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Posts posted by VarianStark

  1. cross platform play outways patch delay. I don't care how much of a PC Elitist you are, not wanting Cross Platform Play is like wanting your game to be region locked or exclusive because having it be multi-platform would mean a delay on DLC....


    It's worth waiting a little longer for a hotfix if it means expanding the community of a game that's future success is entirely dependent on consumer tramps throwing money at. Bigger Community=longer life span. The only matter after console release is gonna be the DEV's keeping up with a system of new content releases, like LoL and other successful F2P games.

    Right. Because a console-minded audience (ignorant of the fact that this game is by no means "Features Complete") is EXACTLY what this beta needs.


    Can we get "Nuketown", shotty-sniper builds, and a foul mouthed 12 year old to go with that?

  2. First thing that ever killed me in this game was the corpus laser doors.


    They killed you back then.

    OH GOD. My favorite part was when you got stuck under it, and your team mate wouldn't risk trying to revive you and touching it.

  3. ya, As well as New deployment already being sent to ready for syria and 3 shipments just put on korean border. So Somethings going on. So I'm just glad I'm back for a little relaxation, but coming back home was def different people aren't the same so prolly will go round 2, after a well earned, vacation. lol MoS?

    I'm a Combat Instructor. I was an 0351 for my last few deployments.

  4. A lot of non-hitscan weapons have fairly slow moving projectiles. Instead of demanding a speed buff, why not make a mod that will increase the movement speed of the projectile?


    That way, you may need to sacrifice one of your other mods to get the buff. It'll retain some of the weapon balance. You can be a decent marksman and do without, or you can drop one of your elemental damage mods and simplify your target-lead.

  5. I'm indifferent, either way.

    I either run with my clan group, or solo.


    If the unwashed hordes of window-licking idiots that this game is filled with all migrate to PvP, fine.

    Doesn't particularly affect me.


    Is this an egocentric post? Of course it is!

  6. If an ancient melees you during a backflip, it locks your melee weapon until you do a second backflip.

    I'm assuming it has the same result with Grineer shield lancers/Scorpions and anything else with knockdown capability.

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