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  1. I want more orokin dojo styled decorations and halls, similar to the ones on Lua, and in the void, except not broken.
  2. Can we get more orokin style dojo decorations, like the stuff in these photos, we have some of them but I want a actual dojo that looks like a orokin Lua tower, and the few lua style orokin decorations we have are all broken, or missing yet we have some things. Like parts of the orokin benchs are missing, or the non broken curved walls, or the clean and smooth pillars, atleast bring back old dojo style rooms or bring abunch of orokin lua / orokin void tower style halls and rooms for the dojo. I love this game, it's just that it's frustrating not having all the decorations or halls for the dojo. Also can we get more tenno style dojo decorations too.
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