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Posts posted by (PSN)bmulligan

  1. I would gladly invite you to my clan. I will be getting on withing the hour, and would graciously accept you into my clan. I'm actively looking for members and would love for you to join. If you'd like to have an invite now, the Co-owner Jar_Owl may be on, so you could tell him bmulligan sent you if im not quick enough.

  2. Hellstone

    Open Spots: 16

    Hellstone is a new clan, looking for members wanting a friendly playing experience. I hate having clan environments where owners are surrounded by a barrier of prestige, and disregard those deemed “lower”. I prefer to be social with all members of a clan, no matter what their current rank is.


    I will begin by introducing myself, as I believe is is always nice to know someone before you jump into their group


    I am bmulligan, and I am the owner of Hellstone. As stated above, I prefer to have connections will all ranks in a clan, as even the newest of members can be the cleverest of individuals. Though my clan is relatively small, with the right people, I believe Hellstone can become a force to be reckoned with.


    For those of you interested in stats:


    -We’re currently a shadow clan, but were in the process of upgrading our Dojo


    -We're 14 members strong


    -Research rooms are now under construction, and research will soon be started


    -I am active just about every day, and on the occasions when I’m not on, someone else will be online.


    So here’s my pitch:


    I am actively recruiting for my new guild Hellstone. Though we are small, with the right members, I believe that this clan can hit the ground running. If you're interested in joining, you can post below, or contact any of the three members listed above, and you’ll be accepted. I hope to see any and all of those who join in the near future!

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