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Posts posted by Mulchman

  1. This has been driving me crazy. I see people doing tricks and such in videos and then I try and the grind fails almost instantly. I thought it was my keyboard until I swapped them and it still happened.

    Through some Google searching I found a STEAM forums post where the person said to (in game) turn off V-sync and hard cap FPS at 60. I don't know the rules for linking to external sites, so here's a copy/paste of the fix from the STEAM forums post:


    I found a temporary workaround, until DE fixes this: go to options / display, disable vertical sync and limit FPS to 60. Restart the game.

    After doing that I'm able to grind the Pearl flawlessly. Hope this helps someone else.

  2. 5 minutes ago, ExplosiveBolts said:


    "Update failed!

    The content servers are temporarily unavailable.

    The update will be restarted shortly."

    Even though I have the latest update

    Experiencing the same thing as well.

  3. You're not understanding- the #4 would scale based on secondary mods prior to one of the updates in the past 2 days. Whether the behavior is intentional or not, it used to work and something got stealth patched or accidentally broken and it wasn't documented.

    If you've ever played Mesa for primary-only Sortie missions, and there are a ton of us that do because she negates the primary-only aspect of the mission entirely, you'd fully understand what I'm trying to convey.

    We're not talking about whether the ability is supposed to work in primary-only missions or not, the original post and video illustrate that it's currently not working due to one of the recent hotfixes and they didn't let us know about the change. So, it's either a bug in which case it needs to be reverted/fixed or it was intentionally changed and we weren't notified.

  4. I ran the PC Sortie yesterday - ~7 PM-ish EST on November 6th - and it had a Bow only survival mission as part 2. Mesa's Peacemakers were not scaling off of secondary mods, as they have always done in the past in such 'Bow-only'/'Sniper-only'/etc. types of missions. I was on 22.2.4 at the time of running the Sortie, also. I believe the previous days' Sortie also had a Bow only mission and Mesa's Peacemakers worked fine there, so the undocumented change has been made in the past ~2 days.

    I made a quick video showing mods on my secondary and then me trying to kill people w/ Peacemaker and it barely tickling them. I recorded w/ the default Windows 10 game recorder thing, thus why the clip got saved to the XBox clips site. https://account.xbox.com/en-US/gameclip/e6bae3c2-a96a-45e7-b03b-a7070d48d42b?gamertag=Mulchman11&scid=00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000


  5. Purchasing codex scanners in multiples of 25's is very cumbersome.  I'd like to click buy on the Code Scanner, then have a popup ask me a quantity, then ultimately approve or cancel the sale.  I go through so many now that Helios is around (and actually good at scanning stuff).

  6. "Let's also keep in mind that this wasn't just your typical Livestream. While WE might be a little more interested in systems that promote longevity, this was a completely public livestream and thus their best bet was to focus on as much flash and totally new mechanics as possible. That's why they announced the Xbone release. That's why they showed off a new ice world. That's why they showed off new enemies. That's why they showed off new weapon animations. And finally, that's why they showed off the Archwings. This was the perfect opportunity to grab more players, and the best way to do that with the general gamer is to blow their mind with new, shiny stuff."


    Despite it being completely awkward and non-professional in a corporate-professional-presentation-type-setting, I liked all of the announcements except for the Archwing.  I thought that was the second part of a 3 part joke: Wyrmius, Archwing, _real thing next_ (end of beta? Steam box/machine launch title?) -> but no, they were serious about literally fighting in space.


    Based on this, I fully expect update 16 to contain giant mechs the tenno use to fight with.  I freaking _LOVED_ Mechwarrior 2 back in the day!

  7. 26 pages I'll never read.  The whole 1990's linear forum thing is just ugh.


    Anyway, they did that Wyrmius joke then transitioned to this combat-in-space thing and I still thought it was a joke ... but they were actually being serious.  I'm still super perplexed.  Are current issues ever going to be addressed?  In a F2P/P2W game you definitely need new players, but ninjas _LITERALLY IN SPACE_ ???  What the EFF.

  8. I find though, the best way to get plat is to just farm for tons of credits first, then do a nightmare capture mode with Valkyr. Next, transmute all the rare nightmare mods for other rarer mods. Sell rarest mods for plat. Rinse and repeat.


    Yep.  I've had way better results, on both platforms, transmuting rare mods than actually farming missions/enemies for them.  To me this indicates that there's a fundamental flaw in the game, but nobody cared when I made a thread a month ago about it, so oh well.  Keep on truckin' w/ the transmuting!

  9. No.  Too easily exploitable by trolls.  I'd take the risk of adding vote kicking before this.


    Also, by banning an ability you are making it so that the person who is trying to use this ability now has a wasted mod slot and mod points.


    No, they simply wouldn't get put into a game via matchmaking where something they had equipped was banned.


    If you could decide not to let a person who equip certain abilities join the session you are hosting, which ones will you embargo?


    My choices:

    - Worm Hole : trolling tool

    - Tornado : messy, obstructive

    - Rip Line : trolling tool
    - Undertow : obstructive, impractical



    I would love to have more settings when hosting, especially for disallowing certain frames to join.

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