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Posts posted by adiamorph

  1. "You don't need money DE. That's silly."


    That is basically what you said.


    No idea whose side I'm on here, but I do have to point out that this thread was only about slots. People spend plat on so much more other than slots.

  2. I'm usually good enough at capture missions to incapacitate the target before they get where they need to go, but this time I ended up having to follow this guy into the dead end room that he was running towards. I realized I'm not sure if the doors were supposed to close to stop me from going in there, but this time they locked me in.


    This was the alert for the Coil Mag helmet today, and I was doing it solo so it's not lag related.


    There were two doors like this one, and neither of them would let me out of the room to complete the mission.



    At least I managed to capture the guy in there.

  3. I wouldn't even mind them bumping it up to 5 for another round number.


    But yeah, I think the reason it might seem to them like we only need 3 is because of the tab layout. (From the UI perspective, of course.) Imagine it being originally designed as a list: three would seem like nothing, and they would have probably allowed more. Not sure which one I would prefer, just saying three isn't very much considering how simple it would be to have more.

  4. This was mentioned in the stream yesterday, they had already debated about the idea before they chose not to implement it. Originally they didn't want people to have to use sigils they don't like simply for the gain, but now chances are that sigils will end up giving a small standing bonus.


    Edit: I was too slow :[

  5. This has been happening to me too since a little while ago, and it's sometimes only when I try to say anything. Occasionally it doesn't even try to reconnect for maybe 15 minutes, which is especially frustrating in missions because someone could be trying to say something and I'd have no idea.


    The end mission overlay is in the way, but yeah:


  6. I loved it.


    It had its problems, like for some reason the energy color from abilities was invisible against it. The screenshot hurts my eyes a little bit for unrelated reasons, but:

    I mean the way you can see our abilities only show up on the ground but suddenly disappear against the sky.

    Just... don't ask what we were doing.




    Other than that and the fps issues I just now figured out were happening, this would be so good as a default setting for infested missions.

  7. I also successfully completed wave 4 once, I don't have proof because I wasn't aware people were even asking for it. I did also get a T4 key, unfortunately.


    What we did was move as a group from one point to another while avoiding actually stopping to kill enemies unless we happened to catch them taking a tower. Someone else put down an energy restore once in a while because we used Odonata's 4 ability whenever our tower said "conflict" to successfully take it back without having to kill a whole bunch of enemies. Then we just flew to the next point, even though there was always a whole army after us.


    Possible? Yeah. Is this the way you should have to do it? Probably not.


    Edit: I actually just remembered, don't try to stop enemies from taking a tower if you already have the other three. If they're already locked onto it and there are other enemies around, run somewhere else until they take the tower. Then go back and take it, again using the 4 ability to push away incoming enemies. Since there are usually a ton of enemies, trying to kill the single one that locked onto it is just going to cause it to go to the next enemy, then the next enemy, then the next enemy, and trying to kill all of them might have its problems.

  8. Battlefront 1 and 2 were my all time favorite games, and I only ever liked very few particular shooters. This idea though sounds like the best thing ever. It seemed like interception and dark sectors were almost getting there, but I can support this because it's 100% Battlefront. At least I can dream, I mean.

  9. It occurred to me multiple times recently that most of us agree that the Grineer and Corpus ship tilesets aren't arranged very much like actual spaceships. I've also seen suggestions to make maps totally static and just the same every time, and I'm not entirely sure how that would work or be any better.


    My suggestion for the layout of the ship tilesets is sort of a compromise that involves both random and predetermined content.


    Note: For the most part, this is just my ideal way for the Corpus/Grineer ship tile generator to work, and I wanted to get the idea out there. This probably goes against the way the developers wants it to work, but here it is anyway. This is also a pretty big rework, so there's also that.




    SO here’s the deal.


    Each ship has a totally predetermined layout in terms of which tiles to use and where. For example, control area types of tiles could be seen in the front, engine rooms in the back, power core near the center, captive holding cells on the sides, idk. Each mission type with an actual destination (sabotage, rescue, etc) will take you to a certain one of those objective tiles.


    Just for reference, here's what I mean by “objective tiles” for most of the different mission types:

    Sabotage: Reactor room

    Rescue: Prison (there’s probably a better name for that, but Lotus says "you have reached the prison" so why not)

    Deception: Lower level communications (or maybe some tiles would have more computers than others and it would choose one of them? I don't know)

    Interception: Communication towers

    Survival: None

    Capture: None

    Exterminate: None

    Assassination: Boss room

    Spy: I guess enough rooms with terminals, a.k.a. the way it already works

    Defense: Well, the defense tile. I know there's only one room that even spawns, but maybe the defense tiles could also spawn as normal rooms to pass through on other missions. It would be interesting to see something familiar from such a different angle.

    Invasion: Whichever way you get from one ship to another. For Grineer → Corpus invasions, you’d have to get to the pods located in a certain part of the Grineer ship, etc.

    Infested exterminate (Corpus): You know, that one room with the portal


    The objectives, like the rest of the tiles, would appear in predetermined locations, maybe one or two on each side of the ship. Of course, in the mission, only one is available. There would probably be only one boss room towards the center of the ship for importance.


    Ideally the ship would be arranged symmetrically. This means most of the tiles away from the center of the ship would have a mirrored counterpart on the other side (or possibly a tile that is the same size and has the same connectors but has a different internal layout like paths and stairs and walls etc). Symmetry would continue to help keep the map from being too similar every time, even on the individual tile level.


    Even though all the tiles are predetermined, the game wouldn't load all of them at once because the map would be huge and you'd get lost. It would, however, load all of the tiles you'd have to pass through, and of course the objective tile if there is one-- basically the same amount of tiles as the game loads right now. This is why the map would still have to be in tile format rather than open and seamless, as it still allows for doors to be locked so you're sectioned off like a normal level. Additionally, like the current maps, it would also branch off a little and have dead end rooms.


    You also have a chance to pass through areas that somewhat border the rooms for the other objectives, or maybe the objective rooms themselves (though obviously you wouldn't actually be able to destroy the power generator on a rescue mission). The static ship layout would allow you to maybe see at a distance an objective tile for a different mission, like this:


    Imagine you're doing an exterminate (normally a mission where you run around with no sense of location) and you pass through a hallway that clearly overlooks an engine room or something. That would give you more of a feel of where you even are in the ship. You could then turn and continue away from it and think "now I'm headed towards the front of the ship," and that's something that the current ship tilesets don't provide at all.


    Spawn rooms and extraction would appear the same way they do now, except there would be maybe 4 to 6 of each in predetermined locations throughout the ship. Only one extraction would be an available tile, and of course all of them would be towards the outside of the ship.


    Despite all these changes in how I would want it to work, I have to clear up that I think an individual mission should still have the same type of layout that it does now-- meaning you have a spawn point, an objective point (if applicable), and extraction, but between all of these major landmarks there would be the same type of tiles: big open rooms, long or short hallways, small storage rooms branching off of these, etc. The main idea is just that the tiles would fit together more nicely.





    - No more randomized maze-like ships

    - Increases immersion

    - Allows tiles to have multiple connectors to other tiles because they always border the same ones (most useful for bigger tiles)

    - May also allow multiple paths created by the order of the tiles

    - Still preserves the better aspects of random tile order, i.e. different experience every time

    - Doesn't simply match tiles based on their connectors

    - Can support a wider variety of connectors

    - Provides a sense of direction and location

    - Doesn't have to be centered around which tiles wouldn't physically overlap when put together

    - Can support any tile shape or connector location, since bordering tiles would be specifically designed to match up

    - Fits with the current slow progression from random mechanics to less random, i.e. quests

    - Still doesn't directly reveal too much about where you are in a way that forces you to focus on it-- the missions would still play out very similarly to the way they are now, but with extra immersion



    - Obviously means creating a new map generating procedure for ships

    - Requires a lot of new tiles to be created

    - Possibly difficult to add new tiles to the layout or change the size of existing tiles

    - Wouldn't be able to give all the tiles windows out into space (however a way to fix this would be to arrange the map in a way that many tiles do border the outside of the ship)




    tl;dr the entire tileset is put together manually in the general layout of a ship and each mission only takes place on a certain set of available tiles of the ship, including the objective and a randomly designated path consisting of the other tiles.


    In conclusion, this is how you could get the same exact randomly-arranged-dungeon-crawler experience except with a layout that always makes sense, is immersive, and only has to be put together once per tileset.


  10. This is exactly the kind of change I was hoping for, because the way the open Archwing maps work definitely needs to be more spacey. And I'm not sure they would want to make it too much like a space game, unfortunately. I especially thought about that with the axis lock, I feel like they'd think it's not Warframe enough :[


    But if their goal was to eventually go all out in suiting the game mode for space, then I'm all for it.


    I support this because right now there's this space sim in development I'm looking forward to called Limit Theory which is like 99% inspired by Freelancer but that would be off topic

  11. I just encountered this for the first time today except in a different location. I'm not sure it's just a missing texture considering the large box in my mission completely blocked the path except for a tiny corner we found we could clip through to get by. I hope they keep it from showing up so nobody runs into that again


    Edit: I just remembered I got a screenshot of it.


  12. Not sure if this is supposed to be in the bug reports section, since I doubt this will ever happen again and I actually have zero complaints. I just... needed to share this.


    I wanted to play Frost, but almost none of Frost was left. Just... where did he go? Who is this Archwing-clad mutant wearing his helmet (incorrectly)? Did my Archwing actually steal my weapons and fly itself to Phobos? I have so many questions.


    Anyway here's a video, it is truly an experience http://youtu.be/mxGi5_srBn0




  13. I ran into a bit of an issue during the Limbo quest.


    Earlier I was bleeding out and I had nothing to do during those 20 seconds other than spin around at weird angles. I can't remember if I was facing directly up or down when I clicked revive, but this was the result.




    But what else is upside down other than me?




    Wait, everything? Yeah.


    Note the energy restore and the radio tower. I was looking at everything upside down, and my directional controls were 100% reversed. It was pretty much impossible to aim at anything I wanted to. (Hell, I was barely even coordinated enough to get both the energy restore and the tower in the same screenshot which wouldn't normally be a hard task)


    Again, I'm at least I'm pretty sure it was because I revived while facing directly up or down.

  14. I've had this problem too, and for clarification it seems like a bug that's unrelated to lag. I think the general problem is that once enemies are killed they kinda just linger there even though you can't see them. It's notable that after an interception wave some of the waypoints on enemies also don't disappear once they've been killed, which seems like the same thing. Both of these things last for around 30 seconds, and on sessions with absolutely no lag.


    Edit: I have to add that this also results in towers being in the conflict state for way too long even though there are no enemies around anymore.

  15. So when you're reviving somebody, you have to hold X, right? I don't know if it was designed for this, but that does give you the option to let go of X in case you're in danger while trying to revive them, take a second or two to shoot back or use an ability, all in order to give you time to let the revive meter go all the way through.


    Well a couple times, I noticed I might be attempting to capture a target or activate life support, when suddenly a heavy gunner or a corrupted MOA steps out from behind a corner and I have no choice but to stand there while I'm being helplessly sprayed full of bullets or taking a laser directly to the face.


    During those moments, the animations for those just seem unbearably long (directly proportional to the rate at which my health is declining). I could easily say that the animations need to be shorter to avoid certain death, but I think it would seem more clever and less boring to make the triggers more like a revive where you would hold X until a meter fills up in order to capture the target or activate life support. That would also come with the ability to cancel it which, again, gives you the time to keep yourself from dying if you find yourself being attacked.


    I think the animations for those should still be as long or maybe even longer, but that would be okay because you wouldn't be forced to commit yourself by just beginning the process.


    It would be cool to have someone's thoughts on this.





    Additionally (I didn't even think of this until I was just about to publish it), maybe it could work even more like a revive by scaling the speed up by the number of other players helping. If the animations would take a lot longer than they do now, this would also motivate players to stick together.



    Jesus thats beautiful. Is it all set on max? Cause Im not getting anything like that on max...



    Thank you!


    Not all of it is totally maxed, but yeah it took so long to mess around with it until it looked like that


    I think the better things I changed were turning on bloom, color correction, and anti-aliasing, turning depth of field off, and raising the brightness and contrast a little bit

  17. Do you think I could get an invitation to the clan if you get the chance?


    80% of the members of my old clan haven't logged in for over a month, and I finally left it earlier today because I decided it would be nice to finally be in an active one.


    I'm rank 10 just in case that's a factor, and I always have resources to donate

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