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Posts posted by (PSN)PD_33

  1. im sorry they can no longer hide behind the "beta" word when they have no problems taking in the players money. they have packs worth over $100 much more than what most retail games cost. if im paying that much money (which i havent) i expect a well run game.

    its not the internet connection thats causing the problem because the "progress was not saved" and "failed to connect to server" only started happening with this frequency when update 12.4 was released.  people's internet didnt change, the game code changed.


    Telling somebody to "just get over it" when 45 minutes of gameplay, time, loot, and credits are lost is very insensative. if your game constantly lost connection to server and every 3 out of 4 missions your progress wasnt saved you would be upset too.


    i do believe OP should sumbit a support ticket because i did and the people that helped me were very nice and understanding.  still no real fix to the problem but knowing that someone is working on it helps at least.



    Weird isn't it. how can they charge so much money, when its still a Beta. I have no idea how to answer that question other than they have kids to feed like you and me, and bills to pay. They don't want to work for free. They are a game company after all. So they need to somehow support their development.

  2. I believe our current build has it so only T1 keys will have key rewards within the table, currently I think the credit cache reward is still being reviewed if it should stay in or not, we will find out in U13/beyond.


    (Also though resource were taken out of void reward tables in whatever build PC is on right now, but I could be wrong).


    T3 keys are hard to come by, but that is the nature of the beast.. You should find high level survivals for this.. I found a place called Nuovo(Ceres) to be good at T3-2 Key farming.. So yeah, good luck.



    This is general PS4 feedback of the current build.




    I made this post about the performance of the game, I think you can make a post about void drops in the general discussion.


    Your topic name should then have been changed to say Performance issues and this is not the correct forum for this.


    Also my guess is about 50-75% of your performance issues in the void is due to your poor internet connection of either the host or the Client players who are connecting to the host player. The game host that hosts the game, has to have at least Cable or faster broadband connection. If you host on a connection that is like a Shared Cable or DSL or average/below average speeds, it will not support all the data that has to be sent back and forth between the players.


    My conection is 35 mb broadband download with Xfinity and I have no lag in the Void unless I am connected to a Host who has a slow or average internet connection. I also don't experience any disconnect issues at all, and only 1 blue screen since update 12.4 has been released. I play every night for 3-5 hours running Void, Alerts, ODD, High Level Survival on Pluto and High Level Defense on Pluto.

  3. DE Megan

    "Posted 07 March 2014 - 04:57 PM


    Founders Prime Exclusives

    The Founders Program that ran last year has no active plans of being returned to the game. There is continued talk from players about bringing it back, or some aspect of rerelease, but it’s very unlikely to occur. But this always raises the question of what role do exclusive gear, particularly exclusive gear that signifies a moment or milestone in the game’s development play?


    Token items for PS4 to signify the players who have stuck with us since the beginning is an ongoing conversation, and while we don’t have any results to report at this time, we believe it is an important topic to continue bringing up with the team, and are doing just that!"



    You can read that post here: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/191300-march-7th-community-hot-topics/


    I quoted this straight from DE. Nothing since March 7 has been stated on what token items PS4 is getting for players who have stuck since the beginning. Any updates on this from DE would be highly appreciated. As they hardly ever mention PS4, so this is confirmation from them that something Exclusive is coming to PS4, but not sure what?!

  4. We have asked them for this. And they stated that something Exclusive is coming to PS4, but they have not brought up the subject again. So I am guessing they are not going to do anything. DE comment would be appreciated on this.

  5. I am already resigned to this idea, there isn't anything we can do at this point to make them stop from releasing it, so just let them have it. I just hope this won't ruin the in-game economy as bad as it is already...

  6. the disconnect is due to your internet connection man, has nothing to do with Warframe. The blue screen just means you need to reboot yout PS4. Make sure it is in a well ventilated area. If your PS4 stays on for too long, it may need to be rebooted. Its just like a PC, if it overheats it can crash.

  7. I understand "stop the rushers" argument but if you're rushing you're in and out of its range anyway. It only punishes exploration and if you need cover to survive. It's just bad/lazy game design. This game deserves more than some lame mechanic like that.



    I agree. These things fire through walls. They should be fixed or removed completely. But that;s just my 2 cents.

  8. to make rushing a lil more tricky. Those mixed with the phase door things are their attempt at making you pace yourself through missions. 

    Don't like em? use vauban tesla's and teach the arc traps what the originals are capable of 



    Edit: be glad you didn't get the Broken lights at least xD we saved you from that nightmare (we as in the PC testers)



    What broken lights do you refer to? I did not get this part.

  9. bump for more action.


    / = or

    + = plus


    ash - shuriken / smokebomb + bladestorm

    banshee - sonic boom / sound quake + sonar

    ember - world on fire

    excalibur - slash dash + radial blind / javelin

    frost - globe + avalanche

    loki - invisibility + radial disarm

    mag - pull + crush

    nekros - desecrate + shadows

    nova - mprime + antimatter drop

    nyx - chaos + absorb

    oberon - hallowed ground / renewal + reckoning

    rhino - stomp + iron skin

    saryn - miasma

    trinity - blessing

    volt - speed + shield


    I actually like using volts other skills, they are decent. Also Trinity Link skill is OP. Necros has the fear. You missing a lot of great skills.

  10. Because they aren't practicing in the right spot. Find a straight wall, pick a spot in the distance, wall run and shoot at it. Now repeat. I've showed several friends this technique in the void and they've passed. People fail over and over because they try the test, fail, log on to the forums to rage about it, and try again the next day. Or, they use Loki, fail, log on to the forums, rage, and try again the next day. Either way, they go about the normal farming, but don't even seek out a spot to get used to it. As per one of my previous posts in this thread, I'll help anybody who needs it, but I never get messages asking for help.

    I guess my ultimate answer is that people fail because they don't try to use this skill. They're failing because they're not actually practicing.


    BTW I have no issue with test. I already passed it. I was simply giving feedback. If someone wants to do the test differently from how you did it, there is nothing wrong with it.

  11. One, you can go to the Sony store and replenish your plat any time you choose. The option is in the Warframe menu system under Market. Plus you can go directly to the Sony store, bring up Warframe and purchase the plat. Stop with the anger and acting as if you can't move forward because your last two plat has to make it until the next millennium.


    Two, you really have to let it drop. This has become a cancer inside of you, taking over every emotion and viable thought. No one from DE is trying to screw anyone. What if Megan's words were true and DE does make up for it in the next pack? Do you start some suspicious rant about being set up for the next nefarious scheme DE has up their collective sleeves? Just because someone from Sony told you DE is to blame, doesn't mean Sony's word is the gospel, handed down from the stone tablets. No one from any customer service or complaint department on this planet has ever lied to you, just to placate you and send you on your way? 


    Three, if the PC side is so wonderful and caring towards the human race, stop using the PS4 and use the PC to play. Problem solved. Or, stop bluffing and start paying for the Elder Scrolls. Otherwise, that ulcer developing in your abdomen? That's a 'you' problem.


    That's kind of mean dude.

  12. Which is sort of hilarious because all your counter arguments due to being upset about this have been nonsense meant to get people on your side which makes you an enormous hypocrite as well as woefully misguided.


    I have not the energy to deal with being called names. Have a good day sir.

  13. something else the OP may have forgotten is the devs were showing that in their developer style test phase system they use not the real player interface and it just possible they had the gore turned off for whatever reason (its a livestream or the system can't handle all that, could have been the problem last week who knows) you know you can do that... in the settings... turn off the gore... and did you ever think with the buff that melee is getting (yes even the quick strikes look to be getting a buff) you might be doing as much or more damage with a quick strike then you did with your oh so fabulous charge attacks? don't knock it till you try it. geezz talk about needing some cheese with their whine...

    I just think that keeping something like this so well hidden till last minute to announce you are removing charge attacks, thats not right. And they should have warned us this would happen. One of my favorite things about Warframe is being removed, and I cannot but feel strongly disappointed.

  14. But...


    Some of us don't die. 


    .. Ever


    OP Builds ftw



    Lol, and all that you do is run around all day in your OP build, never switching or trying anything new. I have an OP build too. Check Rankings I was number 1 last week on T3 survival in PS4.

  15. Wait... You actually lose those?



    Yea I do, and I see veteran players lose them all the time. For example, when you are leveling a new frame or weapon, or formaing(if there is such a word) misfiring penta, or ogris. Having someone run in front of you while firing Ogris. It happens.


    Also sometimes if you get knocked down, by high level enemy and you lose control of your character on passed 30 minutes on survival, it happens to the best of us. Don't pretend you don't die at all. That's just silly.


    I have last week T3 Survival record on PS4. Lookup rankings if you don't believe me.

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