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Posts posted by _-Darky-_

  1. i dont get the Vortex augment :S

    i mean... we lose flat out 30% duration WITH an augment? what' even the point?


    the only use i could think about is for ppl who are too lazy to watch its duration to time it properly...


    You are loosing 3.3sec duration wow. I think this mod is awesome if it would work correctly. Think about the energy leechers in infested def. You can prepare the vortex between every round before they come and leech all you energy. 


    Btw if you go without any hp/shield mods you can still get your 28% (3.3sec) duration.

    Here's the build: http://goo.gl/I72JZQ just fill the empty mod slot with the augment mod.

  2. Hmmm, that instant removal of the Prisma Hecate Syandana from the Market has piqued my interest, hoping to see when and where it eventually comes out




    Maybe it comes with the Void Trader this weekend.

  3. Yea make Limbo even more useless. No wonder nobody plays him. First you patched that he can't stay in the rift on platforms (raid) and now he can't even hack consoles. For what in the hell you want to use Limbo except for def missions? I feel like every hotfix is making the game worse. Still no fix for https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/418750-banshee-sonar-bug/


    Edit: Since this update my client is freezing and crashing randomly. 

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