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Posts posted by Zoliru

  1. In your games maybe, if I feel like playing melee it will be invite or clan only, so won't be a problem.


    so its not a problem that melee is and will be so heavily outclassed by ability spamming and guns that to have fun with melee you will need to make private runs or solo.............


    and i also want to see someone survive a 15 rounds of defense with pure melee.... they will nuke down your def objective in notime.....

  2. seriously i can't


    i mean Ash whole skin is all flat and simple not a single stuff realy stiking out no tingle bits and i also cant imagen his original helmet Primet......


    and the Whole concept of Ash is like some Organic mutated Ninja......


    i can't imagen a single Primed stuff on it without ruining Ash whole concept lol

  3. Not to mention warframe is still in friggin BETA. Pitting a fully released game like SMITE versus WARFRAME which is still under development is like throwing a stone against an egg to see which is tougher. That said, WARFRAME is still putting up a ridiculously good fight.

    Smite only came out of beta like a few weeks ago i was in it in the beta.......


    the difference is NOTHING they just removed the Beta tag and added a Forum site..........








    Moba games.....


    where nothing changes....ever.....

  4. As we've seen though pure numbers aren't everything. Even pre-nexon incentive Mabinogi did well for itself in the polls simply because the playerbase interacts alot and more people took part actively, the number does not matter if only a fraction of them actually take part. I firmly believe once more people are aware of the showdown that we will win, our community over here is quite close it just needs a bit of a nudge sometimes.



    FREE PRIME PARTS !!!!!!!!


    i wonder how much our % would jump lol..........

  5. Assuming the final boss in MGR takes ~10 minutes to beat on Revengeance difficulty, you have spent 64,735,380 minutes playing Metal Gear Rising. There are 525,949 minutes in one year. Following this, you have spent 123.08 years on the final boss of MGR alone (ignoring the time spent playing the game up to that point).


    I'm not even going to get into the math for the ME trilogy.


    This is not to be taken seriously, if you couldn't tell

    i recorded the video BTW it taked me 4 min 11 sec to beat it for the last time on revengeance......

  6. Castlevania LoS 1 & 2 , Borderlands 2 , Batman Arkham Series or maybe dead space its free on origin.

    Broderland 1-2 played it through in Co-op with my friends


    Batman ? meeeh


    Castlevania 1 was bad in my opinion


    but didnt know there is a 2nd it actualy looks waaaay better gonna try it dont know how long it will last......

  7. Elder Scrolls series, Fallout series, APB:R. These are the games I really liked and played/keep playing a lot and suggest you to play too... but it seems you are a outdoor hater like me. lol

    Elder Scrolls done Fallout done


    APB:R is not my thing.....


    i think i just go back and famr something for my ash..... even tough i have everything i wanted for him..... forma maybe.....meh....

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