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Posts posted by JoeyZero

  1. Unfortunately I'm on mobile so it's difficult to produce links. When they were first discussing the Focus System, Steve made the distinction that they were buffs to you TENNO not your Warframe, so they'd apply across all Warframes. Things like that.

    Additionally, at the end of the Limbo Theorem, Ordis urges you to "take more care than the previous Limbo when you occupy that Warframe" which is undeniably an in-game reference to you swapping frames.

    Ah, sorry I misunderstood you originally. Yes, all evidence in the game points to the player controlling one single Tenno who has the ability to switch into and out of different warframes independently, and when operating one warframe that tenno is referred to by the name of the warframe that they're operating. That seems like a pretty cut-and-dry fact from the info that's out there, but there are still a lot of holes in the concept, like how a Rhino operator can fit into a Mag suit. The game is clear that this happens, we just don't have much info so far on how it's done.

    As stated in a comment elsewhere, That's definitely a topic planned for another lore videos. This was a surprisingly large subject to cover, and I found some really interesting info about possible tenno physiology that I'm going to have to break up over the course of several videos.

  2. many comments in-game and from the devs imply that we control a single Tenno, who operates every Warframe. 

    I considered the possibility, but wasn't able to find anything beyond fan speculation to confirm/deny this as a possibility. Can you link any examples?



    However, I have a... different proposal, if you're interested in any sort of... collaboration.

    PM'd ya ;)

  3. Morec0 and ToxicTroublermaker are gonna be mad XD

    *watches video*


    coughs awkwardly


    Though I can't really blame you, we've kinda been slacking in this particular department ourselves... Though don't think we will give up this challenge without a fight.


    *Realizes name*


    This is only getting more and more awkward...


    Oof, I had no idea there was already a podcast titled 'Loreframe'. Sorry. I can come up with something different for future stuffs.

  4. Hey look! Our first lore video!


    I've seen a lot of people ask, and I've seen even more debate over what the Tenno might actually look like under those helmets. I did quite a bit of research about the various quotes and codex entries on the subject, and finally decided to put together a video with my findings, in an attempt to help unify the community over the matter with the all of the info that's CURRENTLY available. As always, if DE reveals any further info about it, I'll likely revisit the topic to include the new content/announcements... But as it stands right now, this is the result we've come to.

    So... Without further ado, I present: Loreframe: Episode 1 - Put your Helmet back on!



  5. So when I finally did my Natah quest, I was really blown away by how the lore was presented. I made this song to try to capture those feels. :3


    [instrumental Version]

    Edit: Whoops! Forgot the download links.
  6. Thanks guys! I don't have any more music planned, but I'm just waiting a bit to see how the response is as to whether or not I should make more, and what I should change in future musics.

    Also... I didn't have time to do anything with it in this one, but I REALLY can't wait to do more work with NikouT's models for these videos in the future, to make it look like one of the frames is actually singing or something.

  7. I've had a lot of this song rolling around in my head for months now, started making it, and then just as I was getting ready to release it as an instrumental, DE announced Infested Nightmare weekend... Perfect timing, right?
    Anyway, Warframe music is something new I'm trying. I hope to get more machinima'ish with the video if I do anything else like this in the future, but... here it is!

  8. You forgotten "I am the PvP skill" users.

    Ahahah, I totally forgot about this one.

    Yeah no. He can color it however he wants.
    I color mine white and black.

    Bingo! Can't feel bad about using the colors you like. But you can't stop people from thinking you look kind of like the stalker. Idk why the stereotype always just seemed stronger with red/black ash than it did with xcal (despite the stalker having an xcal body). You definitely see more Stalker-colored ashes than you do xcals, anyway.

    Neat, you should do one for Loki master race as well.

  9. Here's my entry! Best I could do on short notice.

    (Expect a youtube video to come as well)

    It's mostly speedcore. With a few dubstep'ish elements. Also, I broke out my guitars for this one.

    This song is largely speedcore because I've been on a speedcore tangent lately, and that has ALWAYS been my music of preference when playing warframe because it jives well with how I feel about the game. Also, I wrote most of this about 'shoten no jutsu', which I've read is short for 'the ninja art of wall-running'. Extra-appropriate.


  10. Wow, some of these tunes are really awesome! Quite a few I had to put on repeat for a little while. :)

    As for my entry, I'd like a little bit of clarification, if possible:

    -Are we limited to using the samples in the fansite kit, or can we use samples from the game or download from the wiki? I just want to make sure that my entry doesn't get disqualified if I use these extra sounds.

    -Do the samples in the fansite kit "count" if they have been heavily edited? Chopped, distorted, used with a vocoder, etc?

  11. To those of you going for parkour kills, an interesting note:

    IIRC, there was a school of ninjutsu study devoted to jumping off of trees/high places, and landing on an enemy with shuko/ashiko (hand-to-hand claw weapons). I don't have the book to cite on it (really wish I did), but I just thought it was worth mentioning.

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