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Posts posted by VisionAndVoice

  1. 1 hour ago, TARINunit9 said:

    He's not just trying to steal the Leverian for the sake of hoarding. He's looking for something specific. The corrupt loan shark image is just to throw us off the scent

    Pretty sure that "the one that speaks with me" means "I'll have you digging things for as long as I feel like it, and there's nothing you can do about it". I.e., Parvos is being sarcastic.

    But we'll see.

    • Like 2
  2. 4 hours ago, Frahann said:

    I was wanting it since The New War but too bad as Alad seems to be dead since the same New War so gg Salad, you are dearly missed. At least no more Corpus kiddos will accidentally disappoint their rubedo-devouring daddy in the observable future.

    Well, it wouldn't be the first or even the second time Alad returns after everyone thought him dead. So, I wouldn't write him off just yet.

    • Like 3
  3. Parvos might have torn Nef a new A****** for how much he failed his ideals, but meanwhile there is another Corpus character who falls much more in line with Granum's tenets - good old Salad.

    He is never sitting idle and always looks for new ventures, coveting more. He actually does his own work and research. He is very deceptive, which daddy Parvos approves. He lost plenty of times but always sprung back, so he's not afraid of the poverty and knows how to start anew. And he's really not sentimental. The only thing he's missing is ability to get others to follow him.

    It would be interesting to see the two interact, what with Parvos dealing with the closest thing the modern Corpus has to someone who lives up to his code.


    • Like 1
  4. Turns out Inaros is still vulnerable to the Void Angel's attack that knocks you out of your frame even when he's in his death state. I think that should be fixed.

    It's too janky and confusing. For one, you can't return into the frame even if you knock the spikes that hold him in place. Also, there is no interface in this state, so you even less situational info. At least the Last Gasp is actually working, I think. If not, then it's even worse, you'd be completely screwed out of your self-revive.

    Still, I think it would both be better for the game flow and generally make more sense if Inaros was immune to this attack while in his death state.

    • Like 1
  5. 57 minutes ago, DoomFruit said:

    Well, looks like Hildryn is actually quite a crappy choice for a pilot, since the "increasing costs" mechanic takes ABSOLUTELY FOREVER to come back down to normal. And since the #3 ability costs 150 energy... at the absolute minimum, this rules out a lot of frames or builds. Want to use Valkyr in a maximum armour tank build? No spaceship abilities for you. Nidus (who doesn't benefit from large energy reserves)? No abilities. The same goes for any other frame which doesn't rely on mass spellcasting spam.

    I really do not understand why a 100 metre spaceship relies on a tiny little manthing for its energy. It's got a reactor of its own.

    Not only does this not make sense from an internal consistency perspective, it's also telling the players that they must build for frames with high energy storage. You've put a bunch of arbitrary constraints on how they build their frame which are completely nonsensical. If I want to use Ash or Nekros on a ship, I'm actively gimping myself and there's no good reason why this should be the case.

    If you're going to have the giant spaceship rely solely on a warframe to power its missile swarms, then why don't you just let us make ten Ivaras, give them energy siphons and flows and shove them in the cargo hold to act as batteries.

    Came here to post similar sentiments, thankfully this poster already did this for me and in a much less crass manner than I had in mind.

    Using frame's energy to fuel RJ abilities is a bad idea on many levels. Bring flux back.

    • Like 4
  6. Just now, taiiat said:

    probably only takes into account the base Mission, not the raised Level of alternative Missions.
    #Warframe :^)

    Then it wouldn't give Exemplar on Phobos Nightmare because regular Phobos missions all are within regular margin.

    Same with Kuva Siphons: as it happens the Siphon missions I did for crowns were also on Phobos, and they gave me Zenith - all while regular missions gave me regular crowns.

    So no, it's not the case.

  7. 7 hours ago, taiiat said:

    sounds like something dungoofed, since it's already claimed to be exactly that way.


    I did try it on 28.0.4 - level 25, Kuva Siphon, gives Zenith.



    HOWEVER - trying out Triton, lvl28, on Neptune gave me Exemplar. So either this is some digital magic or the problem is with Kuva missions, not level distribution itself.

  8. 1 minute ago, --Brandt-- said:

    Fissures also count. I've been running the mobile defense fissure on Sharpless Phobos that's currently up so I can try to find the shrine thing for decorations, being a fissure puts it at 16-18 and I'm getting Exemplar from there.

    Although I would agree with a couple more nodes would be nice with upping the level a little.

    I did not count fissures for the same reason I did not count syndicates - they are too unreliable. You're more likely to not have one on a necessary node.

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