiest way to cheese it with x,y, and z, on the tracks the mission runs it's railroad on.

  6. My best luck with these spawns has been randomly as I go across Orb Vallis. Usually a MOA patrol will get hit with it, or Crewman dropping from their transport. Also when in caves, fishing, tends to happen to enemies down there with time. Also infested defense missions, usually happens on wave two or three so far. Nice thing about Orb Vallis though is it will keep happening once it triggers the first time every few minutes.

    Hope that helps. Also, when they do spawn, make sure to attack the glass ball like part of them. The hit box melee wise isn't so great though, you usually get it on a second or third pass strike from a combo.

    • Like 1
  7. 1, For a pinnacle, and cinematic quest, it is pretty lacking in the positive aspects there and is instead a frustrating grind.

    2, Cant focus on the story elements much anyhow, as the game hasn't laid much foundation for being prepared to do it. So you just run about trying to stay ahead of enemies that forum dads will criticize for not having the one of several dozen warframes that does it easy. Or worse, not watching a Youtube playthrough, committing a wiki article to memory, and trying to play a supposed open world game, with an open mindset, as it punishes you for not staying on this railroad experience. No really, it is like a horrid D&D table top session with how much railroading through a mission the game does. It is terrifying how the original Deus Ex was able to offer true choice through content 20 years ago, and sub par to that is considered an achievement now as a norm in the industry.

    3, Sentient fights are just bad. I get it, wow, they adapt to your damage, such a threat... Using the same cheese AI as the corpus drones, coupled with the poor controls. In terms of responsiveness, Warframe is horrific using a game pad on PC, and also its auto detect and overloading of controls just results in more frustration as it will for sure do something it normally does contextually, out of context. Sure, could use a keyboard and mouse, but it isn't much better there either. Overall Sentient enemies are just another frustration wall thrown up to make you go out of game, and research how they wanted you, to an overly narrow degree, to equip and do the Save the Reservoir mission. 

    4, As for the reveal. ...Oh.. great.. Yeah, maybe if I were youth obsessed anime fan, who equates teen angst with dramatic story telling.. I could being into the jail bait protagonist from the water fountain.  But turns out, being a grouch, who drinks, works too many hours, has too many bills, and doesn't care that fourteen for him was the better part of half a century ago, I was sort of hoping to have an adult to relate to. Seriously, this is ageist, be better DE (This last sentence is a joke by the way forum warriors).

  8. 19 minutes ago, 5p33dy_01 said:

    i have the video, just dont feel like uploading it.

    .... Uhm... Well then I have video from in game to. One where I just walked past a Grineer, and he proceeded to tell me...

    "What did you just say to me, you little Tenno? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Tusk, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on the Corpus, and I have over 3,000,000 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire Grineer armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before in this Origin System, mark my words. You think you can get away with saying that to me over the network? Think again. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the system and your space IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the Grineer Marines and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable self off the face of the Starchart, you little Tenno. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your mute tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you gosh darn idiot. I will bowl fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're dead, Tenno."

    I just didn't feel like uploading it either.

  9. Wow, never fails, the forum dad band wagon just comes on in, guns a blazing, like the Calvary they imagine they are riding to DE's rescue.

    Wake up.

    You can either have 0% of a game that is failing to retain players, and going to disappear. But that is okay I guess, as you'll still have your Warframe e-peen display cases for how skilled you were to the normies and casuals... along with the fond memories as the principal investors get out selling Warframe to Tencent (Go ahead, tell me how this isn't gonna happen, even though they are always in the market for companies in DE's current position).

    Or, maybe, a game that isn't a frustration burn out, with a little more latitude, to maybe, I don't know not have such a horrid quit in first thirty days count? Its a game, as a business, not some sort of purity test to your non existent superiority complexes. It has to... prepare yourself here.. make money by a growing segment of various types of players... enjoying it.... Not sitting about being told a pseudo Get Gud, which there isn't here really, because what you really mean is pay plat for the best cheese frame to get through a part of the content. (Go ahead, tell me there is more actual skill over gear and forehand knowledge to this game..)

    OP brought up valid issues, that go beyond a single mastery rank test, as far as new player experience goes.

    Basically forum dads, stop thinking of only yourselves and egos... sorry... accomplishments.. and maybe decide you'd rather have a game able to hold the new players it brings in and make a community staying part of.

  10. 1 minute ago, fatkidscantframe said:

    First of all you are strawmaning me

    Much like you did, intentionally taking what I said about MGS out of its clearly stated context, with regard to in game narrative and immersion?

    3 minutes ago, fatkidscantframe said:

    Also i'm not sure why you're comparing immersion and narrative of a single player game like Metal Gear Solid and a multiplayer cooperative looter / shooter ... ?

    Now that is straw manning.

  11. 22 minutes ago, fatkidscantframe said:

    Heard the new Animal Crossing was pretty good though.

    It is, it is very good, and it is retaining players, and even selling consoles. Because their developers actually get that if you are constantly forced to go outside a game, to figure out what must be done in the game, you've not created an engaging game, you've created a frustrating time sink.


    25 minutes ago, fatkidscantframe said:

    If you would've spend the same amount of time you spent complaining on forums researching these rooms with a simple google search

    Let that sink in, your train of thought there. To enjoy a game, you should be willing to step outside the game, to Google?

    As for it being a complaint, Its the feedback section, you yourself admit the game fails in conveying what it is you need to do in instances to the point of needing to Google it. I think that is worth maybe taking into consideration for product improvement of the game, to avoid in future content the shattering of the immersion by failure to convey in game with better cues for how to play the game to the point of needing Google. No really, that is such a failure for a game to make. It be one thing, like if it were when Kojima had the frequency needed to contact a vital character in Metal Gear Solid hidden on the back cover of the game case. That was a fun as Hell riddle, and 4th wall breaking moment done right.

    Now lets say what you are implying is right, that is intentional on DE's part that we 'research' outside game to be able to complete content. Well, I guess they've decided to give up on immersion, narrative, and telling a story, and that is a real shame.

  12. This is without doubt, the best alternative route to achieving a longer term in game objective I've ever seen executed. I just cannot find a way, outside personal preference, to offer any suggestions for improvement for how well done it is.

    It took what would have been a rage quit inducing grind, through horrifically balanced bounty missions in Orb Vallis, and presented a way that might take much longer and offer fewer rewards, but created much better immersion which should be the whole point of an open play area, the getting things done the way that works best for you. Between the fishing and to a lesser extent mining, I actually am not hating Orb Vallis. It is such a simply brilliant, and rewarding play loop to find a great fishing spot, secure it, then just fish away, even if I don't need the resources immediately or have much standing to gain from it. Comparing it to the forced and scripted zerg rush, countdown clock, shield strip, lock down debuff, etc, etc nonsense of the bounty missions, this was amazingly enjoyable as a new player to Warframe to find. Its the kind of content in a game where you can come back to it again, and again, and always find reward in just going through it's loop. And the fact that, at a much reduced amount, there are mechanisms between it and mining, to pay off debts, and help the area faction, that aren't LSD bullet and katana disco, as YET AGAIN, a clock counts down or an arbitrarily, and poorly thought out, fail condition is about to destroy your playtime having any progress (No, really, if you don't get why this is bad, you must suffer from an illusion of having too much time).

    Thank you to whoever made this, and I bet pushed back on others wanting to change it to more 'fit' the rest of the game. It is an absolute gem, that as an individual component makes up for a lot of the games other components with their just outright unenjoyability and frustration for a new player. This along with getting to toss in on open mission Railjack have been far more enjoyable for me as a new player versus the main mission play loop which has been systemically degraded an experience I'd wager, made more for others where they are a resource gathering option, than they are for newer players stuck going through it (Or dragged through it as they furiously bullet jump to keep up with a speed run, getting little out of the content themselves other than just a very unengaging and passive experience).

    In closing, spear fishing environmental drones about Orb Vallis' streams, lakes, and caves, has been an expectation changing experience for how a game can offer alternative activities for a more patient player that wishes to enjoy a journey and get a sense of immersion.

    P.S., Please quit destroying the stealth play experience of the game, and punishing patience with poor A.I. Also Shade's trigger conditions, given his cooldown for cloak, need to be a little bit more responsive.

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  13. Boss fights, on assassination missions, where the boss has an invulnerable gimmick are a worse design blunder in Warframe, than the release boss versions in Deus Ex: Human Revolution were. If you are a game designer, who uses this tired, unimaginative, frustrating trope, you should go make retro console games. Especially when, like much of Warframe, you've abandoned the new player with no cues, not a one, on how to disable this lazy, poor, unimaginative, immersion destroying, just all round zero effort design.

    Yes, I could go check a wiki, you as a designer could also maybe, just maybe, do your job as well and convey something to the player rather than this clueless frustration, that is an abortion result from the attempt to make an entertaining game.

  14. Finished myself recently, ignore people saying it is easy, it isn't. And no, the Vox Solaris quest is solo only.

    Best advice, equip mag damage dealing primary and secondary, fast hitting ranged. And then heat damaging melee.

    I got it done with 30 Excal, with dual skana, and the mk1 SMG and pistol. The mission after it, the rescue is even harder. But after that it gets better, more about moving to objectives fast and the instant mission fails are less horrid. I found if you make the mobs, especially the spamming and crappy cheese A.I. corpis drones chase you up the two embankment buildings on either side, you at least have cover from one way while you kite, and damage the others attacking you, and they tended to ignore the drone then to. Easy to make them chase you, not attack it, if you hit and run with melee.

    Hope that helps. But yeah, it is a frustrating zerg rush of a set up, with the drone and shield strip spam as it tries to lockdown.

  15. Would be interesting to see that instead of waves, if they went to a holding, advancing, set up. Where you have positions you fall back to with easier defense points when being overwhelmed, and positions you can advance to but face marginally harder resistance. And the mission ends when you cant fall back anymore, or hold the top position for a 5 min period (Or choose to go on like survival). If it was done like the efficiency metric in the onslaught game mode, where your advancement or retreat was determined by the number of enemies killed within a time frame. It would be a nice change of pace from defending a static place, that the A.I. just zerg rushes, and spams, trying to apply lockdowns on the player, and keep them in a rundown.

  16. Wow the forum dad replies...

    I am in a similar space with the game right now, though just from trying to grind the Starchart and get to the Second Dream quest.

    To be honest, I do not think the forums is a good, or productive place right now to give feedback like this.

    The game is in a bad state, the developers know it is in a bad state, and it will take a significant and honest effort to get the game out of that state. The issue is, DE's past history where they work toward establishing good will with the community, and then just wait it out and go on to do more of the same. It is hard to see DE as being sincere about changing and doing things better. But an odd side thing happens, which is a part of the player base with a sense of loyalty to them, takes it as a personal quest to meet the 'bashers' on the forums offering their feedback, especially if it is done with any passion or use of hyperbole.

    Dear Forum Dads, in a lot of ways, your partially responsible for the current state of the game. In short, your multi level marketing 'street team' PR. You're apologist, apologist for actions and direction that have gone continually toward the game not moving toward its potential. Like the community team, you're shielding people, who if I was to be honest, from either a shareholder's or executive position I'd have moved toward replacing a while ago. I am sure their intentions, and efforts are outstanding, but at the end of the day Warframe is not a passion project or charity, and they just aren't getting the job needed done.

    Player retention is down, especially new players, part of why their recent posted career positions are what they are. But sadly, player retention, like all customer retention, isn't something you hire someone to do, its what you hire someone to investigate and find out what you need to do as a change. From DE's past history, this person will just be set up to fail, as those that should be listening to what they return with, will think they are entitled to flip it to 'Why aren't players liking what I told them to like? Why aren't you doing your job player retention specialist?' And the onion of excuses, shielding and protecting those ultimately responsible, will yet again expand at DE.

    In all honesty, I think DE is beyond hope. It is refusing to go through a normal growth process for a business that wants to expand its achievements and capabilities. Its is buying into the whole 'always entrepreneurs' myth. Which is fine and all, unless it is perverted to 'we keep the same small core circle in place, and never expand decision making and responsibilities out.' Basically DE needs, like a mature company, an environment where one person with responsibilities and objectives, in conflict with another's responsibilities and objectives, says 'No, you and I are gonna hammer this out, and I'll get some of what I want, and you'll get some of what you want, and we'll both be responsible for it, and hopefully that will be better for our customers in the end.' From reading the Glass Door employee takes, yeah no, that is not who they are as a company. Don't think I am selling them short, coming up with an IP and game that has lasted to this point like Warframe has is an amazing accomplishment. That doesn't mean the people who did that, are the same to keep it growing, innovating, and improving, especially when they continually seem to be hostile to the critical feedback mechanisms which decision makers need to open themselves to, not put shields in front of them to deflect while they work on their 'the next great thing' ignoring their recent missteps and the consequences of them that go well beyond themselves.

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  17. I am sure you can find, more so grind out, these details. And I am sure DE thinks it somehow adds to the enjoyment of the game leaving it up to the player to discover such things. The issue is, they are very poor, and seeming unwilling, to layout any sort of new player guidance to be the slightest bit aware of such. Its past having things as details for the player to come across and investigate, to just didn't bother to do and trying to play it off like 'so deep gameplay, with how it leaves it up to you to sort out.'

    And I am sure the parkour abilities can be great, other than small tactical jumps (No really, its awful how everything is a jack hammer with the jump controls when you need a hop). Now if only it gave a clear indication of where you have to go, and what element in the treasure hunt area it is railroading you into using as a 'challenge' of some sort, without yet again a complete fail condition timer that is more or less the mission designer giving you the middle finger with how this is set up as a new player.

  18. Just now, xXDeadsinxX said:

    just need practice.

    Which wouldn't be so bad. Except one shot at it a week isn't practice. And having to go outside game, to just be given an idea of what it wants me to do in game, is a recurring issue I am finding as a new player.

    That along with 'just use X frame' as advice, which is like giving financial advice of 'just stop being poor', as the game has laid out no path or expectation of utilizing other frames and what their capabilities are, and their counters to enemies in game. I didn't get anything in game that lead me to using viral and anti ferrite armor on certain Grineer. Perhaps the scanner results would have, if I'd been guided to it sooner and clearer, with the only glue for the things existence being the plants that sort of nudge you to it with their cryptic message about needing one.

    But with regard to the treasure hunt room. It feels like it burns you, bad, and wasted your time with a horrid developer, 'ha ha, gotcha, bet you didn't see that coming.'

    You don't know you have to basically bullet spam. All you do know is, previous patters of design being zerg rushing enemies that shield strip if you bolt ahead. This thing, as a mission, is another example of bait and switch, and thinking it is a good way to shake things up. But it is not, going into it wasn't a surprise, it was a middle finger from the developer telling me to come back next week and try and figure it out again under a clock. Well screw it, developer wants me to F off, I will, and not bother with this content again. Real good return for the development time and effort there DE.

  19. Wow, that does look amazing, and fun. And have had a few areas where able to move through like that with fluidity.

    Then I got to the treasure hunt room, and it was awful, and all the parkour goodness of other areas couldn't help out with the horrid layout and complete lack of any type of visual cue for how to get through the thing in the mission. Just a lot of horrible clipping set up to make the more straight forward and logical parkour movement a 'challenge', i.e., frustrating should have been test played a lot more but there was a deadline so I guess it shipped like this... Also, lets throw in a countdown, like we do everywhere else, because why the Hell not.

  20. No, your right. Now show me the jump reliably getting you hopped up to a simple height, and not caught on a lip.

    The parkour, in a polished area, is breath takingly good. Then you hit surfaces where you might as well be aluminum and it steel with how you grind up with near contact. As for 'it isn't hard', maybe, also isn't clear, at all, has horrid visual cues for how to approach it, especially with all the techno ninja lazzzzzer fire going off. What I saw, like a lot of parts in this game, it tries, and spectacularly fails, with its implementing of countdowns. This horrid gimmick is so over used in Warframe, and usually is set at a time amount too low for new players, but for a challenge to players who've already done the content, or are being lead through it.

    And I wish I could fail a couple of times, but, once a week attempt... Wow, well guess this content can go in the 'DE couldn't be bothered, why should I' stack of in game content then. Won;t bother with it again, or provide the feedback it deserves I guess. And it does, its that bad.

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