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Posts posted by Klaeljanu

  1. 4 hours ago, Lazarow said:

    Seeing Heart of Deimos makes me think they are fogeting about New War and Duuviri

    They already said multiple times in streams that the Covid-based office shutdown and work from home policies prevent access to their motion capture studio, which blocks work on the Duviri paradox and apparently a lot of the other new work.

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  2. 1 hour ago, KitMeHarder said:

    Because 95% percent of the time her 3 and 4 are used only for energy management. It's a major flaw in frame design in my opinion, and it's one of the same major problems Garuda has with her 2 and 3 combo.

    That's why I used the phrase "boiled down".

    They are both highly tanky frames with conical damage that obeys line-of-sight. All other aspects matter significantly less with the game as it is now.

    Maybe not without enemies, but without killing Hildryn off the top of my head does waaay better,

    That was in the context of I feel it prevented her from having another good ability. Because in the context of Protea herself, any energy issues she has could be remedied with just Fleeting (because even with 2 energy management abilities I still have to use Streamline). Meaning I could put one mod on her and all she'd be is Blaze Artillery, and half of Grenade Fan.

    Garuda's 2 is a powerful AOE heal.  Only thing it doesn't do is affect defence objectives, and I understand why, (It'd be broken as hell).  Not to mention it makes a useful hard CC against most targets.   To describe it as just part of her energy generation kit really doesn't do it justice.

    Likewise, describing Protea's 4 as just part of her energy gen kit doesn't do it justice.  Its a great mobility tool that lets you easily reset after going on branch paths(E.G. Argon hunting).  Lets you go into an area with lots of mobs, lay down some turrets and damage and then do more damage coming out.  Even works as a good kiting tool(which will be needed come hardmode.)

    That said, I would look at Guild Wars 2's Spectral Walk skill for a modification of her 4.  Give us a way to cancel the recall.  Either that the reactivation cancels the recall(and the blast), or letting the timer run out cancels the recall+blast.

  3. 21 minutes ago, TheNeonGod said:

    Basically secondary mods have more crit chance, crit damage, damage, and multishot. Even secondary arcanes give more damage than primary ones. Also primary kitguns have lower disposition than the secondary ones, yeah sure needs some balancing here.

    The riven disposition thing isn't a bug.  Its the new riven system for new weapons that they start at minimum so that powerful and/or OP weapons like the Kuva Bramma won't get decent rivens in the future at launch.

  4. 4 hours ago, (PS4)Apoleon_amarr said:

    To me it looks cool af, the overly thin design looks very interesting compared to most warframes

    Put Browns/Red/Yellows and make a demon out of Doom.  Love the new deluxe skin with the new tiamat head.

    • Like 1
  5. 14 hours ago, p_silveira said:

    I've heard someone on fb say that he encountered the exact same bug OP reported here. If I have to guess, it was probably 'added' with the last hotfixes. That or the fb guy and OP are the same person (unlikely, not impossible tho).


    Have been playing Revenant heavily over the last few weeks, and I haven't encountered this.  Isn't likely an issue by himself since enthrall never makes units invulnerable.

    Given that OP mentions that it happened when he used enthrall around mobs and a fissure, I suspect it is the fissure that was the culprit.  That or they just didn't wait long enough for the invulnerability to wear off.

  6. 3 hours ago, (PS4)Captain_Bonecold said:

    Then buff the weapons. Nerfing weapons helps no one. I had to delete my torid. Why, because it was worthless now. My torid was my baby. My builds focus around my torid. 

    My void monsters offer end game challenge that doesn't hurt player builds,weapons or new players. Instead of nerfing add more game mode options that doesn't hurt the new player base. This allows high rank players more contents. It also adds a challenge wall. My void monsters targets your VIP player and challenges your team work. Nuker? Adds more defense units that counters nukes. Healers? More ability nullers. Tanks? Anti Tank units. Void monsters are ready for your team. Team work is key. 

    If you just endlessly buff you end up in ridiculousness.  Sure it is easier to sell new things since the new shinies can always be stronger/better than the existing, but it gets boring fast.

    Also, void monsters are so cliche.

  7. 9 minutes ago, Taiepii said:

    Honestly why care if we gain MR or not ?

    The real problem in this joke is that we wont experience new gameplay.
    I will craft a Primary Catchmoon and guess what it will do ? Oh exactly the same thing as secondary version. Maybe greater damage only. 
    And we talking about something "NEW". Purely a joke.

    Variety of weapon is not what we missing in Warframe ( Shotgun / Sniper / Rifle / Bow / Grenade launcher  ... ) So why are we limited to those 4 Kitgun gameplay for Secondary AND Primary now ?


    It sad to see people care more about MR than actually having fun in the game.

    One of the streams they did showed that the guns will have altered projectile effects.  The one they showed wasn't just a beam weapon, but a beam with a small AoE.

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  8. 10 hours ago, Velitria said:

    You can also use grendel with 75 max shields and vazarin and every time the shields pop, press E to restore all your shields back and go back into the frame. However, are those things fun? Not really, I'm trying to get hildryn to a more fun playstyle that doesn't feel like cheese. Thanks for the advice though, since if pillage is removed on shields breaking, the other part of the passive is definitely more balanced than that.

    Her 2 also has the bonus of restoring the entire team's shields in the same manner, and has the additional bonus of permanently removing a good percentage of their current armor.

    Her 4 is situational to be sure, but its great if your team needs a bit of a break and needs energy.  I don't think it really warrants any changes.  Its not a nuke ability and shouldn't be seen as such.

    Her 1, TBH I rarely use it.  Only use it if I'm using her 4 and see a bunch of mobs stuck together.  Haven't used her 1 augment mod yet.   Don't think it should be a rapid fire thing though.  Also don't think it should be a Bramma-esque room clearer.

  9. Limbo's rift has clear cut rules.  Warframe abilities can cut through it, weapons cannot.  Although it was definitely fun, contagion was clearly a bug.

    Also, it being fixed means that Limbo players have to be more careful about where they drop their cataclysm as they have to play by the same rules as the rest of us. There is no valid reason that Limbo players with Exodia Contagion should get to ignore the negative side of cataclysm.


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  10. 10 hours ago, Noel_Woodsoul said:

    Attempt 1:
    Painstakingly farmed 10 fragments and didn't look up how the challenge worked, since I didn't want spoilers.
    Freaked out when I saw a short timer and jumped to a platform as soon as it appeared - before the choice above it had appeared.
    Had the platform taken away from under me with no idea what I had done wrong. Gave up on going in blind and checked a guide.

    Attempt 2:
    Painstakingly farmed another 10 fragments, and equipped Zephyr for added control since a friend had failed due to running out of time, making me think I needed to be fast.
    Made some mental notes now that I knew which details I needed to remember.
    Realized I was not at all familiar with movement with Zephyr without aim-gliding as I overshot the platform with a correct answer, falling a second time.

    First time I was uninformed. That was DE's fault since they did not inform me of the mechanics before they put me on a timer. Telling people to do _something_ on a short timer is just bad design.
    Second time I was clumsy. That was my fault. Even so, I feel like taking away hours of farming due to one clumsy bullet jump is insanity!

    As for the 25 minute wave-spawn people keep bringing up, I have seen no confirmation of that and my own experience with farming makes me think that is unlikely. Even if there is some obscure farming-tactic to speed it up, DE hasn't told us of about that either. At least not in-game or somewhere most people would see it.

    Guess I'll have to farm another 10 fragments... If Stages 2-5 of this Nightwave work the same way, I am not gonna be happy, and even if this is the only bad mechanic in this whole thing, I sure hope the reward at the end of this is worth all of this stupid grind.

    Please, DE. I love this game and I want it to be good.
    Change this so that people don't have hours of their life taken away due to a lack of information or clumsiness! At the very least give us a 'practice' option like for the MR-challenges.

    So on 1, you were penalized for not understanding some of the clues they dropped were obvious.  I clued in when I saw Darvo, then saw Tiltshifter bolded.  When I had enough resonance, I revisited all my clues, then went into the investigation.

    On 2, I noticed the movement change and this may come as a surprise, but I did a test jump first, to see what I could do.  You do have several seconds before the timer starts.

    Also, farming fragments takes ~ an hour.

  11. 2 hours ago, MorteNexus13 said:

    For real, I was a bit dissapointed. Cetus is not a big place and surely someone who we can interact will talk about it (it doesn't have to be Konzu). And I know that DE cannot work properly now, but I also don't want to believe that they didn't take that into account.

    Maybe because the victim seemed to have broken their laws, so they were unpersoned.

  12. 14 hours ago, Driearms said:

    Elite Sanctuary Onslaught* but since it's elite, i guess you don't belong there.  You can't get in ESO without max rank warframes... stop embarassing yourself.

    Yesterday I was focus farming in ESO pubs, but it was filled with people hunting Eximus mobs.

    Should that also be banned so you can enjoy your perfect little walled garden?

    • Like 2
  13. 8 hours ago, ShortCat said:

    Kuva Liches have problems, "RNG layers" is not one of them.

    I have no idea what I did differently, but I never "farmed" relics and right now I have over 100 of each. It could be an obsticle right at the beginning, but after some time spent with the system this specific issue disappears, since the more Liches you kill, the more Thralls you encounter, the more relics drop. Occasional siphon runs help.

    As an uncommon drop, usually 1-2 rad runs are enough to get desired mod. When you have a bigger relic stock, you can just run endless Kuva fisures and burn int relics there; even if everyone uses ints, you will get random mods to use later. 
    At this point it is fair to say, those relics purely exist to store requiem mods; content padding reasons. However, RNG on itself is not agressive or time consuming here.

    Yes, this is an issue. With 16 Kuva weapons in existance atm loot tables are pretty diluted and DE have to revisit this mechanic, if they plan to add more Kuva weapons.

    Those 2 go hand in hand. RNG heavy - yes. However, there are defined borders on how long a hunt may take; unlike with point 3. And player can influence the outcome.

    Well, players asked for gear progression, and they got it.

    Sounds as if you describe the Riven system. It was the firestarter.


    What keeps me away from it is simply the first two steps of unlocking RNG relics to get limited use mods as rare drops.  Just not interested in that. 

    Keep the requiem mods in relics, but give me a veiled requiem mod, give me a riven challenge to unlock the requiem mod, and then give me the choice of mod I want.

  14. 5 hours ago, BlackCat500 said:

    You know, I'm using this because I'm lazy, but you're right. It is way overpowered. I both don't and do want them to nerf it. If they nerf it, I hope they at least don't completely ruin it. Aside from nerfing damage too much, what they can't do is increase the falloff to like 99.999% either. I hate it when good AoE weapons become single-target because the falloff is just ridiculous.

    2-4 second charge per shot, if that isn't enough, that makes the user immobile while charged.

    The weapon was balanced entirely around self-damage.  Without self damage, it is quite overpowered.

  15. 16 hours ago, taiiat said:


    not every Gun needs to become a bland factory in order to be useful - an Automatic Weapon can be something other than an Ammo vaporizer to have a good role.

    Scourge has very high Damage per Shot with innate Multi-hits and is pure Elemental, Komorex is a very strong Hybrid Weapon.
    just applying Status Effects doesn't make a good Weapon, however. other variables need to support it too.

    Yeah, other variables like a high damage, crit-capable, fulmin/arca-esque secondary fire.

  16. 16 hours ago, GKP_light said:

    0% from scarlet spear.

    the fact that crit is very strong, and stronger than no crit, is old.

    and the change that they did to status solve nothing.


    corrosive+cold itself is good, like viral+heat.

    but Viral+hunter_munitions is far stronger than corrosive+hunter_munitions, because corosive is useless to hunter munitions.

    (but it is not really the problem here : the main shoot have low crit, so hunter munitions is just bad)

    I never said that status > crit.
    I said that status weapons are still quite viable. 
    There is an argument that they are more viable that crit-only weapons; since the best mix is crit-focused, status-capable, so you can get both status procs as well as big numbers.

    The Quellor under old status was easily capable of handling the Veil Crewship Heavy Gunners, a reliable method of determining a "good" weapon, since anything that can handle them was able to handle most general situations.  After the changes in status, it could no longer do that, even under the armor changes.  Haven't tried it under the new railjack though, but given that veil difficulty is roughly analogous to old Saturn difficulty, it might be passable again.  Also note that I'm not talking about using the primary against them exclusively.  You use the primary to get quick stacks of status procs to make the alt-fire more damaging, or to kill fodder trash.

  17. 7 minutes ago, NinjaZeku said:

    Massive disagree on my part.

    Not least with Viral (+ Heat) procs being a new meta,
    and boss-type enemies having gained limited Status succeptability,
    lotsa (pure) Status weapons / builds are plenty amazing.

    Of course, there's still certain imbalances that could stand to get ironed out,
    but the idea of Status weapons being good is not a ludicrous notion by any means.

    I wonder how much of the complaint is based on Scarlet Spear with its Sentient mobs(and many of the other bosses) being status immune. 
    I definitely agree that status weapons are still very useful though.  E.G. Scourge still wrecks stuff, and I have a Komorex based Nidus that frankly erases mobs faster than an Acceltra.

    On the subject of the Quellor itself, I wonder how much of the complaint is due to the gun being much better at corrosive+cold+hunter_munitions than it is at viral+heat+hunter_munitions, with the former combination now being very much in the shadow of the latter?

  18. 5 minutes ago, Klimis said:

    The fact that I came to the forum to give my feedback means that I do care about the game, alot actually.
    It's just that I feel in a way that we are being used to contantly being suffocated with poor decisions and contant "pulling the rug under our feet" situations.
    Being used to such feelings is definitely not a good indicator for the overall health of your company/product/community.
    But there is definitely a burnout inside me, to quote Shakira and lighten the spirit a bit:
    "Starting to feel just a little abused like a coffee machine in the office"

    I feel this is the feeling (for luck of better words) how alot of Warframe players feel recently.

    Do you really care about healing defence objectives this much?  The regular operation of it with frames is unchanged.

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