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Posts posted by (PSN)da-link-went-1

  1. There are many many people who don't understand spawn mechanics and don't want or care to learn.

    They are only concerned with the yellow numbers in the box after extraction. They also probably wonder how people go 45-60 minutes plus in survival.

    I think part of it is some people's inability to teach new players. Some of it is new players who don't care to learn. Some of it rests on DE shoulders, for not helping players understand how things work from Jump Street.

  2. Yes, and with a free slot.

    Awesome. I main a latron prime and I can't wait for the wraith. They seem like they both have their minor differences and strengths.

    Use what you like. I personally, can't stand the pew pew pew of my latron prime so I'm really looking forward to the wraith version. If I pull the trigger and bodies drop I won't have any problems with it.

  3. Yeah I read what you said.... I think you need to wait a minute. PC to ps4 transfer happened, so why wouldn't migration to xbox happen? When it does happen, I'm sure it will be a limited time thing.

    Actually rereading your OP, I think my response is valid. Wait a little bit and I'm sure DE will comment on account migration for Xbox.

  4. A lot people on PC think we get this polished product that "they" have tested. They've found all the bugs and issues and we just get to sit fat dumb and happy with this awesome new update. This is not the case.

    We still deal with issues. Psn misses tons of crap with their cert. I try and give feedback, but I feel like it falls on deaf ears and sometimes I just don't know where to post. I.E U14 shows us flying into grineer ships when void missions are starting. Why are we flying into grineer ships? This annoys me but I have no clue where to put this feedback, and I don't have any confidence that it will be paid attention to even if I did post it.

  5. Sounds like someone got a warning point, but anyways, on topic....

    Mirage was a time wall not grind wall. Join any PUG with 3 other people in recruiting. Run 5 ode's and you get your 5 ciphers %100 of the time. Barring total noobage, like someone not having a key equipped.

    Hydroid, yeah farming him sucked. Still not as bad as loki prime though.

    If running 5 missions in a row is a grind for you, be glad you didn't run the breeding grounds operations.

  6. the PS proved it couldn't happen, I wouldn't hold out any hope.

    It did happen. Don't listen to this ^ guy.

    Anyway, give it time. And if you really want to migrate pay attention.

    It seriously was only available for a hot minute. So if you snooze you lose. Nah meen?

  7. Seems like everyone that spawns with a kubrow had a waypoint on the map that marks their kubrow. same as when you mark a module or an enemy.


    Is this intentional? I think it's quite distracting.

  8. 1.  Wasting a forma on Saryn's Aura slot. Thought I was going to get the jump on everyone with a melee contagion build when I heard Melee 2.0 was going to hit PC. Low and behold melee 2.0 hits ps4 and {imho} it is still not viable. 30 lvls and a forma down the drain. 


    2.  I have 460 hours in game, the only things  I'm missing the braton prime barrel, and the brakk barrel and receiver. I kinda feel like I might have blown through some content when I should have focused more on enjoying the game instead of "acquiring all the things"


    3. I don't regret it yet but forma'ing the Eff out of Nyx. I main her and it's going to burn a little bit when her Prime shows up.

  9. Scaling 1600 armor where ?


    I just read the release notes for 14.1, It just says he got  rebalanced. I haven't tried farming 11th storm yet so I didn't realize he had gotten buffed. I stand corrected.

  10. You dont need 4 man corrosive aura really unless you are facing lvl 500 heavy grienners and you dont have any corrosive weapon and yeah try to do lephanthis full party and see how all you damage is reduced to 90% without CP.


    I have no problem soloing lephantis wouitht CP.


    Fatpig also stated that if you wanted to attempt "endgame modes" that you're going to need 4 CP's. His assesment is correct.


    If you want to make all the aura mod point bonus's the same then what would be wrong with making them all rank 3's?  Same logic right?

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