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Everything posted by (PSN)destroyah_X87

  1. I've been playing Caliban for a while now and started bringing him into SP Void Cascade. Usually I do this solo since I'm mainly a solo player, but as of late I've been preffering to match up with a squad for more efficiency. I run Brief Respite on him since it's crucial to his survivability (His Sentient allies need him to have a bit of shield so they can boost its regen). But I've noticed that I can't shield gate at all if I'm not host in a mission! If my shields break at all, I am completely vulnerable and can't do a thing for the entire length of the shield gate. It's gotten me killed over and over again. I'm wondering if I'm doing something wrong or if this is just a bug? I'm not running anything that reduces energy cost and I've found that, again, if I run solo, I'm perfectly fine! If this is a bug, I'd like for it to he known or at least require some sort of way to nullify the issue a bit.
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