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Posts posted by (PSN)appretice

  1. I'm on ps4 and obviously havn't experienced this yet, but as someone who has everything currently on the ps4 build maxed out, I don't want to receive weapons that I used for mastery fodder. I'd much rather receive forma, potatoes, or even just a rare resource.

    Or better yet, let the login reward weapons be prebuilt and come with a weapon slot. This would certainly still benefit players even if they dispose of the weapon.

  2. I just chekt warframe on pc and why is Therese No The Jordas Verdict blueprint on Ps4??

    The Jordas verdict was after 17.7 for pc. We havn't received it yet but it's coming with this update. "New Trial"

    So, in which update are you guys gonna widen out the orbiter compartment to catch up to PC? o;

    ...U18... the current build for pc and the one that this thread is about... did you just stumble into this thread because if you know about the orbiter compartment then you should know it came in 18
  3. Congratulations on being able to play Warframe after only 2 months on the planet ;)

    We'll likely get the Scythe Skin as well as the Mirage and Frost skins back. Liset can also be decorated with Christmas stuffs.

    I anticipate the release of new Christmas cosmetics as well as previous ones, and likely an expansion on previous cosmetics to other applicable weapons like the scythe skin for the Anku
  4. I think 30 days would be more reasonable. For a game like warframe a lot can happen in two months. Your clan could see rapid re-expansion right after downsizing but then your forced to wait 60 days to invite new members. Clans live or die in a matter of weeks, and no one is going to wait 60 days to join a clan. Hell I wouldn't even wait a week. So yeah I think this is kind of excessive. Having to wait 2 weeks to reform a clan to a higher tier would more than discourage research abuse, because who's going to volunteer to be booted from their clan (and from access to said research) for that long of a period? Again, I wouldnt.

    Edit: and if were talking about those extremeists. You can always have a clan with a member cap of 10 that 30 people rotate in and out of allowing everyone to get the research during the 60 day period. But this is of course an extreme solution for a situation that isn't even that big of a deal. If your dojo has 20 people the x3 resource cost isn't going to kill you and if you have moon clan but with only 10 people active then obviously you just need to downsize and it would be pointless to upsize again

  5. I hope in the future that console will be par with PC. I'm getting tired of PC getting everything before us. In the future, updates should role out all together for each platform. Just an opinion. Also, I hope they fix the drop locations for all the new ships to come. Rare storage containers are not easy to find at all. It's just luck of the draw.

    While it would be great to get content spoiler free and on part with pc but a big part of the process is submitting to sony/Microsoft for certification and this takes time. Sure they could withhold it from pc until cert is complete but the reason they don't is because pc gets to work out all the bugs. If they launched simultaneously pc could get a patch for the bugs the next day but consoles would have to wait several days for the hotfixes to clear certification. So be happy that they don't ship us broken product but instead refine the game into something polished for us the be able to actually play relatively bug free
  6. We've already stated that our console teams are busy working on U18, and that we hope to have it released on XB1 and PS4 before the end of the year. We'll have some more official information posted soon. I think this might be our largest console build ever...

    This concerns me deeply... this is the biggest update to come to console or pc since console launch and I fear what might slip through the cracks. Not to mention that this is an overwhelming amount of content to digest at once. Minor changes and bug fixes aside, we have Saryn rework + premium skins, Rhino rework, numerous weapons and cosmetics, new landing craft, a whole new story and system mechanic, clan downsizing, potentially Nezha and Saryn Prime by the time we launch, Ivara, Jordas Trial, and plenty of other things I'm sure I'm forgetting. Not to mention incrementally introduced content like baro and alerts for nitain. It's just crazy. I'm going to start compiling a list of the content so I don't miss anything.
  7. The recommendation for drawing fire when in alert is great but it's functionality of grouping enemies is lost in this scenario and that's kind of dissapointing. I'd rather it draw their fire after lurung them all to certain radius around the arrow (15m?) So that they are still reasonably grouped for use of the sleep arrow and subsequently finishers

  8. This seems likely given how pilfering swarm was affected by Power Strength. Let us know what you find. If positive power strength can multiply number of reroller that'd be awesome.

    Edited for accuracy, also was completely oblivious to the swarm nerf. Side note, still need that damn brakk barrel.

  9. To answer a few questions in this thread,

    - Yes, we intend to have special codes for console players (watch for more details on that in the near future)

    - Ivara's #1 ability is being worked on for the touch pad. I'll try to post some final details if/when I get them.

    Sweet jesus I love you, Drew. Thank you for keeping our controller layouts in mind, I too still use the touch pad for my powers except for the first which I have found easier to have on R3 with frames that require precise targeting

  10. So, it would make sense to put in 2 electric mods then if I want a weapon to do corrosive and magnetic damage. I would just have to instal them in the right order.

    No, unfortunately any mods of the same type are added together and then applied to an elemental combo. The only way to accomplish this would be with a weapon that has an element as it's original damage. For example if you have an amprex which is electric, you add a fire mod and now it's radiation, you add an electric mod and it's still radiation, but if you then add a toxic mod You'll have radiation and corrosive because the mods are applied first to make elemental combos and the weapons innate damage type is applied last. So if you swapped the elec mod you put on second with cold mod You'll now have blast and corrosive. Hope this makes sense.

    Edit: diagram for clarity

    Amprex [elec]

    [Fire] [elec] [toxic] [empty]

    [Empty] [empty] [empty] [empty] = fire+elec/radiation, toxic+elec (from amprex)/corrosive

    Amprex (elec)

    [Fire] [cold] [toxic] [empty]

    [Empty] [empty] [empty] [empty] = fire+cold/blast, toxic+elec (from amprex)/corrosive

  11. Aesthetic isn't about the mechanical inspirations It's about the artistic style.

    A monkey king Warframe done in the style of the infestation would still be a bad Warframe. Wukong is built matching the style and materials that DE created and defined as "Tenno", Same with Oberon, whereas Typhus is not, it's a refugee from 40K or any number of grimdark anime/manga shows.

    The problem with Typhus is that it's design is crossing the boundary into the infestation's aesthetic and at the same time making assumptions about the lore-relationship between Tenno and Warframe that are IMHO simply wrong. It's deviating from what is established in too many ways. A good design knows when to adhere to an aesthetic and when to deviate, Typhus is all deviation and no Warframe.

    Well then we'll have to see what the second dream establishes as cannon for the tenno lore. But again, I really enjoy his design and the mechanics of his abilities as defined by redskittlz. That said do I think he should be implamented in exactly the form he was introduced? No. He is atm overly dark and could use a sharp yank on the reins, but heavily enjoy a parasitic themed concept that utilizes the enemies around himself to augment his playst let and I really enjoy the idea of an insecty looking frame. Christ we have a monkey, deer, kitty kat, octopus, "rhino" and bird. Is an insect really pushing it too far?

    And why is everyone fixated on my one comment about Typhus? I ment this thread as more of a theory on the DE'S design process and implementation of new frames, because if the next global frame is male I'm curious what we can expect. Obviously the changyou "temporary exclusives that DE still creates" aren't coming in major updates but instead as bonus content that isn't necessarily tied to any update or release window which is really exciting because we get to double dip. Loving wukong btw

  12. So we're not allowed to criticise if we haven't made our concepts? Did you even read one of the posts earlier that explains in detail why the damned thing doesn't fit into the game? 


    but oberon the fairy king and wukong the monkey king do? Hmm wow I must have missed some underlying meta for the games asthetic
  13. Came for the theory...





    Found an opinion

    Well opinions are usually based around feelings on a topic... a theory is conjecture about what we think may or may not occur  

    The Typhus is still not confirmed but who knows what is the fourth and fiveth frame what they are working on. I bet archer then nezha after something community created if they want keep some rules alive then they will choose the flora which fully modelled frame concept and then typhus or oher community created frame. All is just a speculation now but have some odds.

    They confirmed a long time ago that Typhus was on their table but wouldn't be touched for a good while... that was a good while ago.


    *Sigh* All Warframes were created by DE, nothing but localisation and ads are created by Changyou. DE even commented on their art team doing a good job on Wukong a few streams ago.



    Hopefully, this design will never make it into the game, it's a bad design for Warframe and there is no indication at all that DE are developing it.


    Ok so I should have worded that better. Rather than changyou created frames I should have said frames who's concept where based around Chinese culture and given exclusivity in China for a period of time.

    And as previously stated DE already confirmed that they had plans for the design. I agree that it needs work to fit Warframes asthetic but I think that it can come in as a nice compliment to Saryn with less "poison" more pestilence and disease and infestation, which can easily explain his ultra dark theme. A frame who's been influenced by the infestation in greater way than any before him

    Visually I like the newer designs of Typhus, kitwise, not really into it at all.  Its going to be interesting to see what DE keeps/abandons.  Not quite hoping for a 1:1 manifestation of the concept, but regardless of how he turns out, I'm all for fan concepts making it in.  Clem.

    My thoughts too and it really is IMHO a great concept and I'm looking forward to it
  14. So with the release of Wukong being eeked in just before U18 (with archer frame) and the fact that it has broken the male/female/male/female release cycle for new frames, I'm left to theorize that the changyou created frames' introduction to global will be completely unrelated to the in-house frames and that the cycle of m/f/m/f DE created frames will continue with the changyou created frames being added to clan research as bonuses.

    With that said I'm excited, because after archer that means the next DE frame to come will be male and my money is on Typhus making his grand arrival. Hopefully they'll work out how to make the new loka fan created syandana work by then, and then implement that tech into the wings of his suit. Possibly even make the wings an auxiliary.

  15. Thanks for this awesome skin, but it needs to be fixed ^^"

    (to clarify, the gap between shoulders' armors)





    Also, is it me or no profile icon?

    Can you please give us the chance to use the palatine skin on other 2h weapons like scindo?


    (thanks for getting back skins/profile icons, i missed valk's one ^^)

    While this may be a bug, I rather like it. He havn't had much by way of floaty bits. Limbo hat and mags leg bits being the only that come to mind
  16. I couldn't really make a comprehensive list of what I've given as I've been playing since the ps4 release but as someone who buys prime access each time, I usually have enough plat to afford gifting cosmetics and color pickers to newer players. Most recently I gave a person the gersemi skin and a very new player I was watching stream was talking about missing out on mag prime so I gave him one of the sets I had farmed prior to her removal as well as one of the color picker bundles

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