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Posts posted by krc473

  1. 3 minutes ago, Jacktimi said:

    As a game on Steam,Steam is not just a download tool,it can also update Warframe too!

    You are forgetting that Steam uses the incorrect launcher version for Warframe. Besides, what game with an independent launcher actually downloads updates through Steam instead of the launcher? There could be some, but I have never seen any.


    I imagine this would cause far too many issues to ever be considered. 

    • Like 8
  2. 7 minutes ago, Ineradicable said:

    Its still exclusive to whoever owns it? people that dont own it cant duplicate it/buy it.

    Yes, but isn't something more special if you can only get a couple? If you can have as many as you want it might as well just be a standard decoration. It feels more exclusive if we can only get a restricted number. 

  3. 3 hours ago, (XB1)AETHIIRIUS said:

    Okay so I'm a new player and I had just jumped into the game and I saw someone in chat say something and then I repeated what he had said as a question and then asked why he said that and boom now I'm chat banned...how long will it be since it's my first offense

    Not going to lie, this seems like a pretty unlikely scenario. Regardless of if you state it or ask about that, it is bannable. Everyone is expected to know that. 


    If you don't understand what people are saying, Google it. You wont get in trouble for that.

    • Like 5
  4. 25 minutes ago, VirbesT69 said:

    You would contain there all primes that you want to sell or to keep.

    This sounds a little "auction house-y". Besides, you do have a search button already. 

    1. Open inventory.
    2. Type item name.
    3. See if you have it.

    It really isn't complicated enough to justify any change.

    • Like 2
  5. Perhaps look at the FAQ on the market site? Here

    • How to verify my account?
    • When you are logged in click on "Profile" in the upper part (Hint). Push "Verify Now!" (Hint). Type in your ingame nick and make sure it's written 100% correct. The verification is case sensitive. Now open a new tab and visit http://forums.warframe.com and look up for your profile ID there (Hint). Copy and paste it into the field "Forum: ID-ALIAS" in your riven.market tab (Hint). Hit "Generate Code" (Hint). This code needs to be copied and pasted into your warframe forum "About Me" (Hint1 Hint2). After you changed your "About Me" on warframe forum you switch to the riven.market tab and push "Try verification" (Hint). You should be verified by now.


    • Like 2
  6. 20 minutes ago, TheLex117 said:

    What should i look for in a fang riven roll, and is this one good. Also how much would you vaule this in plat?

    It’s a pretty bad roll. The melee damage is good, that is all. Faction damage is not particularly desired, and -crit chance is pretty bad.


    I would probably be looking for +Elemental or Melee Damage, CC and CD. With a -faction or finisher damage. I cannot recommend rolling this riven if your goal is to make lots of plat. It could take a long time to get a decent roll. At best, I would expect you could get 150 - 200 plat for a perfect roll, but you could have a lot of trouble finding a buyer. For me, I would probably pay 50 - 75 plat for my ideal roll.

    • I would pay 5 plat for your current roll - that is what I would pay for a transmutation riven.
  7. 3 minutes ago, (PS4)Chronos_Vortex said:

    First off I would like to apologize as I'm sure the dev's have recently answered the question somewhere but I have not been able to find the answer and I also had no idea where to post this feedback.

    It’s on the Support site. All you have to do is Google “Warframe account migration” and it should come up. The first result states that migration is not possible.


    DE have said they were looking into cross-progression. But no updates have been given.

  8. 1 hour ago, CardMage62 said:

    but if someone wants something quick to knock out, I'm sure this would be a good one to just look into.

    Perhaps you under estimate how long it would take to fix? It could just have been a lag issue - hard to know, very little information is given. Otherwise, you could have just been missing.


    As the above person mentioned, it does seem sensible for it to use Wisp’s own visuals for going invisible. Do you know if it was doing that instead?

  9. 2 minutes ago, N3firu said:

    yeah, I sold an arcane yesterday, is there really nothing I could do about it?

    Did you get roughly the amount of platinum you are missing from the trade? If so, it’s bad plat and it generally isn’t worth trying to do anything about it.


    Support might be able to refund you the arcane, but that’s all. You may need evidence of the trade - it should still be in DE’s logs so you may not.

  10. Just now, (NSW)S1ick said:

    The steams on ceres, steam isnt an ability. There are vents that release steam but that shouldnt matter because rift mode doesnt take damage.

    All abilities damage through the rift. So yes, you can take damage when in the rift. To me, vents putting out steam sounds like an ability. It’s not really a standard attack - I consider this to be when a weapon is used (sword/gun etc).


    I would say that it is working correctly. It could be a bug, but it seems unlikely. 

  11. 2 minutes ago, N3firu said:

    I was in PoE for about an hour before entering I had 90 plat, after I left, I lost about 30 plat. I am sure I didnt buy anything nor could I have bought anything.

    what can I do?

    Did you sell anything in the last few days? If yes, you could have received bad platinum. DE removes this.


    Support might be able to clarify what happened. But assuming it was bad plat there is little they will do.

  12. 12 minutes ago, CirenePrime said:

    Nobody in their right mind can kill them fast enough

    Not to be rude: I seem to remember that this quest was dead easy. I dI’d it when the stronger enemies were around, the ones that got nerfed. So unless DE has actually buffed it again there really shouldn’t be an issue.

    What have you tried? Without that how can we know why you are failing?

    • Get some decent weapons, mod them properly. Get a more tanky frame, or a DPS one, mod hem correctly. If you do that it should be fairly easy. I imagine it could be done with Wisp just fine, you use the buffs.


    I would also suggest considering wether or not you need to kill the drones. If not, jump on an archwing and run away.

  13. 7 minutes ago, Darkblue_lhw said:

    My account got baned last firday and i had created a support ticket at that day. After that i got no reply for whole week, other than two atuomatic e-mails tell me to wait. This is the frist time my account got banned, so i have no idea if this is normal or not. Further more i don't really know what i did to get my account ban till 2035, at that day i only left the game for 3 hours and got banned.

    Left the game? As in, running on your PC? If someone could have touched it then that would be how. DE allegedly sends an email to you stating the ban reason.


    Support states that the average reply time is two weeks. This is listed on their site. If you send multiple tickets you get bumped back in the queue. Also remember that support is working remotely and are probably busy.

  14. 1 minute ago, Savire510 said:

    Going with this logic, all armor sets, syandanas, skins and other customisation is pointless too. If a wolf scream emote makes you feel cool then its not pointless. If a handshake with another tenno makes you feel better then its not pointless.

    I guess that I forgot to add: "my opinion is that..." Kinda figured it was obvious, but apparently not. I see no value in the emotes. Pretty much everyone has all the same emotes, so there isn't even variety. 

    • Like 1
  15. 13 minutes ago, (PS4)Viveeeh said:

    Where did they say that? Genuine question, I've never seen this topic mentioned before

    Generally in the context of discussing sexuality in chat and why you get kicked/suspended for it. Not a dating site, so it is irrelevant and not allowed. Given that viewpoint, I doubt that we would get ways to express that type of thing in game.

    14 minutes ago, (PS4)Viveeeh said:

    From this point of view, the handshake emote is a waste of time too.

    I mean, it is though isn't it? All the emotes are pretty pointless.

    • Like 1
  16. 40 minutes ago, (XB1)ljprotheroe said:

    My issue is that i've attempted to log in to warframe on my pc account with what I am sure are the correct credentials and I've had a pop up saying that there is no account linked to this email.

    How long is “a while”? Accounts that are inactive for over a year can be deleted by DE. They would send emails though.


    If you have other email addresses, why not try putting them in the “forgot password” but and see what comes up?

  17. 11 minutes ago, Gigaia said:

    No confirmation and no activation for me to trade so i cant trade at all?? i've been playing WF for almost 3 years and as i got back this is what i get??? 

    2FA has been required for quite a long time now. I cannot tell if you have enabled it or not from your post. Make sure it is enabled, and make sure you check the correct email (properly). Those see, to be the main issues.


    Otherwise, grab some screenshots to show what is happening and send them to Support with a proper explanation. 

  18. 2 minutes ago, Hypermega said:

    If half the enemies in the game were immune to CC that would be considered by some to be a nerf to vauban, khora, limbo in fact didn't something like that happen recently with this event?

    The “nerf” to Limbo actually changed very little for an organised squad. I tried Limbo before and after in the event, there was no noticeable difference. I am not sure that is the kind of nerf you want though. I do see your point, but making stuff immune to abilities is not a good solution. Perhaps as a modifier for one round “CC immunity” would work.


    As with most of the game. The main issue is the reason to do it. DE needs to completely redo EOS. Because why would anyone bother going there if not for the fast affinity gain? People won’t try harder/stay longer in EOS if there is no reason to do so. I am not sure that your suggestions on this point take it far enough. I think a “delete and redo” is what it actually needs.

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