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Posts posted by (PSN)bmulligan

  1. First off, cool overall idea and theme. however i think the first three abilities would need a rework.


    !st- the same as slash dash, rhino charge, and zephyrs 1st (whatever thats called). too many powers that are already practically the same thing.

    2nd- it's basically loki's switch teleport with a small visual twist. as mentioned before, there are already quite a few powers out that are similar to each other.

    3rd- i think this is a bit too similar to volts speed. maybe if the power increased stamina or stamina regen or something it might be a bit more unique.


    as for #4...it sounds pretty cool. nice work :)

    As for the second power, I'd greatly prefer that it be kept as is, as I'd like it to be a more useful version of switch teleport and implement a new game mechanic ( the disguising)


    As for abilities 1 and 3, the were more so placeholder abilities until I or someone else could come up with a better idea, but you've pretty much nailed down exactly what both of the abilities are based on. If you have any ideas of your own, I;d absolutely love to hear them.

  2. Note: Chimera is being used in the sense of  “ Any horrible or grotesque imaginary creature” or “A fancy or dream; an imagining”.


    Codex entry:

    Security Footage: Grustrag Facility - Iliad Phobos - #59479056


    The sharp tone of the alarm bell rang throughout the Grustrag Facility.


    “Spera ku, hum hut!" (Spread out, find it )


    "Klos do dor, legger te peremeter.” (Close the door, secure the perimeter)


    The heavy alloy doors of the facility slammed into place, bolting themselves shut. Over the sound of the alarm, the Grineer’s hurried footfalls the sound of gunshots is heard echoing from below.


    All is silent.


    “Reporta, reporta! Rraas hut reaar?”(Report, report! Has it died?)


    A blinding light suddenly floods the room, nothing can be seen but white.


    “Hum na kos hut” (Find and kill it)


    The light in the room quickly subsides. One lone Grineer is left standing , it’s armor seems to be made of several pieces of other units.


    The voice of the Lotus is heard resonating throughout the facility.


    “You’re safe now Tenno, we've come to retrieve you”






    Power: 125

    Armor: 65

    Shield Capacity:75

    Sprint speed:1.25

    Stamina: 100

    Polarities:  x4 17px-Ability.png x1 17px-D.png x119px-Bar.png

    Aura polarity: N/A






    Ability 1-Blinding light


    “The Chimera summons a blinding ball of light, that serves only to distract and annoy its pursuers.”


    Equip cost: 0/1/2/3

    Power Cost: 25

    Strength: 200/300/600/800 Health

    Range : 10/20/40/50 meters

    Duration: 10/15/25/30  Seconds

    The Chimera sacrifices a minor amount of energy to create a blindingly-bright sphere, used to distract enemies. Upon casting, a ball of light if thrown out of the Chimeras hand, and will move around for 10/15/25/30 seconds aggravating all enemies within 10/20/40/50 meters from the orb. The ball will act much like a Grineer Hellion, in terms of it’s movement (flying from platform to platform around the room). The light orb will live for it’s preset duration, or until it absorbs 200/300/600/800 damage, and will then explode into a shower of sparks.




    To survive, the Chimera has kept it’s friends close, and it’s enemies closer. By disguising itself as one of the very people hunting it, the Chimera has continually evaded it’s predators”


    Equip cost: 3/4/5/6

    Power cost: 50

    Strength: N/A


    Range: 25/40/50/50 meters

    Duration: 5/10/15/20 seconds


    The Chimera disguises itself for 5/10/15/20 seconds as the enemy currently in the Tenno’s reticle 25/40/50/50 meters away, and proceeds to teleport to that enemies location.  The enemy the Chimera has disguised as is teleported to the Tenno’s previous location and is knocked down, temporarily being targeted by their allies for 5/10/15/20 seconds.


    Ability 3 - Cannibalize


    Sometimes, the only way to leave is the way you came in. When cornered, the Chimera is capable of magnetizing itself and allies, drawing armor onto their frames for protection.


    Equip cost: 6/7/8/9

    Power cost: 75

    Strength: 100/200/300/400 armor increase

               3/5/8/10 enemies knocked down

    -.20 /-.15 /-.10/-.10 frame movement speed (.8 movement speed hardcap)

    Range: 15/20/22/25 meters

                5/7/9/10 meters

    Duration: 7/10/15/20 seconds


    The Chimera uses it’s magnetic abilities to draw the armor of fallen foes onto it’s allies within 15/20/22/25 meters, increasing it’s allies armor by 100/200/300/400. The increase in armor lasts for 7/10/15/20 seconds,and movement speed will decrease by -.20 /-.15 /-.10/-.10(.8 hardcap). Tenno will lose the ability to slide, and will instead be able to dash for distances of  5/7/9/10 meters. As the Tenno dashes (at no cost to stamina) they can knock down 3/5/8/10 enemies in their path.


    Ability 4-Mirage


    “To avoid being captured, the Chimera developed the ability to heat the air around it, causing it’s hunters to hallucinate”


    Equip cost: 10/11/12

    Power cost: 100

    Strength:3/5/7 copies

    Range: N/A

    Duration: 15/20/25 seconds


    The Chimera releases a pulse of heat, which radiates from the frame itself. As the wave spreads out 3/5/7 copies of the Chimera form that look similar to the Loki’s decoys, but have heat waves emanating from them and are capable of moving independently akin to Nekros’ shadows . The copies deal damage based upon the Tenno’s pistols damage. (mods included). These copies will remain on the battlefield for 15/20/25 seconds.






    Concept art:




    Frame - side : 







    Old Ability concepts:






    Old ability 1: Gauntlet 

    Ability 1 - Gauntlet


    “The Chimera is very adept at escaping in close quarters. Being extremely agile, the Chimera can run through crowds of enemies, knocking down all in it’s path.”


    Equip cost: 0/1/2/3

    Power cost 25

    Strength: 3/5/7/10 seconds

    Range: 1.5 / 1.6 / 1.8 / 2.0 meters

    Duration: .75 seconds


    The Chimera charges forward for a distance of 8 / 9 / 11 / 13 meters. If any enemies are within 1.5 / 1.6 / 1.8 / 2.0 of the Chimera while in motion, the enemy is knocked down and will remain on the ground for 3/5/7/10 seconds.


    Old Ability 3 : Fleet foot

    Ability 3 - Fleet Foot


    The Chimera needs great amounts of agility and cunning, as do it’s allies. For it’s own protection the Chimera diverts its own energy into it’s allies, allowing them to move faster, but at a cost.”


    Equip cost: 6/7/8/9 

    Power cost: 75

    Strength: -.30 /-.25 /-.20 /-.15 frame movement speed

                   5% / 7.5% / 12.5% / 25% boost to allies reload, melee, and movement speeds.

    Range: 15/20/22/25 meters

    Duration: 10/11/13/15 seconds


    upon casting Fleet foot, The Chimera will lower it’s own movement speed to .95 / 1 / 1.05 / 1 .1

    but will give a 5% / 7.5% / 12.5% / 25% speed, reload speed and melee attack speed increase to teammates within 15/20/22/25 meters for 10/11/13/15 seconds.

  3. I recently started my clan on the PS4, and have been looking for ways to make my clan unique, but still be able to stay within the boundaries of the game. After a lot of discussing with those in my clan, we have stumbled across an idea that we'd all love to see implemented in the game. As the title would suggest, we'd like to see a true vault and/or banking system implemented into clans, allowing for trading within a clan without the need for platinum.


    These true vaults would be added to the clan dojo, and work somewhat like research rooms but with a few new features. The vaults (or vault as a singular vault would make things easier on everyone) would be built like any other room, but be relatively larger, and have two consoles within the doors,one allowing for research and the other allowing for trading.

    Being the relative size of an obstacle course, the vault room would have to take a somewhat hefty toll on the dojo's storage and energy, as it's functionality would be greater than that of most other rooms. 


    Looking somewhat like a Tenno or Orokin themed librarians desk, or a much more massive trading center, the research desk would be the most prominent location in the room. The research will be mostly focused on capacity, but could be extended to allow for the storage of keys and prime BP's (as those will be available for trade apparently) so clans could have greater customization. Research would become available as clans build newer barracks, or reach different amounts of members, so a small clan of ten couldn't outbalance or rival a clan of one thousand, as the amount of data stored would be a burden on the servers, should every last one of the clans be capable of storing thousands of items.


    The relative amounts as far as capacity to population or barracks is fairly debatable, but it is felt that the capacity for each member should be between two to ten items. The reasoning behind this is that very large clans definitely need a lot of space, but over ten thousand items in a vault would be quite excessive, and would easily lead to deflation within the clan economy. Having a mere two items per person would leave the demand raging out of control, allowing for prices to spike, or for the clans economy to simply fall apart as everyone trades with others outside the clan.


    Leaving off capacity per person, but instead putting capacity on certain groups of items would be the most efficient idea discussed thus far. Say you had a clan of nine-hundred, and had around four-thousand five-hundred capacity in your clans vault. The leader of the clan, or any others that had permissions to access the vaults resources, would be able to set a limit on the certain kinds of items stored. For example:

    Rare Mods:               450

    Uncommon Mods:     420

    Common Mods:         320

    Rare Cores:              510

    Uncommon Cores:    510

    Common Cores:        210

    Prime Weapon BP's: 260

    Prime Weapon Parts:780

    Prime Frame BP's:    260

    Prime Frame Parts:   780


    Having a large capacity seems obscene to any one Tenno, but this setup being for a group of 900 Tenno would make sure that there would always be enough items.


    The other Console would be a console meant for trading, both with clan members and the vault itself. Dependent on the trade system, the vault capacity could be raised or lowered, so as to limit deflation. Looking like a bank of monitors, the trade station would have a smoother interface than that of the current trading kiosk. Should trade directly with clan mates be available, the vault capacity could be lowered, so the clan points (discussed later) could be exchanged directly for a mod. Trading directly with the vault and only the vault would require the larger capacity, so parts could still be regulated, but easily available.


    As mentioned above, the vault trading would function on a system of trading and receiving clan points. The owner of the clan would be the only one allowed to modify clan point values, to their respective categories. Using the categories above, clan point values could be changed for groups of items, or individual items values could be set the number of which determined by research. When an items is deposited into the vault, clan points are credited to the user, and would show up on the top bar of the home screen, next to the credits and platinum, so the tenno's  balance would be easy to find. The total point balance of the vault itself would show up on the consoles within the vault. 


    Should trade be enabled from clan member to clan member, the way of accruing points would remain the same, but they could be traded to other Tenno within the clan for other mods. The mods traded would fall subject to the prices (point-wise) set by the clan owner. Unless, of course, a normal trading kiosk was used.


    For a player to retrieve something from the vaults, the same trade terminal/console will be accessed within the vault rooms, and an option for trading within the vault will be available. A Tenno will be able to select the item he/she is looking for, by scrolling through the categories that are (again) listed above. All categories will have numbers displayed by them, to show Tenno how many items are in that category, as well as by the items themselves, so items can be restocked if the supply runs low.


    The room itself would be similar to the rooms containing supercomputers at the present moment. Banks upon banks of files would be shown traveling off into the distance, with sentinels or drones picking them up and whizzing around with them. Essentially, It would hopefully look like a high-tech library.


    Hopefully, if you've made it this far, you have formulated your ideas and opinions on this topic, and will share them below, all ideas are a warm welcome, as nothing is perfect on it's first go. I personally hope to see a discussion start on this topic, as it's something I've spent a lot of time on (an hour just typing actually, my hands hurt quite badly by now) but you never know, the Stalker could come and finally kill us all.



  4. is there any possibility for me to join?


    name: Kevin Kyo Nightwolf

    age: 19

    Country: Norway.

    Warframe: Loki and Oberon


    Level Loki:19


    Level Oberon: 10


    Prefered arms: Orthos and bow.


    Most used: Orthos, dual ether and KARAK


    dethcube-deth machine rifle


    Why do you want to join:


    this is simple. first of all i triedmaking my own clan. and only got like 5 members so far. and even if i got 20 members, i relize i might not have enough timeto manage this clan and 6 other communities and my 2 jobs at same time xDD + making a dojo alone is a real pain in the neck.

    i got plenty of resources i can help out with.  and i also love playing in the void... but prefere playing with others and not alone.


    :) hope you guys will concider me :)


    PS: my username is kevin_nightwolf



    Can i join? Just started playing for about a week, but i'm playing every night and will be playing loads and loads more.


    PSN name: VanZelluf



    Saryn rank 30

    Loki rank 15


    At the moment my main Warframe is Saryn, i'm building Rhino and want to give that a shot but see where it goes.

    Atm i have a build which focus mostly on being able to taking hits, maybe when caught in a pinch 'Molt' and as finishing touch 'Miasma' .


    If you need anymore information just let me know.


    Best regards,

    You will both be added later today, unless Arkger adds you before I have the chance.

  5. Could you have already unlocked the trophy? I believe that this trophy pertains to kunai as well (may be wrong, so don't quote me). Try looking to see if it's in the trophy directory-thing of for warframe. If you have already checked (which I presume you have, but you never know), then I apologize for getting your hopes up.

  6. So, you'd like the game to be like Red-Dead redemption, but in a massive inter-planetary scale? I personally think that that would be.......




    There is a fine line between Red-Dead and mmorpg's though, which I don't believe warframe could follow. This is that Red dead is based on acquiring new weapons, equipment, and areas, to progress in the story. "What's the problem with that?", you may ask, and it's quite a blaring issue...LEVELS.

    Warframe essentially runs off of the leveling process, which could be achievable for weapons and frames should enemies be close enough. However, your mastery rank would hardly ever go up, so an open Warframe world wouldn't work very well. Unless, of course, the devs want the Weapons to level painstakingly slow.


    Really, the only way around that would be what I've been lead to believe the devs are soon implementing. Having a hub of sorts would permit for interaction, npc's, and no lengthy travel time, yet allow for social interaction. I picture it looking like the clan dojos, only larger and with doors all over the place. I don;t know what your opinion is, but I'd much rather keep the mechanics, and implement a hub, then change the game at it's foundation.

  7. My only problem with the npc mission chains is that I believe warframe would become generic. Sure, the relay system would greatly improve interaction, but I think the star chart makes warframe unique. The chain missions, in my opinion, would turn warframe into one of the many boring quick questing mmorpgs. Does anybody else share my opinion?

  8. If you can use another, I wouldn't mind an invite so I can find some folks to run with on a regular basis.

    Hate to keep you waiting, but I will have to invite you later in the day. However, all hellstone members have invite perms turned on, so any one of them should be able to invite you.

  9. Though I am not in the UK, I will extend an invitation out to you to join my clan, should no others turn up. People are on at just about every hour of the day, and I'm sure we would have somebody with a ping low enough for you to connect. I won't send you an invite for now, as I'd hate to cause a fuss. Reply or pm me if your interested though.

  10. I haven't seen this topic discussed yet, so I'll go ahead and start.


    as far as 25 goes, the button does exist. I haven't seen it on any load out screens but i can confirm that you can set way points using left on the D-pad. Other players may not be able to do this, but so far everyone I've encountered has been able to set way points using that button. Does anyone have anything different when they use default controls and try it?

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