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Everything posted by (PSN)Todders9820

  1. Okay you lost my attention, it's three weeks into January and you haven't even given a date that we can expect. I'm gonna call it on keeping an eye on this and probably just pick the game up in a couple months when you decide to start communicating with the player base.
  2. Can we please have a date for when this will be available so I can stop checking the forums and every social media fourteen times a day at risk of being told I'm not checking the correct sources?
  3. Why are you arguing with me about the fact I'm unhappy that the time to do the process was short? Do you have nothing better to do than defend the devs against mild criticism on the forums?
  4. Man I don't know about you, but if you Google about connecting accounts a lot if not most of the answers are still saying you can't do it. In fact, some official Warframe pages still say you can't and don't make any mention of it being something that is or will be available.
  5. Very sad the window was so small and with such little announcement, I've been waiting literally years to be able to do this and missed it because I wasn't watching what limited channels it came out on.
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