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Posts posted by thecuber

  1. It seems like a few of the Kitgun Loader components might have incorrect stats, based on the preview in Zuud's shop. There are 16 of them, just as there are 16 Links for Zaws. Some of them do nothing for critical hits or status procs, just as e.g. the Jai Link does not. And some give roughly twice the bonus in one area as another, like Splat gives twice as much extra critical chance as Bashrack, analogous to Vargeet II Ruhang versus Vargeet Ruhang. 

    So I figured it would be worth laying out the Loader data in my Mod Comparison Tool in the same way as I had the Link data for Zaws. As I went through all the Loaders and looked at how they changed the critical and status attributes in the preview window at Zuud's shop, I noticed two that seemed to have incorrect, or at least inconsistent, stats. 

    The first of these was Killstream, which seemed to give too low a status chance (0% ungilded, 11% gilded for the Catchmoon Chamber). Taking 10% status chance as the "base" for Catchmoon, this gives -10% as the "modifier" for Killstream. As compared to the Splat Loader at -8% status chance, both critical stats are the same, but Killstream has 2% less status chance for no apparent reason. For Zaws, both Vargeet II Jai and Vargeet II Ruhang give a -8% modifier to status chance, so Killstream seems to be the odd modifier out here. 

    The second Loader with inconsistent stats was Thunderdrum. Its in-game description states that it should have "increased" status chance and "lowered" critical chance, similar to the description for Zipfire. That would put its modifiers at +7% status chance and -4% critical chance, but instead they're displayed as +14% status chance and -8% critical chance in-game. Thunderdrum is already at the highest bonus for magazine, the worst reload, and a minor detriment to critical damage. It would be strange for it to also have the highest bonus for status AND the worst possible crit chance. 

    That's all I've noticed being inconsistent in Kitgun previews so far, but I've only gone through the Loaders at this point. If anybody else notices anything odd with Kitgun stats, feel free to share the details here. 

    EDIT - When I looked at more combinations of components in Zuud's preview window, I noticed that these inconsistent stats only occurred specifically when the Catchmoon Chamber was chosen. While that makes this less of a problem, it further highlights the fact that it is a problem, adding another dimension of inconsistency to the mix. 

    TL;DR - The Killstream and Thunderdrum Loaders for Kitgun constructions apparently have stats that are inconsistent with all other Loaders as well as the precedent set by Zaw Links. Maybe this is a bug. If so, consider this my bug report. 

  2. Hi everyone, yesterday I started my first clan, after bouncing around a few over the years. Void Overflow is going to be a minimalist Ghost Clan indefinitely, focused on utility instead of "fashion-clan-frame" or whatever the current trend of amazing decoration arrangements is called. This is pretty much the same approach I take to actual FashionFrame, that is, I completely ignore it. 

    If that doesn't sound completely ridiculous to you, I'm looking for Tenno to help me build this clan. To be clear, I could build out the entire thing myself, minus the Hema or whatever else has an order of magnitude too high a research cost, but I'd like this to not be a solo operation. I'm looking for active players who don't mind having a "boring" dojo, especially if they prefer their dojo that way like I do. 

    Since this clan is only a day old, there's no actual clan research rooms set up yet. Instead, I'm setting up the "Reactor Dungeon" and other infrastructure first, so that the main floor can be as minimalist as possible, yet have ample room for growth once the Railjack update hits (which I know won't be for a while yet). 

    All I ask from clan members is that they be active (logging in at least once a week), and respectful to everyone. If you'd like to join this brand new clan, and maybe get some Endo for your contribution, message me on the forums, in-game (IGN is same as here), or on Discord (also the same tag). If it matters, the entire current membership (me) is based in the Eastern US, but everyone is welcome. 

    TL;DR - New clan LF members, everyone's welcome. 

  3. Hi everyone, the tool has gone through quite a few iterations since my last post. If you care to see it, the changelog is on the third sheet. I've just finished overhauling the overview for the ability stats of any selected Warframe, as well as adding all the new items from Update 22.18. 

    I've also just opened up the spreadsheet to editing by anyone with the link, regardless of whether or not they have a Google account. This means that copying/downloading is no longer required to make full use of the tool. However, it is still highly recommended, to prevent issues with multiple users trying to e.g. optimize different primary weapons at the same time. Anyway, I hope this change enables more people to get some benefit out of the tool. 

  4. I'm not sure if this is a bug or not, but Hammer and Heavy Blade Zaws seem to have a significantly larger hidden damage multiplier than all other two-handed Zaw types. For example, if I slap a Dokrahm strike onto a very basic Grip/Link combo like Jayap/Jai, I expect the base damage (before the multiplier) to be 64, since Dokrahm has a base damage of 68 and Jai subtracts 4 from that. Jayap has no effect on base damage. The damage after the multiplier for a gilded Zaw with these components is 108, at least when I preview this construction at Hok's Anvil. I can't be bothered to build every possible combination of Zaw to test the stats for myself, so this preview feature is very nice. 


    To go from 64 base damage to 108 total damage requires an increase of roughly 69%. In comparison, swapping the Dokrahm strike out for a Balla, which also has 68 base damage, results in a Staff which has 75 total damage after the multiplier. Going from 64 base damage (68 from Balla minus 4 from Jai) to 75 requires an increase of roughly 17%. 


    In testing/previewing many different Zaw combinations in preparation for updating my Mod Comparison Tool, I've noticed previously that Staffs and Polearms regularly get a "boost" of somewhere between 17% and 18% to their total damage, that no one-handed Zaw type gets. Now we have Heavy Blades and Hammers, which get somewhere between 69% and 70%. I'm not entirely sure this is intentional on DE's part, and would appreciate confirmation as to whether or not it is. 

    If anybody wants to see the aggregated data I was using to reach these conclusions, just let me know. It's not in the nicest format right now, but I could clean it up and add some annotations if anybody cares to view it. 

  5. 14 hours ago, Stoi84 said:
    On 2/11/2018 at 1:12 AM, Carbonitepon8 said:

    i love this site and all the work you put into it, also good luck on updating all the new weapon changes, but do you plan to add the zaws and amps?

    No plans for this right now, it's too much work and I don't have the time.

    I've been building my own tool for the past couple of months, based on @Stoi84's excellent work as well as that of Semlar and the wiki contributors. It can handle Zaws and Amps just fine, including the construction of each type of weapon, melee modding for Zaws, and Virtuos Arcanes for Amps. The unique thing I'm trying to do is optimize builds by mathematically determining where a metric such as Burst DPS can be improved by swapping out one mod for another. Here's the link. Please leave any feedback in this thread

    Please note that I'm not trying to hijack this thread or compete with Warframe Builder. There are a lot of things that Builder does that I can't do yet, most notably all the calculations relating to Warframes (which I'm working on), and Companions. I hope to offer something unique, something I haven't seen done by any other tool made for Warframe, in my tool's optimization capabilities. With that in mind, I'd appreciate any constructive feedback you guys can provide as I continue to learn and improve my own understanding of the math involved in this game we all enjoy. 

  6. Hi everyone, I've updated my Mod Comparison Tool with all documented weapon stat changes from Update 22.12, as well as some undocumented ones (like the change in crit chance for Zhuge). If you're wondering how to best mod your weapons to take the changes into account, this spreadsheet should be able to tell you. 

    If I missed an undocumented change, or if you have any other feedback about the tool, this thread would be the place to let me know about it. I'm currently working on sheets for Warframes (for EHP and ability stats and such), but if there's something else you guys would like added, tell me that as well. 

  7. 10 hours ago, -Doop said:

    Is there a way to compare two different rivens in a build? So the Mod selection 1 and Mod Selection 2 columns would be the same, but be able to select different stats for the two different rivens. I see that there is a magnitude and comparison column for rivens but changing the comparison percentages doesn't seem to do anything for the Mod selection 2 riven (not really sure what the comparison column does). If the functionality is already there let me know, otherwise it'd be a nice feature to have. Otherwise I like the tool it's straightforward and easy to use once you get started.

    Yeah, in columns R and S, the "Riven stats" section. Column R pulls from the weapon stats grid (to the far right in each sheet), which is where you'd put the stats of the Riven you have. When you roll the Riven, you can put the new stats in column S (under "Comparison"), and it'll calculate how good the new Riven is (in the "Value" row at the bottom of the section). This is still with respect to the build in "Mod selection 1", so I guess the limitation is that you can only compare 2 Rivens against the same build, which is not ideal if one Riven is better for a non-crit build and the other gives you all kinds of crit potential. I could swap the calculation around so that it refers to "Mod selection 2", if that would make more sense. 

    10 hours ago, Suncake said:

    But we have Warframe Builder.

    To my knowledge, Warframe Builder cannot inform you when there is a better mod you could be using in a given slot. You'd have to make a guess at a swap that might be useful (like my example of swapping out Accelerated Blast for Shotgun Spazz on a full Hek build), and see what gains can be had in the metric you care about (e.g. Burst DPS). My goal was to expand on what Warframe Builder can do, for the purposes of optimizing my weapon builds. 


    Hi everyone, I wasn't sure which section of the forums to post this in, and I don't exactly have a question to ask, but the pinned "questions" here are more like guides anyway (such as the excellent "Welcome Back to Warframe"), so here we go. 

    I've often used warframe-builder.com to theory-craft weapon builds, compare their effectiveness according to various metrics (Burst DPS, Sustained DPS, and so on), and plan out Forma usage. I recently found myself wondering if I could calculate (in a spreadsheet) the value of swapping out one mod for another, relative to a given metric, the weapon's base stats, and any other mods in the build. 

    For example, maybe I would want to calculate how much more Burst DPS I could get out of my Hek if I swapped out Accelerated Blast for Shotgun Spazz. It turns out this is not a particularly good idea if I don't have any elemental mods in my build, but once those are in, there is some gain to be had by that swap. 

    After quite a lot of tinkering and iterating on my calculations, the tool appears to work correctly for essentially all primary and secondary weapons in the game. The current version of the spreadsheet can be found here

    Instructions on how to use the tool are in the first sheet. I'll just say that a lot of what this tool does is similar to Warframe Builder in principle, but no other tool I've seen made for Warframe (and there have been quite a few over the years) does what I attempt to do with the "Relative Value Grid". That is, I try to calculate the percent gain or loss in the selected metric for any possible mod swap (over some set of at least marginally useful mods). 

    Comments are enabled on the spreadsheet, so feel free to leave any particular feedback you have, point out errors in my math, or suggest new functionality I could add. 

    TL;DR - Here's a tool that can calculate the relative value of mods with respect to Burst DPS or Sustained DPS. 

  9. 4 hours ago, Patomalox said:

    I really think there must be a "Non Stun" safe time after being stunned, this is kinda cheap and it get me very frustrated

    Il leave a video of an example



    This video nicely illustrates the most glaring problem with the game mode right now. Giving knocked-down players exactly zero time to recover and act to avoid being knocked down again encourages "lock down" tactics like the Sun team is using in the video. A very simple solution would be to make knocked-down players immune to immediately being knocked down again, perhaps for just a second or two after getting up, so they can either escape or retaliate. This would also make knockdowns more tactical, in that the knockdown instigator would have to weigh the benefit of knocking down his opponent against the short time of invulnerability he will gain afterwards. 

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