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Posts posted by Pate8

  1. I have seen Radiation + Toxic recommended a few times recently also, assuming you aren't running 4x CP of course.

    I'd take Radiation only if the team doesn't have enough crowd control... Viral works because it scales infinitely with health (or until the base damage of the weapon isn't enough to affect the final 50% of health).

  2. It is quite annoying to redo all the builds that have a cold elemental mod in them, and it was nice to have them cost less considering the D polarity slot is kind of a fifth wheel on primaries and secondaries.

    But yes, they changed all the cold mods to +90% in a recent patch, and if I had to choose between how it was before that and how it is now, I'd rather have all of the elemental mods cost the same and do the same. It makes modding less confusing overall.

    5th wheel is an understatement, but I can imagine how many builds this change would break, but yeah, we knew this was coming.

  3. I wasn't playing Warframe when Excalibur was nerfed for Viver, but how does the current nerf compare to the previous Viver (-gate) nerf?


    While we're on the topic of "Line of Sight" and "in-camera view" abilities, me mind as well talk about other abilities, such as (off the top of my head):


    Excal Radial Blind

    Loki Radial Disarm

    Mesa Peacemaker

    Saryn Miasma


    +++ Other abilities too.


    For reference, Viver (-gate) is summarized as such by DE_Steve: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/345295-vivergate-vent-radioactive-gas-yn/#entry3857074

  4. As an update, I'll just summarize what happened.

    The item could not be restored because the logs indicate that nobody got the item. AHHHHHH!

    I expected something like this would happen. Anyways, I haven't checked the other posts yet to see if this is still a reoccurring problem with void rewards in the current update.

  5. I finished both parts on my first try with my max efficiency and max range radial blind Excalibur.

    Part 1:

    - 2 x perma-invis Lokis

    - 1 x Valkyr

    - I was the only player who died, and I died 3 times.

    For Part 2, a Rhino dropped out of the game at round 5 of 10, but essentially it was:

    - 1 x Radial Disarm Loki

    - 1 x Rhino (he left at round 5)

    - 1 x Zephyr

    - We also deployed 1 x Rhino + Boltor Prime Spectre and 1 x Lancer Eximus.

    - We each died between 3 to 5 times.

    It was fun, but kind of time-consuming on the second part of the alert.

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