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  1. The painted parts of the ephemera worn by the operator are strange. Metal parts cannot be painted. Drifters can do this, but Operators can't. It's frustrating that the Ephemera I paid cash for is not finished well. Additionally, support for Filigree Prime Orbiter decor is disappointing. This is also an item purchased with cash, but not only does it not follow the Orbiter's paint scheme, but it is also invisible to other people when invited to the Orbiter. I am very angry.
  2. First of all, I wish all open worlds were much larger in size. It really has a quality that no amount of praise can be enough. However, it is very unfortunate that this map feels limited in scope. I hope that at least the size of Plains of Eidolon will be more than double the size it is now. I would like to see more of the old remnants of sentient out there. desperately Second, I hope that teleportation devices that exist in open worlds will be removed or their use will be restricted to some extent. There is too much to lose by moving around a large map with one click. I think maps that are literally huge should be consumed slowly to accommodate their size. In the process, you will be able to observe carefully created maps and enjoy and understand this world view. And there are warframe features. Each warframe has its own unique characteristics. The usage is different, such as a warframe focusing on ability damage and a warframe focusing on mobility. However, there is no place other than the open world for mobility-oriented warframes to function properly. They are too limited to show off their abilities on regular maps, and there are more important missions than that. Also, the damage is inferior to warframes that focus on ability damage. Elements like teleportation pads and archwings make mobile warframes unusable. Please find their fun.
  3. If you look closely at Gauss running with a melee weapon, you will notice that the weapon that should be in his hand is missing. This is an element that hinders immersion, so please make sure Gauss's equipped weapons are clearly visible when he runs.
  4. gauss' mach rush is slow. The problem is that it is simply slow. In other warframes, there is a clear return on maximizing one ability by sacrificing the values of other abilities. This is the case with kullervo or volt, which have extremely increased strength. On the other hand, even if gauss increases the sprint speed value as much as possible or adds a movement speed ability using helminth, there is a very clear limit to how fast it can become on its own. I hope that the impact of the sprint speed value on Mach Rush will be greatly increased, or the minimum movement speed value of the ability itself will be greatly increased. We can't stand the runner falling behind other warframes.
  5. About two years ago, when operators wore the seraphayre ephemera, they could set the color of the metal textured parts to their liking. However, after the release of New War, with the advent of drifters, color settings were only possible for drifters, but not for operators. Please allow the operator to also change the color of the seraphayre ephemera. I'm not just talking about the attachment color settings in the Operator. The settings here do not change the color of the metal part, but only the color of the energy on the outside. It's definitely different than it was two years ago.
  6. When riding kaithe on the ground or in the air, you can see its neck moving unnaturally. It's more than just awkward, it looks weird.
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