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Posts posted by Cangtaro

  1. Hi, I'm am recruiting for my lonely ghost clan, Everlight. I play frequently and will accept casual and hardcore players. Formas are a big problem for me, so anyone who is willing to help do Tower missions would be great.This is a social, adaptive, and friendly clan. I am willing to hand out top positions to the first couple of people to join.


    Good luck and play hard,


  2. Personally, I think they should create a map with a central starting area that has hangers with ships for the different systems.

    With this, it allows warframes to access a open and public social platform with potential for trade and shops. It should be on a PLANET and not a $*!^ing claustrophobic ship or compound! I was thinking the environment could be deciduous forest with a more open worlds roaming feel.


    Please do voice your own ideas and objections (but with a real reason to explain why).

  3. I would really, REALLY like to see this happen, but I think DE would have to host that particular instance on their own servers. Don't know if it's something they want or plan on doing.


    A clan Operations Room would be cool.

    I am not quite sure what you mean with "Clan Operations Room", could you elaborate?

  4. I had thought, ship vs ship and fighter vs fighter space battles. It would be interesting to add a tile set that allows warframes to hone their flying skills in combat. The map would start in a hanger bay with a squad of fighter class ships, where the player would hop into a fighter and exit the hanger and engage Grineer or Corpus ships. It could have extermination, survival, and defense qualities all in one mission type and in a new tile set. I admit that with an infested adaptation it would be difficult to work around, due to the fact that most of the victims of the infestation resort to an animal-like state, but it would be great with invasion missions!

  5. Personally, I think they should create a map with a central starting area that has hangers with ships for the different systems.

    With this, it allows warframes to access a open and public social platform with potential for trade and shops. It should be on a PLANET and not a $*!^ing claustrophobic ship or compound! I was thinking the enviroment could be deciduous forest with a more open worls roaming feel.


    Please do voice your own ideas and objections (but with a real reason to explain why).

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