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Posts posted by Leland_Gaunt

  1. Yes, we definitely are too powerful for the current content of the game. Especially if you use forma excessively like I do, put supercharges and maxed mods on everything + the occasional decently-rolled riven.

    It's a problem that's not gonna be fixed either because it's so ingrained in the game for us to be OP as hell

  2. vor 37 Minuten schrieb Knight_Ex:

    Yeah I would have rather saw Edo Prime since that has not been unvaulted once yet and Targis has been unvaulted 3-4 times now. Again this could ALL be solved if DE would just implement a choose your own vaulted accessories pack, we choose what we want from the list once per unvault, that way everyones happy and DE gets more money, I imagine there are recent prime accesses that people saw and only wanted ONE thing from, this could be a chance to get that.

    That would make too much sense.

  3. vor 23 Minuten schrieb Heckzu:

    Honestly, why would anyone even need 90 riven mods? It's highly unlikely that you constantly use 90 different weapons.

    Not at all. I play certain frame/weapon combos almost exclusively, so naturally, I want rivens for all those weapons.

    3 weapons per frame will get you to that limit quicker than you'd think. They should just allow us to store more rivens, it'd be a nice source of extra money for them too. They'll eventually have to, the more weapons in the game, the higher the demand for more rivens.

  4. It's been proven many times that the vast majority of Warframe's player community doesn't come to play the game for anything besides the PvE-content (myself included). Where could that be seen? In EVERY SINGLE iteration of PvP in Warframe. They've ALWAYS flopped on a larger scale (not saying there are no conclave enthusiasts, but that's definitely a miniscule percentage of the player base), so it's baffling to me how it's still a thing being requested.

    The overwhelming majority of its player base just don't want to play PvP. If they did, they wouldn't play a clearly PvE-centric game, there are enough PvP games out there to scratch that itch. It's just not the itch players want Warframe to scratch, so DE should just completely abandon PvP, which will suck for the handful of people enjoying it, but will benefit the overwhelming majority of its player base by not devoting dev time and resources to aspects of the game 99% of the players don't give a damn about in the first place.

  5. Gerade eben schrieb (XB1)ALG Minuscule36:

    Would you mind sharing your viewpoint? I'd like to know why you think it wouldn't happen.

    If not, I understand.

    Because it's something that has been asked for for a long time and hasn't happened yet.

    Update processes are different for console & PC, the latter being the testing ground where DE can fix/add/remove stuff at their leisure because they don't have to wait for certification processes.

    Another thing being that Sony & MS just don't want shared accounts/crossplay because they'd lose out on revenue (MS crossplay/cross platform is for the overwhelming majority only available for games MS developed/published while for Sony it's just a general no).

    Nobody wants to share the pie, do they all have their separate ones.

    I'd love crossplay, but it's not gonna happen because they aren't keen on shooting themselves in foot financially.

  6. vor 1 Minute schrieb RetroNomad:

    They more than likely had a small group/team work on it that wasn't doing much to begin with.

    DE is actually a pretty sizable dev team/company and they're not exactly working on anything else as other projects got scrapped.

    They could've still assigned that team to more useful aspects than novelty crap that won't be played much after the initial this-is-new-feeling wears off after 2 days.

    Not like there isn't anything game-related said team could've focussed on.

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