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Posts posted by Hawkeye2404

  1. To think that this thread is over 2 years old, and still the devs have not implemented even a quarter of these ideas. And many of these ideas are things people have been asking for years even before this thread first came into existence.

  2. In a Discussion on Steam a fellow player shared a tale of something that has recently happened to him in Warframe. I just thought I'd share it here:



    I joined a random pub Railjack team and before I was able to do anything I was bombarded with hate messages from the other players.
    Seems they had pretty bad runs before and wanted to release their anger on me, behavior of stupid children.
    I wouldn't care and just put them on ignore but they got so toxic they told me repeatedly to "kill myself" also that they would "kill my mother" and for some reason "kill my dog?" I don't have dogs lel?!?
    So I reported all 3 of them and put them on ignore.

    Couple of days later I receive 4 messages from DE telling me that action has been taken against these 3 toxic players BUT ALSO AGAINST ME?????
    Wait what????

    DE banned them but also SUSPENDED my in-game chat for excessive profanity use?

    I called them out during the game saying things like:
    "Are you STUPID? I just joined the game, I had no time to grief the game for us!"
    "IDIOTS, you will get banned for telling people to kill themselves and sending death threats!"

    Guess what, just because these 3 toxic players reported me at the same time, DE and their pathetic system decides that saying words such as "stupid" and "idiots" is Excessive Profanity!!!?!?!!

    Since the last time, I understood the game is trash, DE don't care about the community, their system is broken and people are banned left and right for using chat. Moderators are corrupt little homophobic racists that ban people for saying they come from Nigeria because the country's name Nigeria has "supposedly" the N-word in it. That is beyond racist.
    A friendly discussion between players ends with a girl admitting she is lesbian and getting banned from chat for "homophobia"??? Are you serious?
    She said "lesbian" in the context of herself not as an insult slur against someone else.


    Want to trade? Never use trade chat, just go to the warframe.market website.
    Want to talk to people? Forget about in-game chat and ONLY talk through Discord.
    Meet toxic players? Don't even report them, just put them on ignore otherwise you will end up like me, an innocent victim swept under the generalizing brush of DE's broken ♥♥♥♥ system!!!



  3. 2 hours ago, master_of_destiny said:


    Are you a new member?


    Let me elaborate that this is rhetorical.  Now, let me define why.

    1) It took literally years for DE to fix a syndicate medallion spawning on a void sabatoge mission.  It was the one spawning on the first earth tile after the void portal, immediately to the right.  It spawned on a lower surface, with a texture spawning through that spot such that you could see the spawn without assistance, but because it was on an angle it could not be collected.

    2) Around the same update we got the corpus ship rework...and 5 location spawn unobtainable.  That's 4 tiles, and 5 locations.  Only recently has one of these locations been identified by a DE staff member in another thread....and they stated it was being reviewed.  2 of 5 isn't good.

    3) Zephyr.  It took literal years for the tornado ability to not make enemies caught in it invincible.  Note, completely invincible.  No damage transfer, if sniped it did nothing, and they even had a period after being suspended that they were invincible.

    4) Literal years before having an excess of 100% status meant anything.  Likewise, years of heavily weighting to IPS for weapons, and wondering why status builds were niche.

    5) etc....




    I'm sure any veteran has their favorite thing that DE eventually decided was a bug.  I didn't state it, but self damage could also be highlighted.  Yeah...DE has no goals, very little focus on polish, and very little history of releasing finished and tested content.  It's amazing that Bethesda gets ripped a new one, when they've got similar pricing schemes to Warframe and similar levels of 60% delivery.  Please note, Fallout first is $8.33 per month.  If you get the $80 prime access only (all content), that's a little under $27 a month.  Then, that platinum can only be used on non-tennogen items (on PC).  This means you could spend $27 a month and another $7 for a single desired skin.  Holy Crap, DE wants you to pay out more than three times as much as Fallout First.


    Now, why 60%?  Well, 30% is a scripted demo on rails.  50% is a system where mechanics work, but interactions are wonky; think alpha or pre-alpha.  75% is mostly working, but rough.  This would be the earliest thing that could be a beta.  90% is feature complete, stable, and importantly failures aren't CTD (crash to desktop).  60% is mechanics present, immensely buggy interactions, and buggy enough to crash software.  I don't know about you, but the Helminth has caused more forced restarts in the past two months than I had in the three prior years.  Yep....DE to a T.


    Honorable mentions in the DE hall of shame.  Guides off the Lotus, and the drama.  Viver gate.  Scarlet Spear frame nerfs.  Mesa = auto-turret with 360 no-scope.  Literally having RNG map spawns have a wall obscuring a doorway needed to progress.  Missing textures.  Falling through the world.  Actually having your community demand an /unstuck command.  Nerfing loot frame interaction then selling a mod drop chance booster....etc...

    If you really want to pretend they're free from this kind of garbage, then you're actively in denial.  This isn't a disappointment from DE, it's SOP (standard operating procedure).  They're welcome to take offense, but they enjoy the "primed salt" and "primed soon" memes.  If they can joke about them, then it'd show a fundamental lack of reality if they thought their track record of good releases was laudable.  You want to see how to do it right, go to Terraria.

    That doesn't mean we should stop asking them to fix stuff.

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  4. 24 minutes ago, Raitlor said:


    On May 20th, patch 27.5.4 was released, and with it, Garuda, Baruuk, Excalibur (Prime/Umbra), Valkyr (Prime), Wukong (Prime) and Titania (Prime) all lost the ability to properly utilize crit builds on their innate melee weapons. For all exalted melee weapons, the previously functioning Gladiator mod set bonus stopped working, and for Garuda, she also lost the functionality of Blood Rush and Weeping Wounds on her talons.

    We have yet to hear any word on if this change was intentional and just unannounced, or if there is a bug happening here. If it is in fact a bug, we have had no word on if its even being looked into. Myself, I hope it is actually a bug, because I am sick of DE's ninja nerfs for frames and weapons that do not deserve to be kicked while they are down. If this was intentional, I would like to hear their reasoning for essentially deleting crit builds for all of these frames' innate melee weapons.

    I have not played since May 22 upon learning that these mod interactions no longer function. I would like to return to the game, but knowing that this issue is just the tip of the iceburg, and seeing so many other issues go unnoticed and unfixed really puts a damper on that. I've been here since 2013, I am a Founder, and I am very disappointed that DE continues to just push out new, disjointed content without caring at all about the existing content and its functionality.

    Seriously, how many times am I going to need to post this and get 50+ upvotes per post before you do something DE? WIll Garuda still be broken when her prime rolls around? Do you even care about these frames?

    Keep on fighting the good fight, one day we'll get through to them!

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