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Posts posted by Silverton

  1. Going to point this out, but the deploy plans the press was told had it slated for November 9th and yet again you guys fail to deliver on time. Constant delays from your team has turned what was my favorite game developer into one of the ones I trust the least. For a patch that was supposed to be released in July and it getting DElayed again isn't even a shocker. I put in the comments of one of the press releases to expect this to not drop on the day we were told.

  2. We've only been on this update set for 8-9 months I mean what is another 1-4...oh yeah a year of no new update set. MMOs with smaller playerbase and teams can crank out high quality updates at least every 6 months, but DE with a fairly large team, studio, and playerbase can't. When I started this game 3 years ago in U11 we were getting regular updates every 2-4 months, but a year on one update is a bit of a stretch. We start to get into WoW territory, but at least they release content patches.

  3. 1 minute ago, NeithanDiniem said:

    Of course when he first came out it was stuff you could use, it was literally all brand new. It isnt all new now because they have to rotate old stock through so new players that didn't have a chance to get it before more can As to if Baro cosmetics are better or worse than the market cosmetics, that is opinion. Plenty of people use Baro's over other market cosmetics because they want those instead. And no, giving a weapon a new skin and different stats isn't that simple, it actually does take time to make a new skin and then consider new stats that aren't going to conflict with the existing (im)balance as well as plans they already have for what to release. And no, a new weapon is rarely accepted as good because if it doesn't become the new go-to must-use weapon people complain that it isn't better than <X> weapon.

    People forget that DE wants to rework the mod system, and that the last new primed mod that people considered "useful" wasn't even universally accepted to be released. That is probably the number one reason why new primed mods aren't just flying off the shelf.

    Most cosmetics that we get from Baro are reskinnned cosmetics we already have. His two armor sets are reskinned armor sets, his Syndanas are just reskinned versions of Nef cape. So doing a new weapon isn't much more work. Weapon balancing is something they know how to do. We have 3 Latrons and 3 Gorgons all with different stats and mostly they just have trade offs from the original one. So say they give us a Prisma Tiberon, they lower the overall damage from 60 to 55, increase reload speed, and give us a 15% crit chance. All they did here is make some number changes that anyone could do in Fallout 4 (going into the weapon files and changing some numbers). They aren't needing to sculpt a whole new weapon even.

  4. The skins aren't all that great though tbh. Sure they are free cosmetics and I buy them for the collector value, but some of us want a new weapon or mod when Baro comes out and sure we finally got one new mod (Primed Pressure Point) and that was the 1st mod we received in nearly 6 months. We are actually getting real close to 1 year without a new Baro weapon. Some of us that are salty, because we want content. We aren't saying new and old players shouldn't be given the chance to get something that we haven't received. What we want is something worth out time and effort. These skins, again aren't all that great. So what we want is something that we can USE. When Baro first came out he brought stuff we could USE. Sure we can use these cosmetics that are given to us, but their are better cosmetics in the game that are just as easy to get as the weird Baro items. I can grind out the Platinum to buy the cape pack just as easy as I can grind the 400+ ducats to get a meh syndanna. Primed Mods everyone can use and nobody is complaining about them except for the fusion cost. Nobody is complaining about buying a new weapon that most of the time is just MR fodder (although some have been pretty nice). The weapons can't be much harder to do than the current cosmetics we are getting. Take any old weapon, boost the damage by 10-20%, put on the Prisma pallete, and we are good to go and players are happy. That doesn't even take away from the players getting an old item that we already have, but pleases old players. The game have nearing 300 weapons if not pass that by now, so we have plenty to choose from.

  5. 7 hours ago, [DE]Drew said:

    The field of view and Archwing positioning was something we took into consideration with these new changes. We don't have any plans to tweak it at this time, but I'll keep your feedback in mind. 

    Honestly surprises me that you guys aren't going to change something that is causing a large portion of your players motion sickness and is just uncomfortable to play. You guys make strides for players with disabilities, but you guys are going to ignore something that before this update didn't cause people to get sick. To say I am disappointed with this update would be an understatement. I am sure a lot of us would get banned if we really spoke our minds about this update.

    Let me put this is a way I hope can be understood and I'll eat the warning point.


  6. I love this game, but honestly I am just tired of it now. I have been playing for three years now and since 18.5 I only log in to get my login reward. This game has nothing for me anymore. The things I do enjoy are being changed in ways I can't stand and I don't see the future of the game going in a direction that doesn't change more for the worse. U19 is so big that it has to be split into 3 parts...why couldn't some of this of been released 3+ months ago when the game had no new content coming in. Instead of giving us steady content like they had done in the pass, we now get one large "content" patch with to many bugs.


    We should of gotten Kavats awhile ago. We have known about them for almost 2 years it feels (I know for one year at least) and I believe they were supposed to come out in U17, but got pushed back. Kavats would of been some nice content to pave the way for the bigger things. The map rework is a mess, but better than we had. The changes to the void are fun at first, but honestly just because you change the map and the initial game mode, we are still going to be playing the same 3+ minute long segment for the chance to get one item that we want. Sure the void got boring, but at least we had several game modes to play it on. Now we have one minigame in missions that will never change and has some BS spawn mechanics.


    The thing I am really salty about is the changes to Archwing. A game mode that had it's problems that I still enjoyed, I can no longer play. I'm not normally one who can get motion sickness, but the new archwing is destroying me. Who was asking for 6DOF in the first place? That wasn't peoples' problem with the game mode. They wanted more to do and a faster way to get exp, but instead we got two new modes and neither of which I can play.


    I love this game as I said at the top of the page, but for the longest time my love has been awfully one sided. When this game goes from being the only game you play to the game you "actually play" once every two weeks or so then something is wrong. This game has long since stopped giving me "real" content. It was better a year ago when grinding for a prime part didn't mean spend 20 keys in a t3 survival to get one of 5 parts that has been added to endless mission rotation C. Rathuum was a fun and challenging game mode and for the 1st time in a long time I was actually having fun (and that was months ago at this point). With these last few updates nothing is being added for veterans really. Lunaro I mean who asked for that game mode? Why was time spent giving me a fusion of El Durado and Rocket League? Sure if the game mode was fun and not a cheap shot show I'd consider it content, but it isn't. It is again another half baked idea being handed to us and it is expected to hold us over until another half baked idea comes out.


    This game is great, but time and time again DE is showing themselves to be out of touch with the player base. How many times has us the player base gotten outraged over something that DE has put out. I came to this game from Allods Online who at some point started charging people real money for deaths. Warframe though has caused more outrage than Allods Online could ever hope to cause. Warframe though it is constant, Viver gate, Saryn, Mag/volt rework, this update, and a few other updates have caused the player base to revolt to a level that charging your players to die couldn't even begin to cause.


    This all comes across as rambling, but twice now I have said it and I will say it again...I love this game. I get salty and type up all this, because I love this game. I want the game to flourish and I want other people to enjoy it, but cranking out crap update after crap update is starting to get old and it shows, two years ago threads like this wouldn't be popping up. Since Viver though the players are becoming more and more houndish. We expect better and want better.

  7. Until this update I loved Archwing. I can't stand this new movement system. The new system has made me physically ill. I had to take some nausea medicine and lay down for a couple hours. Old archwing had it's problems, but one of them wasn't the movement. I was looking forward to the new gamemodes, but with this 6dof I can't do them. I don't play with any blur so it isn't that. Your character is never not moving. Even when you aren't touching the keyboard you are always rotating. Seriously though if it isn't reverted to how it used to be you are going to have some very sick gamers and a game type to avoid like the plague.

  8. I hate this new movement system. It is actually making me really sick trying to play. When I am boosting it eases as I'm not so close to the camera, but when I am stationary the archwing constantly moving/rotating is making me ill. Also turning isn't nearly as good as it once was. It reminds me of trying to race boats in GTA, drifting in water is a pain.

  9. I hate this new movement system. It is actually making me really sick trying to play. When I am boosting it eases as I'm not so close to the camera, but when I am stationary the archwing constantly moving/rotating is making me ill. Also turning isn't nearly as good as it once was. It reminds me of trying to race boats in GTA, drifting in water in a pain.

  10. 46 minutes ago, (PS4)m9123066880 said:

    It wouldn't be fair to players who purchased prime accessories and prime access in the past to sell unvault packs for cheaper.  Players spent $80 for prime access and $60 for prime accessories in the past but you guys want it for less than that?.  Players have to realize you aren't paying for the cosmetics your paying for the discounted platnium.  Not sure why people keep saying they won't pay 60 for cosmetics when in actuality you aren't. You are paying for discounted platnium people get over it.

    You see when a new Prime Warframe is released it is all new stuff and so buying the pack for 150 dollars gets you three "NEW" prime items, 200 dollars in platinum, 2 90 day boosters, and whatever accessories come with it. In this case though and why a lot of people are upset is for 60 dollars a lot of us are getting 3 old primes we already have and still use, 1200 platinum which is like the 50 dollar pack, 1 old accessory that we have wanted for awhile, and no boosters. A lot of us that would of bought this pack are getting shafted considerably for being players who already have the primes. On top of this there is no compensation. We aren't going to be able to sell or giveaway the prime items we get doubles of. Instead we can sell them from our inventory and get I think 11000 credits, 2 weapon slots (12 plat), and one warframe slot (20 plat). This pack and the pack before it are just rip offs for the players who have everything, but the armor. Also, this pack is short one accessory item so it is even more of a rip off. I'd be more angry, but the newest armor they came out with is a decent substitute.

  11. Big thanks DE for screwing over veteran players....again. I have never seen another game that treats it's long time players as bad as you guys do. Every 6 months all you guys talk about is making the game better for new players yet you seem to shaft veterans at every chance you get. I'd gladly pay you guys for the prime acc only, but I have no use for double weapons and frames. On top of that you give us no option to replace what we already have. You said you guys would look into and obviously 8 months later you guys didn't do that.

  12. I don't want to use magnetize. I play this game for two reasons number 1 gun play in a pve environment and number 2 the cool powers. Her magnetize basically tells me I no longer need to aim to kill an enemy I just need to hit them with my power. I don't find it very fun to shoot at a massive bubble that half my team also hates. It is like Nyx's Absorb takes any bullets I shoot in her general direction and uses it to kill any enemy within in 10m. I was sniping the enemy 40m+ away and your bubble ruined it.

    The other problem with Mag is that her polarize just plain sucks now. I'm not super pissed I can't wipe the field anymore I hate that it takes 3+ casts to strip armor off a level 55+ enemy. I hate that it doesn't really do anything to shields anymore. By the time the 2nd cast gets to the shielded enemy guess what they have regenerated their shields. Sure the armor stripping is nice, but other frames do it better and easier. Saryn with all her problems at least cuts enemies hp in half and add on Nova enemies have 1/4 base hp. Mag on the other hand doesn't work well with much of anyone except for greedy pull (btw it works for team mates again).

  13. So I guess you need to really figure out what content you are trying to "balance" around. Every Warframe trivializes early game content. Around half of all Warframes trivialize "mid" game content. Only a handful of Warframes trivialize what can be called end game content. Early game content is what I consider nodes of level 20 and below and every Warframe can combat at this level and almost every weapon can be used at this level. Mid game content is anything above level 20, but below say 40. Just about half of all frames are considered useful here. End game content would be t3 void, t4 void, sorties, and raids. Not a lot of frames excel here, but some excel pretty good in the right hands. Some end game frames would be Nova and Loki. They are frames that are equipped for all levels of content with a kit that is actually good with powers that don't end up gimped trying to maximize powers.

    AT what level of this game are the masses wanting to balance around? Early level content can be shredded by just about anything and will make it all trivialized. I loved old Mag's Pull in this situation as it allowed me to wipe a field of enemies that were below level 16 (this was just with intensify and reach). Mag couldn't wipe mid game content with her two, but the cc was super nice at that level. Ember is an example of a Warframe that can be used in most mid level content. Her 4th ability does decent enough damage and does a good enough job hitting enemies, but isn't good enough for higher level content as the damage falls of pretty hard above level 40. 

    Of course them are just a few examples of what Warframes in this game can do in content that is suited for the enemies level. Some Warframes that aren't so good in Mid game though are Warframes that need some major looking at. Limbo's kit is just a mess and has been since day one, Oberon really needs some scaling and isn't much of the paladin anymore and might as well be called a druid with his passive. Mirage had one nice quality and that was Prism. Full map lock down isn't much fun, but she still has the most useless ability in the game Sleight of Hand. 

    Back to the topic at hand though. What should be balancing around. Honestly enemy scaling needs to be adjusted. We wouldn't be needing to cheese things if the enemies didn't make 99% of all weapons in the game useless at the end game level. Sorties where the enemies are vastly immune to physical damage or elemental damage drops the weapons I can use to 1 or 2 weapons and makes it to where I need to bring that cheese frame (corpus was Mag and Nova for anything else). Next weapons need a good looking at. This game has over 200 weapons and the vast majority of them aren't worth writing home about. Stradavar was a fun weapon, but the damage on it just sucks. Finally, Warframes as a whole need to be looked at. All Warframes need to have some sort of balance with with it's 4 power stats. To many Warframes are being maximized to their potential and that leads to powers getting gimped. Ash for instance to get Damage and Efficiency up you have to gimp duration which gimps his smokescreen to unusable levels.

    Of course any balancing that you do will make early game super easy, mid game more playable, but end game is getting further and further away from being done with a wide range of Warframes. Taking away Mags Polarize usefulness you have taken her off of being viable for end game and the same thing happened with Saryn and to some extent Mesa. Saryn you guys took away her surviveability and then expected me to get within melee range of enemies that'll knock me down and kill my &amp;#&#33; on top of having to have me do a dozen combos that the mods in the game don't make easy to do. I can't add efficiency to her without gimping something, but she needs it. Mesa was always a rocky slope and you guys made her usefullness considerably worse with the changes to her peacemakers. Sure she has shattershield, but I can bring Rhino and be more useful than her and more protected. Saryn I can just substitute with Nova and be more useful. You guys try to make Warframes better all around, but you begin to limit what they can be used in when you do it.

    Finally, I want to talk about the Mag changes in particular and I guess this covers all single target abilities. Mag's new flavor seems to be her magnetize ability. What is the point of me focusing on one enemy when I can just as easily aim and kill my enemies. Mag's magnetize is an on the field inconvenience that draws all fire to one enemy and any enemy within the bubble. In any mission where I'd need to focus on one enemy, because of them being dangerous there are other frames I can use that makes the enemy trivial without messing up all of my allies weapons. Making all of her abilities deal a flat damage instead of scaling damage though has limited her for the most part early game and some mid game. When it takes 3+ casts to strip an enemy of all their shields when a few days ago it took one, than she has lost the flavor that made her useful.

  14. So pretty much her magnetize is the new go to. I can cast magnetize and shoot randomly and they all go to her...or you know I could @(*()&#036; aim and do the same damn thing and not inconvenience my whole damn team. So I used to be able to go into a corpus map and have a few abilities to do massive damage. Now I have no abilities to do massive damage and I'm expected to cast a huge bubble that draws in all my bullets until one enemy is dead. This is a game about mass killing enemies and yet you want me to focus all my attention on one enemy. On top of all this the most powerful enemy I'll run into on average is 40 unless I am doing a sortie or most voids past 45m.

  15. Oh look DE #*(&#036;%%@ up again. So I tried a nice duration build like I figured it needed and enemies above level 55 aren't killed by her 3 and it doesn't really touch there health. Sure I can magnetize enemies, but the damage boost to crush is negligible at that level. Her 2 ability is nice, but it only affects one enemy. Tried the armor strippin ability of her three and oh god it sucks. It takes 2-3 casts to fully strip armor of a level 55 enemy. I'd reckon to say that it takes more casts for more levels. Time to offset some damage for better eff and see how that goes. RIP last use for Blind Rage.


    Okay so I removed Blind rage and it took 8 casts to strip armor from level 55 heavy gunners. All and all Mag has turned out worse with this update. Her combos just don't work on stronger enemies. She is now a low level frame again. GG DE if you guys knew how to properly balance we might have a more positive relationship. With 185 power strength shield polarize hits enemies for an outstanding 600 damage woooo!!!

  16. 25 minutes ago, JohnnyQuantum said:

    Players gonna play. Haters gonna hate.

    To those complaining (in particular those who have yet to financially support the game) - chill out.

    The pace of new content is as good as any other game in the market, whether F2P, B2P, subscription ...

    I have supported the game financially, and am happy with the current pace.

    I have over 2 grand in this game am I allowed to complain? Also this game pumps out content way slower than most other f2p that I have played. Allods Online got one content patch every 3-6 months that kept people busy for 6 months+ and also had regular events. WoW also had plenty of content for each of its expansions. FF14 has a nice size story patch every 2-4 months with new raids about twice a year. Games similar to this such as Dirty Bomb also has regular content filled updates. A new update that brings one new weapon twice a month, a new event every 3 months, and a bigger update every 6+ months is not steady content. Especially with most of this games long standing appeal is playing the same couple of missions almost non stop and for the most parts them maps have been out since Zephyr. So I'd like to be allowed to be disappointed in a dev team that for the better part of 7 months hasn't cranked out anything worth writing home about and when we finally get a sliver of something to do and they delay it twice and maybe even a third time I respect my right to be a little bit peeved and I welcome anyone to also be mad. 

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